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Posts posted by nemhoff

  1. I really like Nata from Oregon, he is huge, quick and strong. PW, the second coming. I think that our first three rounds should be:


    Round 1 - OT

    Round 2 - DT

    Round 3 - CB

    Round 3 (Titans) - OG


    If the draft is as deep as I hear, I say we go Nata (Nada?) - certainly not a zero :lol: , and then go Oline.

  2. Boy I would like to see the Bills win, but I think that we get out-coached and run all over again. It will sting a little more because it is primetime and we'll have to wait all day to see it happen.


    I say we score on our opening drive and then put up 2 more FG, and lose 28-13. Can't have faith in them until they prove it to me.

  3. The real question that should be asked (if you can hold your breath and not critsize TD for a second) is why could seattle not get a 2nd for alexander?  And why could Indianapolis not get a 2nd for James, yet we got a 3rd for Henry?



    Thank you Jim Bob, the market will set the price, please continue to teach these you posters.

  4. Could there be a better time to post the BIG 100? Let's go Buffalo!! I believe that the key stat of the day will be converting our offensive third downs. Second key stat is getting Willis over 100 against a tough run d. And third, getting off the field on 3rd down - no more freakin stupid penalties.


    Oh, and go Sabs - looking pretty good early, although I have not seen them live, it is refreshing to see a little offensive firepower in Buffalo.

  5. Nope. The reason to build a new stadium is for luxury boxes, etc. that have little or nothing to do with the average fan. They had a really hard time selling the luxury boxes that were built opposite the big screen; I don't see how building more will make businesses and buyers that can afford such luxuries magically appear in the WNY region. Where they get the money is regular ticket sales; and to this tune, the Ralph is one of the biggest-capacity stadiums (and the refurbishing several years ago actually cut a couple thousand seats).


    Until the Ralph starts deteriorating beyond repair in maybe 20-30 years, the team would move before a new stadium is built. If the economic vitality of the team depends on a serious inflow of stadium-generated capital, people need to face facts that the numbers every other team crunches for how much more they'll make w/ a new stadium just don't apply to the WNY region.



    Uconn, Where's the fro bro? Bring it back because the new dude in the avatar just ain't cuttin it.

  6. Fair enough. At least you agree that part of the blame goes to Glenn and that the TEAM screwed up. Was it Julius Jones or Drew or Terry Glenn that gave up two long TD's on defense in a 2 minute span? I don't think so.


    We at TSW love to scapegoat. We'd scapegoat Kelly, RJ, Flutie, Drew, etc. when there was a loss. Failing to see the forest for the trees, I think.  :doh:



    RB, I don't blame Drew as much as others for our inabilities last year and certainly don't put the scapegoat on him. Honestly, at the TB game, I was missing him a bit watching JP look like a deer in the headlights. Drew would have been a ton better in Buffalo with a more capable pass blocking Oline.


    I don't blame any offensive player for the 2 TDs late in the game tonight, but there was something about that last drive and DB wilting in a very familiar way that reminded me of so many late game drives (see Pats at Buffalo last year). Also, all the sacks that Brunell took early in the game sooooo reminded me of Bledsoe last year

  7. I'm glad he's gone.  Dude can throw the rock, but he is a statue back there.  Our line was unable to give him the extra time to gaze at the entire field prior to tapping the ball and putting it in the air.


    I also have a problem with our receivers' inability to get open.  These guys have all the talent in the world, why can't they get open?


    I was thrilled the Cowboys lost.  Schadenfroid, I think it's called.  Joy at another's misery.  I don't want Bledsoe lighting it up while his replacement looks like a replacement.



    TC, good call. I thought that both he and Brunell threw really good looking long passes, Drew can still throw a nasty, tight, and accurate long pass. The game has changed though and a good throw needs to be coupled with some legs to move!

  8. I love these posts!  :D


    He was about to be hit, and hits an open receiver who ran a 3-yard route on 4th and 4. CLEARLY that's Bledsoe's fault.  :doh:


    I'm not a Bledsoe apologist, but you Bledsoe-bashers really are myopic.  :doh:



    Rat-Boy, with all due respect, Glenn was an idiot for running a short route. But there are at least 3 and probably 4 other receivers on the field and that IS Drew's fault for throwing the ball (I don't think that his receiver made him throw it) to the wideout that is short (or even close) of the sticks.


    Oh, and I am neither pro or anti Bledsoe. I like the guy and was getting ready to post a "good game and good luck" thread about him. But he was not able to get the job done at the end of the game, as with the rest of his team.

  9. Bledsoe looked good for the better part of that game, and I think that he looked pretty good against the Chargers too. A decent Oline makes a world of difference.


    But, alas, we see the old Drew that frustrated us so badly over the past few years. On 4th and four, Drew throws a three yard in. Game over. Where have we seen that? Passing to a receiver short of the yard marker. Good luck Cowboy fans, you can't beat the skins on your field...get ready for a long 14 weeks

  10. Yes, thank you FIC, let's move one. The Bills have another real test next week. I don't think that the Eagles game was a fluke. From what I saw the Seattle O Line was unreal. This leads me to believe that we have a great potential to struggle because our Oline pretty much sucked yesterday.


    Something that I would like to see corrected next week is that we "take it to" our opponent. We were clearly overmatched in intensity all day long against the Bucs. They pushed us around and we let them. We did not "power" run at all, and basically let them dictate the game to us. Much the same that we did to the Texans a couple weeks back. But again, our Oline has to show up. And JP has to settle down and make throws on target. Maybe he should watch some tape on Kyle Orton and see how a "rookie" should play

  11. Unfortunately I think the Bucs will have the right scheme and JP will come back down to Earth, and will have some turnover that will be a decisive factor.  Cadillac will give the Bucs the edge in time of possession.


    Tampa - 23

    Buffalo - 13



    Pasta, are we not factoring in Willis into TOP?

  12. Given that HOU's offense fell into the toilet, had a relative few amount of runs, inaccuracy and drops from their passing game, I'd reserve judgement on any D-lineman until a few games transpire. :(



    Speaking of dropped passes, did you see the Carr throw that hit Bradford in the back of the shoulder? Man, I would have ripped the WR a new one if I threw a seam pass dead on and he wasn't even turned around, AND, it hit him on the shoulder. Kind of a snapshot of the day for the Texans. 0:)

  13. Mularkey's strategy for this team played out beautifully yesterday, watching the Texans D wear down in the middle of the 2nd and into the 3rd was amazing. Willis continued to chunk off runs and they slowly got longer and longer.


    It is refreshing to see a team and a coach actually have a high level of conviction and strategy, and be patient enough to stick with it. Mularkey's formula for victory seems so much more simple that the previous 10 years of bad coaches on our team: keep the safeties back with the pass, and run-run-run. When the safeties are up pass them back into coverage and then get back to the run.


    Why was that so hard for killdrive?


    I would like to see better production and efficiency in the red zone. We seemed to get bottled up pretty easily as we got close to the endzone (penalties didn't help either). IMHO, if we are to win these out-of-division games and put ourselves into a playoff position, we gotta score 7 on more of those trips.

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