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Posts posted by Sanners

  1. I loved the USFL. I was a huge fan of the Philly/Baltimore Stars. My first game was a playoff game between the Stars and the Marv Levy-coached Chicago Blitz. The Stars came back and beat the Blitz in OT 44-38. They won two of three USFL titles. Looking back you could have built an NFL pro bowl roster just with players from the USFL. The league was that good.


    It was Trump's fault but he was wrong about spring football. If the USFL stuck with it a few more seasons, spring football would have been established in peoples minds. No, it would never rival the NFL but it would have been successful. And that's the the nut of it: Is being successful good enough or do you have to go for all the marbles? THAT is what killed the USFL.


    I think there is still a market for spring football. In fact the NFL would be wise to embrace a new USFL and treat it like a feeder league. There are so many borderline players who can develop with experience. (Fred Jackson is a shining example.) You don't think a spring team in Buffalo would be a big hit?




    Please. Their best players would have equaled to about 4 NFL teams. They stole some stars, made it uncomfortable for the NFL, but ultimately sucked. Wow, big USFL fan here (not that that is bad or anything) ha

  2. I remember that season and playoff game in SD well. That was a very gutsy performance by Fergy.


    Hell yah! I was 10 at the time, and was the biggest Bills fan around. I freakin cried when they lost. You could hit me in the back with a Louisville Slugger, and get no response from me, but a Bills loss... I whimpered at night.


    Great team. Fergy, Cribbs, Smerlas. Butler, Lewis. Simpson, Clark, Devlin, Dobler, McKenzie, Shane Nelson, Jim Ritcher, Voglar, etc.....

  3. Is that the Jets are overrated and will now likely finish with a losing record, because those are the only teams we beat. I was quick to send that to my Jets fan family members telling them that losing to us was the Kiss of Death.


    Being a true Bills fan I am happy to win, but my hopes are still grounded.


    dude... are you a Bills fan? We beat the Jets! Great Win. What is wrong with you f's???

  4. I have to vent....


    THE BILLS ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Their fan base is too reliable. They sell out their home games even when the team is bad. They have one of the cheapest ticket packages in the NFL today! Just because the Bills will have a new owner eventually doesn't mean that they will move. There are rumors that Jim Kelly will make a push to buy the team. Even if someone from the outside comes in probability of them moving a team from Buffalo is unlikely.


    Take this most tossed around scenario:


    An outside buyer buys the Bills and moves them to LA. Why would a good businessman move a team that consistently sells out their home games even when they are a bad team to move them to a market that couldn't support two NFL franchises? Moving a team with a good fan base to a new market that has failed to support two franchises is a BAD IDEA. It is a BAD INVESTMENT.


    IMO there are a few franchises out there that will NEVER leave their current homes, and the Bills are one of them.


    I am sorry, I had to get this off my chest.


    Agree 100%, but don't let these negative self loathing Buffalonians tell you otherwise.

  5. Born and raised in northern california. No ties to buffalo whatsoever. Became a football fan at a young age, watching the Jim Kelly led bills. I now have season tickets to the bills (still live in CA). I fly to buffalo at least three times a year and generally hit two road games. I even went as far as buying a house in Buffalo.


    I've missed one game on TV or in person in the last 10 years. This team has given me heartbreaking loss after heartbreaking loss and yet I still wipe the slate every Sunday, throw on my bills jersey and root for them like we're playing for the superbowl. Call it blind alligence or just faith. Regardless of how crappy the team is, I still appreciate everything this team stands for and everything they mean to the community of buffalo.


    The long suffering fans will one day be vindicated.


    Yep. These are the darkest days (well for this decade). Stick in there. There are a ton of Buffalo fans across this country, and there is no way they are moving.

  6. I've never had the desire to do that. That way I feel that every Sunday I'm tied down and have to watch it as many games as possible and that's a big time sink. So I usually (well I used to anyway) go to a bar a watch it. Nothing like being waited on hand and foot by a blond whose breasts are falling into my wings. :beer:


    OK, dude I've been quiet forever, but today I am in that mood.


    Does anyone care what you do, except for yourself?


