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Posts posted by nodnarb

  1. Hey you're missing two picks. Might as well add some icing.


    I like your first two rounds. Don't know enough about the other guys.


    I certainly hope we can get an impact NT - someone who can get the job done early and not have to grow into the position and finally get good at it when his rookie contract is about to expire.


    Dan Williams and T Cody are 1 and 2 in the 34 nose category in most of the respected bits I've read.

  2. Who the hell cares what these has-beens and wannabes and douchebags have to say? When have their words ever been the paragon of football knowledge and insight?


    Seriously, big freaking deal. All they ever do is stroke the big market teams.


    Case in point: They hire and pay a guy to speak and he uses the expression "the verdict is out".


    The world is overrun with idiots.

  3. I don't believe Kelsay is even a candidate to play OLB. They paid the roster bonus because they're going to trade him sometime during or after the draft - most likely for another player or a 4th & 7th type of valuation. Anyone who needs a solid and reliable (but unspectacular) LDE for their 43 system will likely consider him.


    We know that Greggg likes him a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised if he were traded to the Saints for their DLine depth.



  4. More positives then negatives for sure with this hire if it came to fruition . IMHO, the Bills could do much much worse which is probably where we as fans all are headed..= the much worse hire ! Just like to see some responses and why ..change it up a bit . <_<


    This is the kind of thinking, or rather non-thinking, that makes this place insufferable sometimes.

  5. I've often feared that "glory days" players would be pulled in for such roles, as if they had any real ability beyond appeasing a few fans who want to live in that past.


    If Thurman is made a scout, Nix's credibility will suffer. He should be stocking us with proven talent, not feel good picks as some homage to the past.

  6. Funny topic title.


    I like Lynch. But he needs some re-schooling because he's dancing too often in the backfield.


    Any Bills fan who does not love Freddy Jackson must be either blind or the embodiment of pure evil. The guy is just unreal - hits the hole, great burst, slippery as hell, smart, tough as nails, moves the pile, makes them miss, never takes a penalty, great hands, never fumbles, solid in blitz pickups, never complains, model teammate, all on the cheap from a guy that probably wouldn't even be playing in the league had it not been for the Bills.


    Freddy would be a starter on most teams, even good ones like the Colts or Saints or Pats.


    I'd go as far as to say that he has been our best and most consistent player on all sides of the ball, with the only real competition coming from Kyle Williams, Jairus Byrd, McGee when healthy, and maybe Schobel.

  7. Our situation at tackle is the #1 reason we suck. Bigger than Trent being disappointing, bigger than the offensive scheme being largely leftovers from a fired man. The tackles are making the entire line look bad which is sad when you consider that our new interior is playing extremely well and our 2 rookie guards are clearly the long term keepers we've been clamoring for ever since TD came in and decided a new patchwork, revolving-door line would suffice each year.


    Butler's injury was huge. Not bringing in a veteran at LT was huge.


    Bell looks promising but he should be learning, not starting. He doesn't have the mental aspects of the game.


    Granted, roscoe's fumble and mckelvin's fumble would have otherwise likely resulted in a 5-3 record to this point, but hey. A loss is a loss is a loss and there will be more in store in the coming Sundays.


    Chin up: The Sabres are really, really good, and they will likely be the team to bring a championship to Buffalo, if there ever is a championship in Buffalo.

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