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Posts posted by JimBob2232

  1. I dont like people saying thier vote doesnt couint because they are a republican in ny.


    If 10 people vote for A and 6 people vote for B, the only votes that "dont count" are the 3 extra people who voted for A.


    Therefor if you are a republican in NY, you are voting for B and YOUR VOTE COUNTS.


    You vote might not matter but it counts. Symantics I know, but just vote okay?!

  2. Popular Vote:

    Bush 49.2%

    Kerry 47.9%

    Nader 1.0%

    Other 1.9 % (Outragous prediction, Badnarik gets more votes than nader)


    Electoral Vote:

    Bush wins 30 states

    AL(9), AK(3), AR(6), AZ(10), GA(15), WV(5), WY(3), TX(34), UT(5), VA(13), NV(5), OK(7), SC(8), SD(3), TN(11), IN(11) ID(4), KS(6), KY(8), LA(9), MO(11), MS(6), MT(3), NC(15), ND(3), NE(5), NM(5), FL(27), OH(20), CO(9), IA(7)


    Kerry wins 20 states and DC

    DC(3), DE(3), OR(7), PA(21), RI(4), VT(3), WA(11), IL(21), MA(12), MD(10), ME(4), CA(55), CT(7), NJ(15), NH(4), NY(31), HI(4), MI(17), MN(10), WI(10),



    286-252 Bush

  3. The other thing you are forgetting is that there WILL be competition for his services. Sure if its one team, they may say "4th round or forget it" to force our hands. But if oakland is saying that we simply ask phily, and they might say fine, we will give you a third rounder for him, and the bidding escalates from there. Our hands are NOT tied here. He is under contract with us. If some other team (philly) would rather draft a guy like Ronnie Brown with their first round pick...rather than have travis, so be it. There arent alot of good backs in this draft. Carnell williams and Cedrick Benson. Thats about it.

  4. Bottom line is that we are 2-5. We need to go 7-2 or 8-1 the rest of the way to have ANY chance at the playoffs (and even then might not make it). We still play NE, NYJ and Sea.


    Its not that I wasnt happy we won today, its that it doesnt really matter. I still watch and want them to win, but with the superbowl seemingly out of reach at this point, how excited can you get about maybe having an 8-8 season?

  5. I read on CNN that if there's a tie in the Electoral college, that Bush remains president and Edwards becomes VP. Some statistician said that there's a 3.9% chance of that happening. Maybe that's what the signs are pointing to?


    While this is possible if the EV is tied, the only way its possible is if the senate goes democratic.


    In a tie, the newly elected house selects the president (bush since republicans will regain control).


    The senate then selects the VP between cheney and edwards. They will select cheney unless something strange happens and republicans lose the senate.


    I have no idea what happens if the senate is 50/50. Do they wait until the house selects the VP then have the VP cast the deciding vote?

  6. Atlanta actually is a good possibility. They seem to like our bills over there. Arizona maybe if their pick isnt too high. Philadelphia? Jacksonville if they give up on Taylor. Indy if James is gone. Oakland and perhaps even cleveland.


    Lots of possibilities there....Philly looks like our best bet at a #1. They will have a late first round pick, and need a RB. Good spot for travis actually.

  7. Oh Oh. You said Warner...I hear footsteps...


    I dont get it....


    On a side note, I am a conservative. But Mark Warner has done a decent job with the state of VA IMO. Would I support him on a national level? That depends on who he is running against, but I would not just rule him out like many of us have with kerry. I think Gov Warner is the kind of candidate that wins on a national level. Moderate candidates do quite well once they get through their primary (which is the hard part).

  8. Ya know...I think we are more likely to get a republican in 08 than we are on tuesday.


    Possible 08 GOP candidates




    Schwartzzeneger (if constitution ammended, i hope it isn't)



    That is a powerful group of guys. Guliani and Pataki Can bring in NY (plus the normal conservative base). Swartz can reign in CA. McCain is a beast and I think its his to lose if he wants it. Powell is the best all around candidate, but I doubt he wants it.

    Others possible: Sen Allen, Condeleeza Rice & Tom Ridge.


    Contrast that with the Democrats

    Hillary & the same bunch of duds we had in this election. Best candidate IMO is Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia.

    Other reasonable candidates: Harold Ford Jr, Gov. Rendell and Barack Obama (though he needs to prove himself a little more)


    All in all, the GOP has a better crop of upcoming presidential candidates.

  9. For what its worth, I told a good friend of mine (who is undecided) about the bin laden tape. He has been leaning bush because of judicial appointees, but little else. When I told him about the tape, he responded with the attitude of "It makes me feel better that they hate bush, he must be doing something right".


    I know that is a very small sample, but I wanted to share my experience with this issue.

  10. I dont know why people keep trying to discredit drudge. What has he done to get this kind of rep? He publishes a story and then links to REAL news stories. He has been on top of virtually everything in the past week, and he gets news hours (sometimes days) ahead of other outlets. I just dont understand the general distrust of drudge.

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