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Posts posted by nemhoff

  1. Cotton,


    I too just had a baby, my third, last week...I actually didn't have it but my wife did an amazing job. Get ready for another amazing blessing in your life. I will, and I do mean that - not just saying it, pray for you tonight. I will pray for provision to you and your family in terms of finances, a new job, and most importantly a healthy mom and baby.

  2. We need, among other things, OT and DT - usually picking at 9 would get you an elite prospect at one of those positions (maybe second best off the board). Not this year, most mocks have something like this ahead of us:



    McCoy (DT)






    How unlucky are we that potentially 6 of the top 8 teams in front of us are drafting at our greatest need? I looked back over the last decade of NFL drafts and only one year, 2002 comes close to that many at OT/DT being taken off the board (at 5). Reminds me of the year that we desperately needed a RB, and just 2-3 spots in front of us the Vikings take AP. We get Marshawn. :lol:


    I would love to know if there has ever been an NFL draft that 6-7 of the top ten picks were OT/DT

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