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Posts posted by The_Real

  1. In their first mock draft, this is who they have the Bills choosing.


    12. Buffalo (7-9)

    Amobi Okoye, DT, Louisville

    Projected pick: The Bills have more pressing needs, including cornerback and middle linebacker. However, Okoye is a fast-rising 19-year-old with great potential.



    Here are there top 5 players pre draft. I've only mentioned the positions I think we would look into. I'll add more upon request.



    Running Backs

    1. *Adrian Peterson, Oklahoma

    2. *Marshawn Lynch, California

    3. Michael Bush, Louisville

    4. Kenny Irons, Auburn

    5. Tony Hunt, Penn State

    5a. Selvin Young, Texas

    5b. Lorenzo Booker, Florida State

    5c. Kolby Smith, Louisville



    Wide Receivers

    1. *Calvin Johnson, Georgia Tech

    2. Jeff Samardzija, Notre Dame

    3. *Dwayne Jarrett, USC

    4. *Robert Meachem, Tennessee

    5. *Sidney Rice, South Carolina*

    5a. Dwayne Bowe, LSU

    5b. Craig Davis, LSU


    Tight Ends

    1. *Greg Olsen, Miami

    2. *Zach Miller, Arizona State

    3. Scott Chandler, Iowa

    4. Matt Spaeth, Minnesota

    5. Joe Newton, Oregon State

    5a. Clark Harris, Rutgers

    5b. Ben Patrick, Delaware


    Offensive Tackles

    1. Joe Thomas, Wisconsin

    2. Levi Brown, Penn State

    3. Tony Ugoh, Arkansas

    4. Marshal Yanda, Iowa

    5. Joe Staley, Central Michigan

    5a. James Marten, Boston College

    5b. Chase Johnson, Wyoming

    5c. Ryan Harris, Notre Dame


    Offensive Guards

    1. Ben Grubbs, Auburn

    2. Josh Beekman, Boston College

    3. Justin Blalock, Texas

    4. Arron Sears, Tennessee

    5. Andy Alleman, Akron

    5a. Tim Duckworth, Auburn 5b. Dan Santucci, Notre Dame


    Defensive Ends

    1. *Jamaal Anderson, Arkansas

    2. Gaines Adams, Clemson

    3. *Charles Johnson, Georgia

    4. Adam Carriker, Nebraska

    5. Quentin Moses, Georgia

    5a. Tim Crowder, Texas

    5b. Anthony Spencer, Purdue

    5c. Ikaika Alama-Francis, Hawaii


    Defensive Tackles

    1. *Alan Branch, Michigan

    2. Amobi Okoye, Louisville

    3. Tank Tyler, NC State

    4. Quinn Pitcock, Ohio State

    5. Turk McBride, Tennessee

    5a. Ryan McBean, Oklahoma State

    5b. Ola Dagunduro, Nebraska

    5c. Justin Harrell, Tennessee


    Inside Linebackers

    1. Patrick Willis, Mississippi

    2. Buster Davis, Florida State

    3. David Harris, Michigan

    4. Zach Diles, Kansas State

    5. *Rory Johnson, Mississippi

    5a. Zak DeOssie, Brown


    Outside Linebackers

    1. Lawrence Timmons, Florida St.

    2. Paul Posluszny, Penn State

    3. Michael Okwo, Stanford

    4. Earl Everett, Florida

    5. Stewart Bradley, Nebraska



    1. Leon Hall, Michigan

    2. Daymeion Hughes, California

    3. Marcus McCauley, Fresno State

    4. *Darrelle Revis, Pittsburgh

    5. *Eric Wright, UNLV

    5a. Aaron Ross, Texas

    5b. Tanard Jackson, Syracuse




    I've looked for more specific news on the Bills but found nothing. If you have any questions with anything else in insider, just ask. For what it's worth, I LOVE Insider. I wouldn't trade it for anything.





