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Posts posted by nemhoff

  1. As the cream of free agency continues to be skimmed by our neighbors on the south end of the lake, I cannot believe the new lows this organization continues to reach.

    First, Mike Sherman passed over for a plain vanilla coach with limited capabilities.


    Second, management fails to dump Moulds and his outrageous salary; Levy must still have visions of the Miami playoff game dancing in his head.


    Third, the FA bell goes off and all we sign is a tight-end with the same abilites of the guy we cut a couple of days ago.


    What is next, Mel Kiper ripping us for taking some 3 round project in the 8th spot because the kid was highly recommended to Marv by the Don Bibbe speed camp?


    This regime has gotten off to about as good a start as the new democracy in Iraq. I can see that the only thing I have to look forward to next season is a potential lesbian scandal with the cheerleading squad.


    Good Luck True Believers, your going to need it!



    ptp, take a hit and chill


  2. I think TO will have to come to a team like the Bills, although it won't be the Bills. And this talk of having him on our team is probably the same BS that Eagle fan was saying before he got there.


    Didn't really pan out all that well. Stay away and let him pout somewhere else, if the guy can't like McNabb, how well do you think he does with Waterboy?

  3. Just a friendly reminder that this season isn't over until its over.  We're only two games behind the Patriots with five games left to play!


    It all starts this week, where we go for our second consecutive sweep of the Fish.    Win on Sunday, and even if the Pats beat the Jets, we'll get New England next week for a chance to pull within one game. 




    ...and the Bills keep losing games!

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