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Posts posted by nemhoff

  1. I am out in Portland, OR and on the local sports talk this afternoon they had a segment dedicated to ESPN Sports Science director (forgot his name). He detailed a study that they do each year on the top 32 draft prospects from each position. They put them through a battery of tests, metric type tests, to evaluate them based on a formula way different then combine type stuff. Real nerdy stuff.


    They end up grading out the prospects based on these tests. For QB's I remember a few of the categories (release point, velocity, decision making, and a bunch of physical/explosiveness tests). It was really interesting what they came up with for results. The most striking was that they have not missed (in 4 years) in predicting top talent positionally. For example they correctly identified the last 3 Defensive rookie prospects (Suh, Von Miller, and Keuchly).


    He flat out, without reservation, said that EJ was far and away the best QB in this class, and it wasn't even close. He applauded the Bills pick and where they took him. They had EJ score a 90 which put him between Andy Dalton and Big Ben, who have also taken the SS tests.


    I read somewhere on the board that the draft is about managing where you take players in different rounds. I completely disagree - I think it is about getting the best player at a position of need (when you are a team like the Bills). I think we absolutely did that with the EJ pick...here's to hoping that SS is right for another year!

  2. Hammersticks, Portland and Seattle are such cool cities..very different from the east coast (I grew up in the Cuse). I would leave a day just to check out the coffee shops, music stores, and simply walk around...Also I am sure that there is a cool "pub tour" like they have here in Portland. Prepare for the NW mellow my friend, people out here drive 10 below the speed limit and quit work at 3:30!

  3. I live down in Portland, but have enjoyed Seattle a bit over the past 10 years. El Gaucho steakhouse is unbelievable...expensive but a real treat. Excellent food and excellent service as well. I haven't personally been to it but I hear that the rock and roll museum is pretty cool as well (sort of on the south part of the city). If you had a vehicle I would also recommend a drive out on the olympic peninsula - it is beautiful

  4. I just texted my person to get an update, and they told me that Southy did not board the team bus to Philadelphia this afternoon. Said there may have been a "snag." This does not necessarily mean that he isn't going to play tomorrow, but it certainly isn't encouraging news. Sorry if I jumped the gun on this one, but I still have my fingers crossed :thumbsup:


    BTW...did anybody know that Southerland has a severe problem with flatulence? Just found this out today....pretty funny.


    If he wasn't on the bus then it is highly unlikely that he will play. Bummer

  5. Not going to the game, but I have a friend making the trip over from DC for the game. He said there is a consortium of Cuse fans pre-post gaming at McFadden's. Also, FWIW I'm hearing rumors that Southerland will be reinstated for tomorrow's game. I don't have a link....just the word around the campfire ;)


    I would love to know who your "sources" are because you are normally spot on with Cuse bball news

  6. Finally was able to see the SU/SDSU game. It was almost unwatchable between the sun, camera angles, and sloppy play.


    I don't think I can read anything into that game.


    Exactly, hope that they don't do that again anytime soon. No reason to leave the dome until January...I don't care what Gottlieb says about it

  7. I think that it is really tough to get an kind of accurate gauge of the team from this game. The conditions were terrible, even hard to watch on TV because of the wind and the sun. A few of my thoughts -


    1. Need to see more Coleman, not sure why he got the early hook in both halfs

    2. MCW needs to slow down and let the offense develop, he seemed to be pressing/hurrying and it created a lot of TO's

    3. Triche is a beast, he will have the ball at the end of games this yeaer

    4. Xmas and all our bigs looked enormous out there and controlled the paint

    5. So many foul calls, and not many for the Cuse

    6. SDSU has a very athletic team, they will be good this year especially in the conference they play in. But the Cuse made them look terrible - we have a talented team and Jimmy needs to be the one to put that together and make it work.

    7. I hope this is the last game Cuse plays on a boat...get back to the dome.

    8. Seth Davis commented on twitter that a bunch of scouts noticed Coleman as being the most NBA ready prospect from either team in practices this week - thought that was interesting.

  8. Boy Coleman looks good. I do worry that he lets people by so he can get a block but it's preseason and he has some maturing so I'm not to concerned yet.

    As for the Noel story, I was amazed about 5-6 years ago I finally started having enough money to not sit in the 300s and to see Boeheim's interactions with his players, he's kind of a dick lol. He is non stop yelling sometimes to the point of stomping his feet. Seems that some players end up in the dog house and have a very hard time working out of it. That said he is a great coach I just was taken aback from his mannerisms as I never had noticed. My perspective really changed when I could see what I wanted and not what the cameras showed. Now I attend at least 10 games a year bc it is so much better than tv!


    He must be different in the locker room and practice. How much of an ass kicking do you think Scoop received over the 6 years he played?

  9. He was looking at Syracuse because he is friends with Carter Williams. I was at the game he attended and sat a row behind him (and his huge flat top). Boeheim went ballistic on Carter Williams who proceeded to yell back at him and Hopkins had to separate them. Talked to my friends who watched on TV and they never mentioned it as it was during a timeout and probably commercial. Anyway Noel left immediately after this happened (knew he wasn't coming as soon as I saw his reaction) and it also was when Carter Williams picked up his spot on the bench for the rest of the season.


    That is interesting about Noel. He seems like a huge talent that comes with a huge ego. And if we can keep Coleman for more than a year than I would rather have that anyway. I love the start of SU basketball because it takes away the sting of 12 years of Buffalo bills losing. It is about this time of year that they have played their way out of relevance.

  10. Pooj, I am pumped for Sunday to see Xmas and Coleman on the floor together. I cannot believe Coleman's size for a Frosh.


    On a side note, I caught that UK all access on espn and was completely impressed with Nerlens Noel. So wish we could have gotten that one and done.

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