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Posts posted by realtruelove

  1. 9 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    Nationally, the number of patients in ICU has barely budged and the % of patients in ICU as a % of overall hospitalizations is WAY down.


    less than 4% of US hospital capacity is currently covid.


    7% of baseline ICU is.




    This is great news.  We're starting to see the effects of better treatment methods and medicines.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Big Blitz said:

    Michigan Governor Whitmer: Health Professionals Must Be Trained On Implicit Bias


    "Michigan state officials report that the black population in the state, which comprises 14% of the state’s population, has experienced 30% of all coronavirus cases and 40% of coronavirus deaths.."






    That's not implicit bias or racism Governor


    You going to start advising actual policy that may help these people----like Vitamin D.  Or should we just keep mask shaming?  


    I would wager that if we got everyone to monitor their Vitamin D levels and supplementing we could cut the cases in half.  I have yet to hear any public official promote anything that would enable a person to better fight the virus with their own immune system by promoting a good diet, exercise, and controlling their weight.  That would be too offensive.  

    • Like (+1) 3
  3. 34 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    I don't know WTF is going on in NJ. Cases are super low, deaths are very high. So many inconsistent data points throughout this. The numbers don't lie but nor do they tell the clearest tale. 

    There has to be some clue or clues regarding NJ and the high deaths.  Is there something unique about the environment, the makeup of that population?  Any common threads with those dead?


  4. Both grandparents on my mom's side came from Sicily via Ellis Island.  Great grandparents on my father's side came from Scotland.  All become citizens the legal way.  My Sicilian grandparents raised 8 children and my grandfather was a barber in downtown Buffalo.  My great grandmother from Scotland had 21 children and my grandfather was her youngest.  My father once said to my great grandmother, "You must have really loved grandpa to have 21 children"  Her response..."I hated the son of a B word."

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, 123719bwiqrb said:


    Brace for shoshin's "we'll see where we're at in two weeks" and jrober's end of the world proclamations tomorrow when the Tuesday death numbers get released.

    It's fascinating when real data comes out.  Based on current trends it appears that we have found much more effective treatment and the surge in cases means people are taking advantage of testing, making herd immunity more of a reality.  Regardless, life goes on and when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  God Bless America.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, DrW said:


    Nobody can prevent you from listening just to voices confirming your point of view.

    The facts speak for the themselves.  It's in the data.  It's no accident that deaths are down even though cases are up.  Doctors don't listen to trolls on message boards or MSM.  Doctors prescribe medicine that will help their patients and they adjust their strategy as they learn.  Thank goodness.   

  7. Once we have a "vaccine" that's probably only going to be 40% effective, everyone will feel confident to go out again.  Big pharma will be making a ton on money and all MSM will trumpet how it's over, we can carry on with our lives.   One positive from the increased cases is that we are one step closer to herd immunity.  Last time I looked, we are all going to die of something.  "Get busy living or get busy dying"  God Bless America.

  8. 17 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

    She's one of the few real journalists out there. She called things as she saw them regardless of political ramifications. Back maybe a year ago she switched from Fox News to CBS. There was another real journalist that did the same thing about that moment in time (I forget who) but I can remember thinking that maybe CBS was trying to become more objective. 

    Who is the other real journalist that jumped to another network?

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    It is a shame that DR, who has done yeoman work here and deserves our own Pulitzer Prize, has been what I presume put on vacation for a month. If it was because of any interaction with Gary or Warren or Peaceout, etc. who is the original lowlife clown and bitchmudgeon then it is even more of a shame. I can remember a time when we were somewhat more moderated here and a poster from the past who has just recently returned, claimed that he was about to get banned. Although his politics were diametrically opposed to those of us who are considered on the right, most every one of us posted strong objections to him suffering a ban just because his opinions were asinine. We strongly objected to any gag being placed on free speech.@Gene Frenkledo you remember that and how do you feel about this matter today?


    I don't know what DR did but it seems way out of character for him to have done anything deserving a ban. I have noticed that a few newer posters here have ganged up with a few of the older posters and incessantly stalked and harassed DR. Somehow something just doesn't feel right. 

    I could see this coming for the last 30 days.  DR was baited, hooked and gutted by the mob of trolls that frequent this board, especially the newer posters.  Make no mistake, this was an organized effort to take him down.  They were/are hired hands.  Imagine how deep the evil runs, when things like this happen on a message board.  Free speech is a powerful thing and they know it, so they do anything they can to silence it.  For every vocal DR out there, there a 100 more just as passionate about this cause, just not as vocal.  Let freedom ring and God Bless America.

    • Like (+1) 4
  10. 20 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    I like DR, but he was trending down lately, so I'm not surprised this happened. It was noticeable that the PPP was getting to him.


    Most of the posters in this forum just feed off the sensationalism and can't have a worthwhile discussion. DR is one of the good ones and I'll be happy if he comes back.

    Trends are like warts.  The content of your character is what you should be proud of.  I for one, believe that censorship and measuring anything based on a "trend" is so trendy.

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