  2. No one in their right mind thinks we are signing Clements AND Steinbach AND a top LB. I don't think any team has ever signed two players in the same year to 15 mil bonuses let alone three with 20. We are talking about signing Clements OR Steinbach. And there are ways that 20 million bonuses do not have to be paid all in the same year. The Bills can sign Nate to a 10 mil bonus and a guaranteed roster bonus of 10 mil next year (there are all kinds of ways to do it, all they have to do is "guarantee" the money to him and it's the same thing. Or a 10 mil a year contract this year with a 10 mil bonus, since we are so far under. The misconception, in my eyes, is not that smaller market teams cannot pay these guys. They can, and easily can, starting with this past season (because the TV deals skyrocketed, up 36% from the previous year). They just won't make as many millions in profit as the big guys.



    Well put sir.

  3. Firstly, I was not arguing that he shouldn't sign the players.....I was responding to the concept that the TV money will cover the players contracts.....which when....as I said.....factoring in a few BIG deals in one season will certainly NOT cover the contracts.


    Secondly, there IS a very valid(irrefutable) argument about cash flow regarding the Large revenue teams over the small revenue teams. If we do sign NC, Steinback & one of the top LBs, there is little doubt that the Bills would be running at a loss for this financial year due to paying three very large signing bonuses needed to get these players. It all works out in the wash though.....i.e. the money paid will mean extra profit in future years(assuming no cuts/retirements). The point is.....if Ralph didn't save the money, he will have a hard time finding the $50-60mil extra needed to sign up 3 BIG names in the one season.


    Thirdly, don't get your knickers in a twist just yet.......he hasn't NOT signed them yet has he......in fact their not even FAs yet are they?


    The facts are that it is harder for small revenue clubs to sign the BIG names.....not impossible.


    IMO, Ralph knows his mortality & surely can see that we are positioned the best we have been in years to make a run. I believe he will find the cash.



    there is a HUGE difference between money made & profits realized.



    I don't believe your argument is valid based on the fact that you are using no factual information to support it. You are suggesting that the money provided each team from the television contract can't or doesn't pay for the player's salaries and I can and will show you 100 different articles that suggest exactly the opposite. Did you read the first article that I provided? I have more if you need to see it.


    Further, finding the cash isn't like pulling it out of a hat. Ralph even this year will make millions from the Bills. If that's not true show me the numbers to suggest differently. I've looked acrossed the NFL for any team that could 'possibly' be in the red and I have yet to find one example of a foundering team.


    Business owners want to make money and I understand that. Yet, at some point you have to be willing to invest your earnings to make more earnings. That's what I want to see. That's it, nothing complicated.



    I respect your viewpoint Dibs, I just don't agree on the principles.



    The Real

  4. Firstly, you say Ralph is cheap because he won't spend big money (perhaps atrocious money) to keep Nate and/or sign other big name free agents. Then you say he should make good decisions with how he spends his money. The two comments seem in opposition to one another. Which is it? Spend like a drunken sailor or spend wisely?


    Secondly, the notion that Ralph doesn't care about Buffalo, etc. Well, quite frankly, that doesn't deserve a rebuttal.



    Unlike a lot of the TBD faithful, I don't gush over Nate Clements. The first half of the season I thought he looked pretty ordinary. Did he come on in the second half of the season? Sure he did but I'd expect nothing less in a contract year. The 'atrocious money' that is going to be spent on Nate Clements this offseason doesn't have to be by the Bills for me to feel like Ralph is adequately addressing this teams needs. He just better replace him with someone who can get the job done. If you have Payton Manning, you realize you have one of the best players at his position in the game. He's your 'franchise'. I personally don't feel like Nate is our franchise and I wouldn't pay him as such.


    The same goes for London Fletcher-Baker. I like what he does on the field but I'm not married to him by any means. Yet, if you are going to let him go make sure you put someone there who can adequately handle the position. You see that is where the concept of spending wisely comes into play. Don't let the market determine the price, let your evaluation of the specific player. If the Bills are 35 million under the cap, I want it spent on players.



    Here is a good article for you. http://football.calsci.com/SalaryCap.html It's from last year but the same principles still apply. 2/3 of any team's revenue is based on the Television contract. 2/3 of total revenue per team goes to paying it's players. So we can summise that the television contract pays for the players. Nothing out of pocket from old Ralphy boy. Just money that is given to the Bills just like every other team in the league.