    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Until Ralph passes and a stable, long term owner and management team is in place, only guys trying to crack the NFL coaching ranks for the first time or are trying to just hang on (this goes for players too) , guys who know the franchise sucks top to bottom but want to get their feet wet anyway, will take the huge gamble on this franchise, which is always a heartbeat away from a complete change of ownership/management and probably location. Would you take a job knowing your boss was leaving soon and the company was likely to move to another unknown city thereafter? Answer: No. Stop dreaming Bills fans, the rock star NFL long age passed backward little Buffalo by.. reality bites...


    F off. Buffalo is an integral part of this league. I've been all around this country, lived in the Southwest for the past 13 years, moved back to Buffalo; and know for a fact this is a major viable franchise. Its funny, that people from all over this world would hate to see Buffalo lose a team, but people from its home town talk like its fact. What is wrong with this attitude. I am sick of this 'whoa is me' attitude around here, and I have only been back for 6 weeks. By the way, I am back with a SoCal girl who loves this area for what it is. She loves it.


    OK, sorry for the rant, but there are a certain level of people that need to move away if they hate the area so much, or are so down. Life is too short to live somewhere that pisses you off so much. There are a bunch of us, that like the area alot! Buffalo kicks ass.

  8. Badol was wrong about Whitner and the FS position. Prior to the injury, he was making a bigger impact there than he had done at SS.


    Good point. I may be in the minority but I like Whitner. He is definitely a top 10 safety. Its this ridiculous Tampa 2 and Fewells scheme that makes his play look bad. The kid is a player. It really believe its this retarded scheme.

  9. Yeah, someone who wins 143 games in the NFL, and is in the Hall of Fame must be a horrible coach.


    Super Bowl 25 was lost by two reasons - Jeff Wright and Norwood. That's it. Blame Polian for Wright, and Norwood for being a kitty. It wasn't Levy at all. He coached a great game. Thurman was unstoppable. Kelly played like crap. Don't rewrite history. Polian failed us that year.

  10. I still stand by those points. Fisher has had 2 separate 3 year stretches where he was as bad and worse than Jauron. Belichick had a slightly worse winning % than Jauron. Fisher had McNair and Belichick got Brady. Jauron has had Losman and Edwards. Jauron deserves the blame for Edwards and if he fails, Jauron failed.


    And there still are 12 games left. We didn't win the Super Bowl after 4 games last year.


    I love your optimism, keep it up!

  11. Anyone that's been here for more than a months knows that Bado, Simon and Lori are the sages of TBD. If they tell you something you should just STFU and listen.


    I'd also include Albany, Petrino, Jay and John in that group. Actually, there are many wise sages here, it's just that their insight sometimes drowns in a sea of idiocy.



    Wise sages??? LOL. We're talking football right? Anyway, I agree that Badol, Simon and Lori are some of the major reasons I come to this board. Other than the fact, its been a bad habit since 1996.

  12. OK, so we suck again. Not surprised at all. Didn't expect much out of this season anyway, especially when they kept Jauron. I was hoping beyond hope against my inner instincts that continuity would work, but alas, it didn't, because Jauron is not an NFL coach. We all agree, its the truth, and the historical evidence is there. Another year down the drain, unless a minor, NO MAJOR miracle occurs.


    Well, the one positive this year has been the '09 Draft. I think the Bills hit on one of those classics. I haven't been able to say that for quite some time.


    Wood and Levitre will (should) be mainstays for the next 10 years, unless management messes that up again.

    Byrd looks like a player, however unfortunately he missed too much of camp, and is getting thrown to the wolves. I think he is going to blossom big time. He is just a half second off right now.

    Maybin has incredible athleticism, and when he gets some added strength, and technique improvement will be a 8+ sack guy a year. Especially if we get a coaching staff that utilizes him the right way. 3-4 anyone???

    I believe Nelson is the best player from the draft. The coaching staff needs to design something for this kid. (Are we the only team in the league that doesn't design offensive gameplans that utilize a certain weapon on the team????)

    I love Harris, and Lankster looks like a nice DB.


    Anyway, looking for something positive in this ridiculous $#%#$%#$ storm of a season. I can't believe we are only 4 games in, but it really is that bad this year.

  13. So much for players wanting to play hard for DJ. But in any case the Donahoe/Levy eras had to be among the most frustrating eras of the last 50 years. That is because it wasn't like we never had any talent during those years, but the pieces were never put together in the right way to lead to success.


    What? We had no talent period. Plus, our search for a QB didn't work out. Thats disaster in this NFL.

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