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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. Ah get over it, it is just part of the DC rename game that Gingrich Republicans perfected in the 90s. Deficit spending doesn't matter. Lower taxes on the rich helps everyone. Lowering taxes on the rich creates economic performance.... ya da ya da ya da. But I thought the business cycle was inevitable? There is a balance to be had here.... Too much taxation stifles growth, not enough creates deficits and a drag on the economy. Too much spending same deal, not enough allows too much control of small groups at the top which also stifles growth by constraining the spreading out of wealth necessary for a health economy.


    There is a balance, the trick is identifying where we are on that continuum and adjusting accordingly. The only form of government that is good at this is a benign dictatorship and those have been very rare in history. So we are stuck with our mess as the best alternative.


    Can I buy some pot from you?

  2. So let me get this straight. She's good, she sucks, she's good, she sucks. Did I get that right?


    She has no grace or class, and does not stand for journalism or justice. Briefly from Wikipedia….


    Grace had embellished the story of her college fiancé's 1979 murder and the ensuing trial to make it better support her image…for her career as a prosecutor and victims' rights advocate

    The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[12]

    In 1997, the court was more severe. Although its unanimous decision overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife was caused primarily by other issues, the court made note of Grace's court actions, citing "inappropriate and illegal conduct in the course of the trial."

    In 2006, Grace was involved in an incident when a 21-year-old woman, Melinda Duckett, committed suicide following an interview conducted by Grace concerning the disappearance of Duckett's 2-year-old son.[16]


    Grace took a pro-prosecution position throughout the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case in which Crystal Gail Mangum, an African-American female North Carolina Central University student falsely accused three members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team of raping her at a party. Prior to Duke suspending its men's lacrosse team's season, she sarcastically noted on the air, "I'm so glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!"


    After the disbarment of District Attorney Mike Nifong, Attorney General Roy Cooper pronounced all three players innocent of the rape charges made by Mangum. On the following broadcast of her show, Grace did not appear and a substitute reporter announced the removal of all charges……..



    …And that’s only the tip of an iceberg. It’s all out there, but she still has a venue. She hurts people, for self gain. She is the worst of the worst, but she’s not really a political pundit at all.

  3. He made a mistake and he halfway owned up to it.


    The thing I don't like about his show is how he uses it like many other comedians as a political tool if/when need be. Not that I'm a huge John McCain fan, but the difference in interviews between McCain and Obama on Letterman are VERY undisguised.


    What makes that even more amazing, is how little difference there was between Obama and McCain.

  4. I've caught bits of her show a few times just out of curiosity while channel surfing. Does she only talk about the high profile murder cases? If so she's a !@#$ing sicko.


    At first you almost can't take your eyes away, like a car wreck. Eventually, you just keep surfing.

  5. Yeah but Frank is such a easy target-almost like picking on conner. He had Lieberman on tonight,talking about Pelosi wanting to release"torture photos" and keep interrupting him. Bill,your a entertainer-let the senator have his say,THEN offer your critique.



    That's a technique I find annoying as well, stepping on people while they are trying to respond. But most of them seem to do it. Even Larry King does it sometimes, but he's more polite than most. I wonder what Ted Koppel is doing these days.

  6. Shooter is reported to be an 89 year old anti-government/white supremacist.


    Thank you to all the right wing wackos like Rush and Palin for stirring the pot with their anti-government fear mongering speeches that are taken to heart by weak minded people like this and the anti-abortion shooter.


    This guy predates any of your usual targets for blame, fool. This guy was probably still mad a Woodrow Wilson.

  7. I see, so what you're saying is Tiller aborted over 60,000 27-week-old deformed fetuses who were jeopardizing the lives of the mothers.


    I guess when you put it that way, he IS a hero. Thanks for clearing that up. You know what else made him hero? He probably only charged women enough to cover his costs.


    Could you do me a favor and link to all these facts for me? Because I would truly like to apologize for misunderstanding what the good doctor was doing.


    Thanks in advance.


    Blond haired, blue eyed fetuses, no less.

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