    You argument is poor. Spending money doesn't make you a drunken sailor. It makes you committed to the success of your franchise. I don't understand the parallel you are trying to draw. I'm a life long fan of this team just like you. I've been drudgen to death with repeated losing seasons and missed playoffs.


    I want to see them make a splash in free agency and try to go forward rather than back. Who was the last big signing for the Bills? Takeo? Until his horrendous injury was he not a difference maker? Did you think that contract was a bad one?



    Bottomline: Spend money on difference makers.




    The Real

  5. The point Ralph is making is about the future and the financial viability of the team to compete in the future as the NFL moves toward a more unbalanced gap between small and large market owners, i.e., the jerry joneses and danny snyder's finding loopholes to exploit additional revenue streams not available to small market clubs. this is a real concern, and whether ralph is blowing steam up everyone's arse or not, better him fight like a b**tard to get the best deal for the small market teams than fold tent and become MLB. But you would rather ralph STFU and the Bills eventually move from Buffalo than Ralph keep on "posturing"? I doubt that. I don't see what your problem is here. Ralph "posturing" can only be a good thing for the Bills and shows Ralph's committment to the franchise STAYING in Buffalo. So what if he annoys you? Deal with it.



    Committment to Buffalo? Are you serious? You think this is about a committment to Buffalo? If his commitment was to Buffalo he wouldn't have threatened in the 90's about tax money being spent on the Stadium. He'd be smart enough to take his name of the stadium and have a corporate sponsor pay him for the naming rights. He'd keep his antics and fuzzy math to himself.


    This is about money. If you and the rest of the sheep want to believe that the Bills or any other NFL franchise is in trouble of losing their team, feel free to follow the manger. I look at the financial state of the NFL and the revenue that is shared amongst all teams and I see it being a matter of greed.


    So some of the larger markets can throw 10 or 15 million dollars more at top line free agents. That still leaves the other 99% of the NFL players available. Not to mention with the ability to franchise and transition players, you can choose to spend some of your profit on keeping those players.



    I watch Ralph Wilson throw scare tactics at the fans of this area and I'm sickened. Every day for the past two years I've been reminded that the area can't afford a team. BS. Put a winner on the field. Make good decisions with how your spend your money. Let's see all of that happen first and then let's check the financial climate of the area. Let's see how many fans show up for games. How much revenue is generated.



    How's the koolaid?



    The Real

  6. When has Ralph ever been cheap when the team was competitive?


    During the Donahue era we spent and spent (not wisely), during the Butler era as well.


    They will get the players that they need, this isn't the Buffalo Sabres of the early 2000's.



    Uhhhh.... What? How did the Sabres get brought into this coversation and what the hell are you talking about? Is it a shot on the Rigas family for not 'getting the tools to finish the job'? Or are you saying that Ralph isn't afraid to spend carelessly if his GM says so?


    Comparing an unstable market like hockey to that of the football is the difference in night and day. There is no level ground that makes any sense in the argument. Each team in hockey gets something like 2 or 6 million with the tv contract. Football's tv contract allows them to pay for their whole roster.


    Basically this makes absolutely no sense and I'm curious what your point was.


    The Real



    PS Open your wallet and spend Ralph. I don't care if it's Nate and London or their replacements, just spend the damn money. Stop whining like a baby about how you aren't being taken care of. Once you are in the millions in profit, you should be happy. Maybe a smaller market team doesn't offer the same financial viability that say New York City does but you have profitted just fine for 30 years off of this team's fans.


    Remember folks, Ralph isn't a Western New Yorker. He brought the team here. He's still making money but just not as much as he'd like. Boo Fricken Hoo. I'm sorry but I've had enough of Ralph Wilson and his posturing for more. He annoys me.

  7. I enjoyed your post and would agree with most every point you made. To play Devils advocate I think there are some things working against though. Starting camp next year he'll be 32. My guess is that who ever his agent is will ask for atleast a 4 year deal. Honestly, those numbers Fletcher has been putting up are huge. I mean seriously HUGE... and his agent knows that too. So essentially you are going to have to pay a fat contract to someone who is going to be going into his mid 30's as a middle linebacker? It's a risk.


