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Posts posted by nodnarb

  1. never ceases to amaze me how some people read a blurb or a stat line and start whining about how this means we should have taken X and not Y; that X was the better fit for our scheme and Y is a bust.


    Armchair scouts abound, yet they are always irrelevant.

  2. I can't believe how many people are misreading that Felser blurb. It's about how things have changed in the NFL, especially in regard to concussion awareness. Felser is painting it as a shock to the old school ways. His title is misleading and incorrect.


    But "misleading and incorrect" is typical of Felser. Seriously, the guy should retire and let better writers and thinkers do his job.

  3. We're farther away than that. It's more than plugging in spots. The problem is we have a losing culture now, and it manifests itself in lack of focus (penalties), mistakes (lack of situational awareness) and a subconscious expectation that something bad is going to happen, it's just a matter of time. And voila, something does happen. Lately it has been our special teams that have nailed the coffin shut. Edwards' regression is on the coaching staff. The failure of our gameday tactics is on the coaching staff. Fumbles? I always put those on the players, but their lack of accountability? That's on the coaching staff.


    Ralph shouldn't expect anything to change in his lifetime until he brings in somebody who knows how to turn around a football team, and quickly. The best, most proven person for this, with a 100% track record, is Bill Parcells. I hope he'd consider it - I understand his contract is flexible. But would Ralph pay? Well, he has been getting what he has paid for to date.

  4. Yeah it's the marketing guy's fault. Fire him and we'll be fine.





    Pay attention, a-hole. He WAS the marketing guy. Now he's the GM. It starts with the personnel choices made - we've had three fumbles in critical situations cost us games, and we have ZERO depth at tackle. The guys we have playing tackle wouldn't be hired by anybody else. See Walker not on a team and Chambers having cleared waivers. What does that tell you?

  5. Don't even have to make any points or observations. It's over.


    With any hope, Ralph knows what has here, (front office/coaching staff/several players) and blows the entire thing up.


    If you give up 23 yards of passing and lose, you have the wrong people running your offense, period.


    I've been a defender of Trent, but for some reason, he's not the same guy he seemed to be. He's chronically late to pull the trigger.


    Wait! I'm making observations, and observations aren't necessary....


    Hey, at least we have the Sabres.

  6. I think every Bills fan would agree that the biggest mistake Ralph ever made was firing Bill Polian. We would have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT history from that point forward.


    What do you think the odds are that that course of history would have been a better one?

  7. move on for fuque's sake...


    Watch Peters work in his 1st game with the Eagles (they are McNabb highlights).


    I think he looked damn good, especially on the Westbrook (long) run and his touchdown run...watch his blocking, he does not give up. I also think, in those limited highlights, his footwork and use of hands, is awesome. The guy is a stud and belonged at the Pro-Bowl...and in my opinion, deserved to be paid as a Top/Elite LT of the game.


    On the 1st play(.06), he blocks his guy, pushes the other, and allows McNabb to buy some time for Jason Avant.


    Second play (.20), he is not involved. But, he is ready and he moves. Third play (.30), he maintains his block.


    Watch the play at .47 seconds. He gets his initial block, then seals off to take on another rusher. A+ on technique.


    Again, on the play at 1:00, he drops back and pushes his guy out of the pocket/play...allowing McNabb to run. A+


    NOW...the play at 1:14, he gets his block, McNabb throws the INT to Beason, Peters could not have stopped that by blocking him. Had Peters blocked Beason, he would have gotten an "Ineligible Receiver Downfield" penalty. But, he sees the play happen, relentlessly tracks down Beason (a fast LB), and ends up making the tackle. FRICKIN' A FRICKIN' +!


    McNabb's TD run at 1:48, Peters takes his guy out of the play with a solid block. It was not HIS fault McNabb got hurt.


    * And when Julius Peppers got his sack, he was on the right side...so it was not on Jason Peters.



    Folks, I am sorry, but he looked very good. I know it is only 1 game, but he is an Elite Left Tackle...and we let him slip away. We should have treated him better and just paid the guy. We had the money, and a YOUNG "Franchise" Quarterback, who is fragile. If we kept him AND still did what we have done with the Offensive Line, we would be solid.


    I have always been a fan of his, I wanted the Bills to get him coming out of Arkansas and I have said this long before now. I don't like the things he has said up to now, but I still want to see him succeed. I would compare the situation and my feelings about it, with the Mike Peca situation. I know many people hate the guy, but just admit he is good.




    ***There are a few videos of """EEELITE""" Left Tackles who didn't look so good on Sunday.

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