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Posts posted by realtruelove

  1. 14 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Would be great. 


    I'm hoping it's late in the week to allow for further indictments to come out before he's interviewed so that he's completely boxed in.

    Or it could be just the opposite, indictments come out shortly after the interview so he's completely boxed in.  Based on how loony the trolls are lately, I'd say we're getting real close.

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  2. 9 hours ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:


    For an anesthesiologist --   you seem unaware that that drug can cause death. 


    It's a FAKE cure.


    What do they call them again placebos?     Oh wait placebos are supposed to be harmless.


    So which line are you on Alien DNA or Demon sperm?  



    What are you worried about?  Nobody will force you to take it.  Put your mask on and cross your fingers.

  3. 3 hours ago, shoshin said:

    The point can be made on a different day in a different way. It was the exact same thing the other guy did with Cain’s death, where other elites and leaders followed another set of behaviors *that you agree with* to a different outcome. 

    A bunch of posters liked your post so your post made my point about people caring about scoring the political point more than decency. 

    Just don’t take the moral high ground on Cain if you won’t on Lewis. Cries of hypocrisy are weak arguments generally but such an obvious case just a few posts apart from the same guy was worth noting. 

    I see your point.  It's very hard to have a discussion on so many levels since the outcomes of each effects the others. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Reality Check said:


    It sucks I know.


    I have over a dozen on ignore now. As soon as the conversation gets locked into the usual hard left talking points, I don't hesitate to do it. The cost of being aggravated by people who simply want to aggravate you is pretty high, and this board is devolving into every conversation being hijacked by the usual suspects. Their mission is pure agitation and deflection from posters asking questions that the left doesn't even want to consider. They aren't liberals, they are serious leftists.



    Ignore and move on.  Engage with constructive deductive thinkers only.

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...sad how reliance on "social media platforms" is taken as "fact and gospel".......unchecked, unverified and unsubstantiated but the PERFECT fuel to fan the fire......much like the basement babble polluting any constructive dialogue here.......safety from under your desk with your keyboard creates expansive gonads......sad stuff.....remember YEARS AGO when folks needed "press credentials"?.....today it's a roll of Charmin....USED......

    MSM is worse than social media platforms when it comes to misinformation and more importantly, censorship.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 2 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    I don't know who these people are or what "side" they are on but I do know one thing about them, they're A$$holes.

    My uncle used to describe people with little common sense and unable to keep quiet to appear smarter than they really are people with "paper a$$holes"  When they sh*t out of their mouth, their ####### falls apart.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 2 hours ago, dhg said:



    Tweet from Stephen Marth (@StephenMarth)
    Stephen Marth (@StephenMarth) Tweeted:
    Earlier today, Governor Cuomo said chicken wings are not substantial food for bars to be allowed to sell alcohol. He added that sandwiches were the "lowest level" of substantive food. #Buffalo His comments: https://t.co/zaSXgfEq6S https://twitter.com/StephenMarth/status/1286398503896461314?s=20

    He's now a certified nutritionist?  What a dope.

  8. When trying to identify and solve problems while having a constructive conversation, it's always enlightening to bring out the ladder of accountability.  It identifies problem solving tactics and behaviors by individuals in the discussion.  Until the group starts operating in the top half of the ladder, nothing constructive ever occurs.  Ask yourself where you are on this ladder.  Not Trump or Pelosi or the Left or the Right.  Are you always blaming others at the bottom of the rung or have you acknowledged the problem and have started owning it.   



  9. 7 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Now look at the last month.


    Why did you move thr goalposts?


    You said this is a liberal problem and that red states have it under control, yet in the last couple weeks NY, NJ and Massachusetts (all mentioned by you) have seen daily deaths below 30 for a few weeks whereas places like Florida, Texas and Arizona are consistently seeing deaths 3, 4, 5 times that amount daily for weeks now.


    Today there were 202 deaths in Texas, 56 deaths in Arizona, and 81 deaths in Georgia, 64 deaths in South Carolina, 61 deaths in Alabama, 34 deaths in Mississippi.


    That's 498 deaths in pretty clearly red areas historically.


    And I don't have the specific death rate in front of me over the last month, but I think you're conflating death TOTAL with death RATE.


    Population centers are always going to have higher totals in the long run... NYC ensured that at the beginning of all of this... but when the death total of South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi in a day are several times the death total in New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts despite having a minuscule population in comparison to those 3 liberal states, you clearly seem to be missing something.

    This virus could care less about politics.  Focus on the virus, not your political leanings.  The virus is an unbiased organism that endlessly tries to reproduce itself.  It's not on any schedule and it's not going to strike every geographical location at the exact same time.  The virus is relentless but you must be more relentless.  

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