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Posts posted by Cheeseburger_in_paradise

  1. My "objection" is totally about the reporting and has nothing to do with the fact that a "semi-automatic" weapon was mentioned. I'm not sure how anyone can "objectively" look at "evidence" being "reported" by the mass media.


    But thanks for proving once again, beyond reasonable doubt, that you are a moron who can only process buzzwords and not actual information.


    I am with you on that one brother. But Geeze, if they truly found items that belonged to those women victims in his apartment, and a gun in a hollowed out book, and if because of his IP address, they can truly tie him to the internet Craigslist correspondence setting up those meetings, and because of his cell phone pings or whatever, and the video surveillance from the hotel showing him there at the time of the crime, it doesn't look good for this dude. Sometimes a cigar is more than a just a cigar.

  2. I used Craigslist to sell three apartments in Hoboken and NYC. Obviously no broker's fee for any. My experience has been very positive, although I'm not seeking "erotic services," from someone who will come to a random hotel room.


    Well, the gal the ripped me off was for a ride share. I was trying to get from Dallas to Atlanta and I filled her car up with gas gave her forty bucks. She wanted to get a bite to eat at Wendys. I used the bathroom and she was gone. Got my bag too, with all my clothes. I'll never be that stupid or trusting again. I was able to track her down though, because she been doing other scams on Craigslist for a while. There is now an arrest warrent for her in Texas, thanks to me. So I've decided not to kill her, and just let Karma take care of it.

  3. You missed the point. He did factor in that more voters seem concerned about such"urgent" issues as gay rights and global warming then the fact that our "torture" methods prevented a plot to cut the suspension cables on the Brooklyn bridge.


    of course you're unanimous. You're one person. Or do you often argue with your other personalties?


    Another note to self: I must learn to use smileys when attempting humor on this board.


    This is not the worst board for getting a smattering of info on a variety of topics, but it is far from the most polite or comprehensive one on earth.

  4. Have any of you folks ever used Craigslist? I have. I have had general overall success. I was ripped off once. I have decided to let the predator B word live...for now. People are stupid. Why do people think that they do not have permanent fingerprints or footprints, so to speak, when you do stuff on the Internet. This guy was a Medical student, and it is starting to look like he was going to be a future serial killer. But Fini. Over. Fool boy gets caught. Only one dead chick. Jerk. And he's from upstate NY. Lovely. Now, I will be the first one to say you are innocent until proven guilty, so I will back off this one for now. Technology folks, a curse and a blessing. But the evidence is mounting. This guy looks more guilty than Casey Anthony.

  5. Once again usually the horniest member of a relationship is the man. Put that together will all your partners being men then it's safe to assume there's a whole lotta rump rangering goin' on. And think about it, their whole lifestyle is fashioned around their sexual preferance.


    I have read somewhere that on average they do tend to be more promiscuous. I'm sure there are stats on it somewhere. For many of them it's not really about romance or finding a mate. It's about sex. One other thing I remember. They say that 1 in 10 of all people in this country are alcoholics. With gays, it's more like 1 in 4. Not sure why. Maybe the pressures of knowing you are different, or maybe because gay bars are so much a part of the lifestyle.

  6. How long have we known about waterboarding and pissing on their korans, and nudity and dogs in their faces etc etc ?


    Dick Cheney can shove his opinions up his ass.


    Will you get more information after water boarding


    10 times in 1 month

    20 times in 1 month

    50 times in 1 month

    180 times in 1 month


    You'd think at some point the guy would figure out he's not going to drown. But, Nudity? Dogs? That sounds like my local police and county jail. Big deal.

  7. Who said anything about the political beliefs? It's the lies that are used to propagate them that are the concern. Or do actually you think that any of the tactics Fox uses are based on trying to keep people informed? If doesn't matter much, apparently you've bought so far into the rhetoric that you'll never be able to see past it.


    Go ahead post your mindless reply. I'll let you have the last word if it makes you feel better.


    Sorry, didn't mean to rock your world with something factual.

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