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Posts posted by Sanners

  1. 9/10 8:30 ET At Pittsburgh -5.5 Tennessee 35

    9/13 1:00 ET At Atlanta -4 Miami 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Baltimore -11 Kansas City 37

    9/13 1:00 ET Philadelphia -1 At Carolina 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Cincinnati -4 Denver 43.5

    9/13 1:00 ET Minnesota -4 At Cleveland 40

    9/13 1:00 ET At Houston -4.5 NY Jets 43

    9/13 1:00 ET At Indianapolis -7 Jacksonville 44.5

    9/13 1:00 ET At New Orleans -13 Detroit 48.5

    9/13 1:00 ET Dallas -5.5 At Tampa Bay 39

    9/13 4:15 ET At Arizona -6.5 San Francisco 46

    9/13 4:15 ET At NY Giants -6.5 Washington 37.5

    9/13 4:15 ET At Seattle -7.5 St. Louis 41.5

    9/13 8:20 ET At Green Bay -3.5 Chicago 46




    Monday Night Football Line


    9/14 7:00 ET At New England -10.5 Buffalo 47.5

    9/14 10:15 ET San Diego -9.5 At Oakland 43



    I can not believe that only the Lions are giving more points than the Bills. Hell Oakland is giving 9.5 and they are sappose to be a train wreck. I know I am hoping for the best as there is nothing I hate more that the Patriots but 10.5... WOW


    GO BILLS!!


    I take the Bills plus 10.5. The Pats are living on reputation, and gettign old! What happened to Bills fans? Did you all get castrated or lose your balls. Are you a little afraid of disapointment so you're setting it up that you don't care if they lose? Come on now, lets fire it up and enjoy the season! We will rock the Patsies!!! Enough with this whoa is me shiatski!!!

  2. "I wasn't thinking about firing him three days ago. I wasn't thinking about it two weeks ago. And when you start to think about it, I think you need to move on it and do something."





    I'm not sure what is wrong with this statement. Dick was being honest about his feelings, and when he realized that Turk wasn't living up to expectations he decided to make a move. He is the head coach, and I am happy he recognized how poorly the offense has played.


    Its obviously not the best situation, but it is better than butting your head up against the wall with someone you know isn't performing well at his job.

  3. To me all of this is irrelevent because you cant go out and beat teams that have their act together with this kind of internal turmoil.


    DJ is a dead man walking......no pun intended


    Come on. Let them play a few games. This argument is such a joke. Give Dick a chance!


    [this message funded by the anti-lesbian council for more nookie]

  4. :lol: I shouldn't have put you guys through that, knowing no one was going to get it.


    He's a great guy though, and loves Buffalo and still loves the Bills. He said in three years on SF, he never once met Eddie DeBartalo but the first day he arrived on the Bills, Ralph Wilson came down to meet him and introduce himself. He said John Butler told him we were a team and we stuck together and if he couldn't deal with that, we don't want you here but Mike loved it, and said the 49er management were all pricks. He said the stars on the 49ers were unapproachable but Kelly and Bruce and Andre and Thurman were awesome. He even liked living in the city of Buffalo and loved the music scene and bars and people, and this is a guy who lived in Southern Cal and Phoenix his whole life.



    Wow, Mike Salmon married my wife's really good friend. He is a real loser, and dead beat Dad. Tim Salmon on the other hand is a great guy, and really helps out with his niece, unlike Mike. Total Jack Ass.

  5. Is the income potential of the locals, just like Ralph said. Ralph mentioned that there is not a strong enough economy currently in place to support a normal NFL ticket price, based on someone else owning the team & the initial expenses of buying a NFL team. So what he was really saying is (in the nicest way), a majority of the people that live there are incapable of doing much past menial work for menial wages to earn a normal professional living and even if they could the jobs are just not there in the first place.


    Sadly, upon Ralph's death I think we lost our team unless Ralph sells it ahead of time to a group capable of holding out for a better time. After 30 + years of local depression, who knows when that will come as well.


    Not another one of these retarded posts. People have been predicting the Bills moving since the late 60's. It gets old. The Bills will not be going anywhere.

  6. “It’s all about flipping the switch when you go out on the field,” said Wood. “You can do things on the football field that are severely illegal on the streets. I just kind of flip that switch and try to take it to people on the field. I’m a finisher. The fun part is knocking people down and punishing the guy you’re going against. That’s the joy of football to me.”

  7. You can buy UB Bulls tickets we had an outstanding time last year 150 Bucks. Take the rest of the cash and play some golf or go skiiing.


    Oh yeah. I love the Bills, but there is a ton to like about the Bulls! I'm amazed more Buffalonians don't recognize what is going on in UB sports...

  8. Yes, it's right in SD. The only alternative for something in the middle would be Carlsbad, Oceanside, Escondido, or someplace north of Camp Pendleton like San Clemente or Huntington Beach. Those are all small market towns that couldn't handle a stadium or its amenities.


    Their best move is to market to businesses surrounding LA to lure them away from the Raiders & Niners, which shouldn't be too hard.


    I live in San Clemente. No stadium no way. The most logical place is in Irvine. Great freeway access, centrally located, and a crap load of land. But that would make too much sense for Californians to figure out.

  9. That was your mistake. You changed the official routine.


    The populace has been...liberally...conditioned... "I am so proud of my accomplishments - it's about me - I am special -My Computer - My Documents - you take me for granted so I want a divorce (whats the worth of a relationship if you aren't taken for granted...do you want to wake up everyday and wonder if you are still loved? Want to live in a house where you have to be continually pretty and can't run around unshaven and slovenly over the weekend? Madness.)


    Nobody listens. Incapable of flexibility. No school system teaches critical, patient thinking. Anything out of the usual is suspect and put out of mind. No history is taught, which used to give youngsters choice, a perspective, allow them to weigh things. Forget geography. It's been dead for decades.


    I get a morning coffee at the local McDonalds. I say "good morning". Anyone under 40 freezes and looks at me agape as if I have explosive charges festooned to my skull. I feel the heat on my backside from others in line because I rob them of 10 seconds by purchasing with cash.


    My rant is never off. Pay your FICA tax.




    Funny stuff from a conservative. You realize that customer service is sooooo ridiculously bad, because it isn't a profit generating portion of business, thus the higher ups prefer to lean out that sector compared to other areas. Also, do you wonder why the customer facing people at these large organizations are some of the lowest paying. There is your answer.


    You keep on believing that its the younger generation, not your generation that really screwed the pooch...

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