    Also, does London want to be here? I've not once heard him or Nate Clements be definitive about their respect in or desire to play in Buffalo. That to me means they are looking forward to free agency to see what they can get. I think both are goners and you might see Spikes get cut too.


    Takeo Spikes is not the player he once was and his salary far exceeds his abilities. That sounds cruel even as I read it back but it's true. Just like Nate Clements is a shut down corner who will go to the highest bidder with out showing any second thought of 'hometown discount'.


    I think the Bills did alot of things right this year and I expect to see more progression next year. With room to spend and a good draft position I think you'll see more 'character' guys come in that both Levy and Jauron will be in love with.


    I have two questions now.


    Does Willis get a new contract?




    How is Coy Wire still on a professional roster?



    The Real

  8. In the beginning of the year, as my quote says, I thought 6 wins was alot to ask of a young regrowing team. I gave up on the Offensive Coordinator too early, I gave up on the Running back too early, I gave up on the Coach too early, I gave up on the quarterback, period, I gave up on the defense, I hated donte witner, I criticized the gm.........


    This just in, I'm a f@#$ng idiot.







  9. I've watched this team all year long and hated on them. Not so much on this board but in general I've written of their players, the Owner, the coaching staff all of them. Well, I guess it's time to embrace this team and stop being a hater. I don't know all of the personalities like I remember the 90's teams but it has become apparent to me that this group of guys really does care. About one another and about building a winner.


    I have a couple things I'd like to discuss and I hope to hear from you guys on your opinions. I haven't written off this year but the realist in me has doubts that we can slip into the playoffs. Even if we do win out, which will not be easy with a hot Tennessee team and a monster in Baltimore we still need a TON of help.


    So are you ready? Here we go:



    - Does anything that we accomplish get negated if we allow key free agents to leave? London Fletcher, Mike Gandy and Nate Clements are the three names that come to mind. What happens if we lose all of them?


    - Now that we have a quarterback, do we have a running back? I don't question his ability, I question his want or willingness to be a buffalo bill. Sometimes I think he wishes the spotlight was brighter. Also, players in football negotiate with a year left, that's this year for Willis... So, is he staying?


    - Has the offensive line improved enough for you to feel comfortable with them going to 2007? Big name Offensive linemen are not available via free agency so I honestly don't know if we have a choice... What's your take?


    - The achilles heal for this team is the defensive line. Lately they've gotten better but the Bills need to affectively stop the run. As a Bills fan I salivate at the idea of having Dwight Freeney opposite Schobel. What do you think?



    Let's chat....




    The Real

  10. I guess the truth about being an NFL quarterback is having the confidence to make plays and take chances. I have to admit that my faith in J.P was tested earlier this season but as things have progressed I've become more comfortable. He's still going to make mistakes and at points I'm going to be let down I'm sure. However, the kid has the ability and the smarts to make it. He may never be Peyton Manning or Tom Brady but he brings so many different aspects to the game that neither of them do.


    Arm strength... Uh yeah, check. The pump fake by J.P and the move by Evans was pretty to watch. Plus, his ability to throw on the run with accuracy is just fantastic. I know the coaching staff has to be given alot of credit for putting him in situations to make plays but he is delivering when it counts.


    I've been way down on this kid in the past. I'm trying very hard to not get over excited but we are becoming a better football team and J.P Losman has alot to do with that. This year is getting better and better every time the team takes a step in the right direction.


    I wrote this year off before it started and I'm starting to feel like I did in the late 80's. We didn't quite have it all figured out but you could see flashes of something developing.


    It's not all roses but I'm drinking the kool aid tonight. Go Bills and go J.P.



    The Real


    ps I looked for a thread about J.P before posting but found none. Hence, this.



  11. Being a dad and working 70 hours a week takes up all of my time. My daughter is 7 months old. The raddest thing that I can possibly take credit for in my life. She is amazing. Also, I quit drinking, smoking and smoking the 'Good stuff'. I have to be the most boring person on the planet. 18 months clean and I feel like a new man.


    Anyways, how is everyone doing here? I heard about Thailog and the other gentlemen who passed away and was heartbroken and disturbed all at the same time. I hope that their families have been able to adjust to the tragedies that happened.


