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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. You were distinguishing between murder, which you said was always illegal, and killing, which is not always illegal, implying, I assume, that these abortion doctors and women who get them are baby killers but not baby murderers. I was agreeing with your killing versus murder distinction, and that some form of killing is okay, like your example of cops and my example of someone breaking into your house to steal.


    So I made the logical and correct distinction that the fathers of these aborted killed babies and the family and neighbors and co-workers of the women who got the abortion, if they knew beforehand of course, were accessories to baby killing, not murder.


    I could be wrong about this, but I included you in being an accessory to baby killing since I find it hard to believe that you have spent your whole life without knowing someone who was getting an abortion.


    But they should probably rot in hell anyway, these accessories to baby killing, wouldn't you think? I mean, unless it's not wrong.


    Calm down son. I ain't never killed nobody so far as I know.

  2. I added to the above: "Certain kinds (of killing) I guess, right? Like when someone enters your house it is legal to kill them. So at least these women and doctors and co-workers and probably you are accomplices to killing babies, even though it is legal to kill them. Thanks for the clarification."


    And pro-lifers probably should refrain from calling them baby murderers.


    No, it's not cool when someone enters your house and you kill them. It's not cool when they kill your family. What is your goddamn point Einstein?

  3. I have a question: Are all the guys that impregnated these women who have abortions, and all their family and friends and co-workers who know about the abortion before it happens accessories to murder?


    No. Murder, as defined in common law countries, is the unlawful killing of another human being with intent. However, in this country, abortions are legal. So it can't be murder.

  4. Ya, for real man. Here let me do this


    BTW I just read this guy presided over 100,000 deaths of innocent civilians in his Presidency. When did he actually have time to save any lives? I am betting this guy never did. He was in it for one purpose only, to take life.


    With numbers like that, yes he is in the Hitler range.



    Who knows where you got that figure, but what about all the lives he saved in Africa, because of his policies?

  5. I didn't know Hitler was an OB-GYN, sworn to the Hypocratic oath, who helped countless woman with their health issues. I didn't know Hitler brought countless babies into this world while practicing as an OB-GYN. I didn't know Hitler performed countless PAP smears and helped countless women battle ovarian cysts. I didn't now Hitler cared a crap about his patients at all.


    Women have always had abortions. I wonder if there are statistics that show whether they have more, or less, during a genocide like during world war II, or if just during any wartime period. I seem to remember something back during my education about birth rates changing in relation to war. Just trying to bring this all together.

  6. I don't know any pro-abortionists, do you?


    They exist. Abortion is a cash only business. Payment when services are rendered and make no mistake about it, it is an incredibly profitable career choice. No one who performs abortions for a living does so out of a selfless desire to serve the needs of women; it's all about the money, honey. Always, follow the money.

  7. Two things that will surely and inevitably come out of this are:


    Tiller will be hailed by the pro-abortionists as a hero and a martyr for the cause.


    Pro-abortion groups will move quickly to associate every pro-life person and every Conservative and every Christian with the nut job who committed this act.


    It's already starting.

  8. No one is doubting that the robber is wrong, but when you already put one bullet in his head and he is laying there dying, does not mean you have the right to go grab another gun and finish him off after chasing away the other guy. The kid made a bad move trying to rob the place but he didn't deserve to be killed execution style, especially since he was already down and out with a bullet in the head.


    Several months ago, a young guy walked into one local Medicine Shoppe here waving a toy gun, and threw a back pack over the counter at the pharmacist, and demanded Oxycontin. A retired sheriff working as a security guard fired several shots into him without warning. The guy died. I guess if you are going to shoot someone, keep shooting until the gun's empty. Don't think you can go back later and start shooting again. Especially with video recording everything. Extremely poor judgment by the pharmacist in this case.

  9. I'll have to agree with DC Tom...If I shot someone in the head...He's done and outta the game..Now if he some how moved towards his gun or raised his gun hand...by all means finish him off, but if and only if, but that's also why you put two in the chest then one in the head. Saves you problems later.


    This does bring up some interesting questions. If the first head shot was lethal, does it really matter how many more times he shot him? Is there a law against how many rounds you can pump into a carcass on your own property? This does prove one thing. Drugs don't kill people. Pharmacists do.

  10. lee evans is younger and faster, having TO there will force defenses to remove their double or triple coverage from evans to cover TO. i see evans having a great year and TO having a good year, but not as good as he had with the cowboys


    Then how about picking up what's his name, our quarterback? Two good receivers, eh?

  11. Look, I do not like Parcells anymore then the next guy. But he eats Marvs luch everyday of the week when it comes to gameday coaching. He kept that game close, he had Jeff Hoestetler as his starting QB. If Simms is in there you think maybe the 48 y/o FG would have even mattered? I have always thought that 'nine out of ten times thing' myself. But who is to say Parcells would not have changed his coaching and strategy. We need to face it and move on. The Bills on paper had way better talent, Giants had better coaching. That game proves something: give me a great coach with average talent, and it will beat great talent with an average coach every dang Sunday.


    They had a great game plan for that day, which included mauling the Bills wide receivers on every play, which typically won't get called in a Super Bowl. Oh well, lots of woulda couldas. BTW, the Bills were 4-4 against those same Super Bowl opponents during that same four year stretch. They beat them every other time they played them, except during the Super Bowls. Another tough fact to swallow.

  12. I will happily oblige, given your poor reading comprehension skills on top of your peculiar unwillingness to acknowledge the efficacy of the theory of evolution. I have agreed 100% with your claim that "honest science doesn't prove that God doesn't exist," but you're too thick-headed to realize that. And yes, I do have some genuine angst against organized religion and the scientifically illiterate, but only because this nonsensical horsesh!t has been seeping into our political system for too long.


    Well, how would you expect a thick-headed, intellectually lazy, definitely irrational total dumbass, with poor reading comprehension, to behave? And what does any of this have to do with Notre Dame?

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