    If any of you are gamblers, come see me at the Casino some weekend. I deal black jack and all the other carnival games. PM me if anyone is ever up there, it's always nice to see Bills fans. :P Take care everyone.


    The Real

  12. If you are responsible for the new Sabre site, congratulations. Great look easy to navigate. Also like the NHL Report and this day in Sabre's history parts. Great looking site.






  13. Sorry, I'm very partial to Steve, Sarah and the kids.  I have know them for 18 years.  He has been nothing but wonderful to me.  I told him Tuesday that he was the second most important person in my life.


    I know that people think that every player OWES the public something but just looking at your comment.  Short people don't like to be called short, tall people don't like to be called tall or how is the weather up there.  You could have just said I'm a hugh fan of your play extended a hand for a shake and that's that.  Maybe you were not the first to bother him on a golf outing that day.  Who knows.  Just don't judge a person by one meeting.


    I thought Youboty was quite flip the first time I met him but the second time he could not have been nicer.  So you mentioned before that you don't care for Steve.  OK, your opinion.  He sat and signed 24 books for me so I can share with people who don't get the oppertunity to see him in person across this board.  I think that's really nice of him.



    I believe having a personal history with a player definitely changes one's perspective. Especially 18 years of knowing someone. However, I have met him on more than one occasion. He's a member at Cragg Burn. In the spring he's there every day. A few of the guys who I work with have all extended respect and on each occasion he takes a condescending cocky attitude. As he did with me.


    As to the specific comment I made to him, I said "you make all of US 5 10 guys proud!". I didn't put him on the opposite side of the fence. I'm a communications guy, I know how to be pleasant and that's all I was trying to do.


    What he does for you is fantastic... but don't you think the fact that you have 24 books that you paid for has something to do with it? In all honesty, isn't that just good business?


    I know you are a very big fan of his so I'm gonna shut my pie whole on this. I always loved Tasker as a player and was just disappointed that he wasn't friendly in person.



  14. Hey #89,


    Not to start any type of crap but I think Steve Tasker is such a jerk! He is a member at the golfcourse I work at and couldn't have been a bigger jerk to me and a buddy. The conversation went like this:



    Me: HEY STEVE! Wow man, growing with the great Bills teams of the 90's, I'd have to say you are one of my all time favorites.


    Me: You made every 5 10 white guy in america proud.

    ST: ACTUALLY, I'm 5 9.... *dirty look and walked away*



    I've actually heard a few different people say since he's gotten into broadcasting he's kind of changed... Screw him...



    The Real

  15. Poojer, I have an unorthodox suggestion for you. Try frisbee golf. Seriously. 'Frolfing' is availabe in 6 local parks as well as in over 1000 across the country. The one I play is here in Chestnut Ridge. It's about a 2 hour 2 and half mile walk up and down through the ravines. I've lost 30 pounds this summer playing almost every day. Not to lie, I also started paying a little more attention to what I eat and working out once or twice a week. Yet, I truly believe the frisbee golf has helped me tone up my body tremendously.


    Not to mention it's totally challenging and a boat load of fun.


    Another gentlemen I know began gofling. He's lost almost 50 lbs in the past 6 months walking 18 holes everyday with his own clubs.


    Hope it helps.


    The Real

  16. I hope he rots in Hell, forever.



    Hey man, ease up. There is a time and place for such comments and criticism. Here and now is not either. I've enjoyed Kelly's posts for along time. I've enjoyed having him as a member of this community. For the person he was on this board he will be missed greatly.




    I'll leave it to the authorities to figure out all of the details and just leave my prayers with both families and the children. It's a sad day for this board and more so for those poor little kids.



    I'm not a leader around here and I seldom am the voice of reason, but show some compassion. Something must have been terribly wrong for this to have happened.


    I for one will prey for those kids.




    The Real

  17. How long have you worked at Crag Burn?


    Fantastic course.



    I worked there for 2 years a few years ago. When I came back to the area, I got my job back. I mow Greens, Tees and change cups. It really pays pretty crappy but I love the course, the excercise and the serenity of the area. After working all night at the casino with 1,000 noises and numbers in my head it's nice to unwind there.


    Unfortunately, I don't really get to have nearly as much fun as I used to. For instance, do any of you even remember me?





    The Real

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