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Posts posted by The_Real

  1. My little peanut has come down with a cold for the first time in her life.....a cold. The snot in her nose is out of control but no coughing....just a lot of nose snot and a little grumpiness....we will do the vaproizer in her room with menthol additive. Any parents have suggestion to help the little one get through this? Thanks for your help in advance



    I'm no expert by any means but I also have a young daughter, 10 almost 11 months. Keep a close watch on her temperature and keep in contact with your pediatrician. They'll have suggestions that will be much better than anything I or anyone else here can give you. She'll be fine just make sure you pay close attention.


    Prayers for your little one.






    The Real

  2. Hardaway: "I hate gay people".


    I can see how that can be taken out of context. :lol:





    Absolutely the truth right there... If Tim Hardaway doesn't like gays that's one thing... but to come out and seriously say some of the things he said... Man, he's just totally ruined the rest of his career as a public figure. I have to admit I was a huge fan of his when he played. That crossover he used to do, man, he was awesome to watch.


    What a douche




  3. Maybe because she is 43. I'm guessing you are closer to half that. In time my young friend, in time.


    As far as Jovavich or however you spell her last name, I'll give you a list of 40 that are hotter (IMHO):


    Jeri Ryan

    Natalie Portman

    Eva Longoria

    Sarah Michelle Gellar

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Allysa Milano

    Jaime Lynn Sigler

    Giada Di Laurentiis

    Angelina Jolie

    Sonya Walger

    Halle Berry

    Eva Mendes

    Salma Hayek

    Penelepe Cruz

    Julia Roberts

    Famke Janssen

    Anna Paquin

    Kate Hudson

    Reese Witherspoon

    Kristy Swanson

    Courtney Cox

    Jennifer Aniston

    Kari Wuhrer

    Amy Smart

    Carmen Electra

    Molly Sims

    Jennifer Garner

    Gisele Bündchen

    Heidi Klum

    Moon Bloodgood

    Dianne Farr

    Jolene Blalock

    Lucy Liu

    Keira Knightley

    Kate Beckinsale

    Bridget Moynahan

    Demi Moore

    Piper Perabo

    Maria Bello

    Jennifer Connelly




    Actually smart guy, I'm 29. Further, when I'm looking for beautiful women, Last thing I'm looking for is some 43 year old woman who's probabily had it 'beat up' 1,000 times so she could get to the top. It's hollywood.... 40 is drooping. Look at the skin around her mouth and her eyes. That is the 'anti-hot' and it's not because I'm 29. Perky is pretty in my opinion and if you like it falling down, then good for you.



    As for your list, Demi Moore? Lucy Liu...? Kate Hudson???? Anti American, dipsh!t Kate hudson?/? Reese Witherspoon? Come on, are you serious? That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard. I'm suprised Lindsay Lohan didn't make your list. JULIA ROBERTS? Holy cow man 1989 is along time ago.


    Horrible list.






    Whoa dude are you serious? This chick looks like she is 40... I can show you about a million chicks hotter than her.... Starting with....





    She's the girl in my avatar. #1 in my book.. Here are a couple more...








    God she's so effing hot....




  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laminitis


    Laminitis is a disease of the sensitive laminae of the foot in a horse. The front hooves are most commonly affected, although the hind feet are sometimes affected. Its name means inflammation of the laminae, although inflammation is no longer considered as the key mechanism of the disease process.






    Read the ESPN article, it will help




    The Real

  6. It bothers me that so many people talk about how great our draft was, and use Whitner in the argument. You can argue for a lot of players making this a good draft, but Whitner is not one of them (at least for now).


    Since 1990 170 players have been selected in the top ten picks of the NFL draft. Of the 170 players 7 played either safety position in college. That’s 4.1% of all the top ten picks in the last 17 years. The list includes Mark Carrier, Troy Vincent, Roy Williams, Eric Turner, Sean Taylor, and this years additions in Michael Huff and Whitner. The first four guys on the list have played in a combined 13 pro bowls, and not a single one of them had less then two pro bowl appearances. Taylor looks like he should certainly add to that list if he keeps his head on straight.


    The point is not that Daunte Whitner can’t become one of these guys. It’s that drafting a safety this early is VERY rare, and in the cases teams did it they found pro bowl caliber players for at least a few seasons. It seems like the barometer for Whitner is if he’s a good player he was a good pick. If I drafted a good kicker in round 1 would it be a good pick if that kicker wasn’t great? Whitner is not a good pick until he shows he can play at a pro bowl level. I’ll give him time to do that, but just by making this decision Marv got himself in an uphill battle.


    While I do see the validity in your argument, I believe the comparisons are unfair. The defensive picks of last year where the first by the new regime. Until you have given this team 3 years to build 'their' team, all comparisons are unfair. Ko, Daunte, McCargo and Williams are parts of the puzzle. Whitner may or may not be difference maker in the NFL but he has to be in a system with other players that allow him to showcase his talent.


    Whitner wasn't my choice, like most others, but I'm not going to criticize him until I see him fail with a good team around him. The Bills are plain sad against the run, and had to adjust their game alot to deal with the glaring weakness. Let's see if the Bills address the LB and DL through free agency and the draft. Once the biggest problems are dealt with, let's see how frequently he gets burned.



    Just a thought.




  7. Well, that cinches it right there. The Bills have a WELL-KNOWN history of drafting every high motor white guy in the early rounds, based on the drafts from 2001-2005, and for taking a TE prospect in the middle rounds based on 3 TE's taken.





    It wasn't about a high draft pick being spent on a 'high motor' white guy, it was just me having some fun looking at seniors who did well in the eyes of the professionals. It was having fun... Here is an idea, Phil Hansen... That must have been in the past 5 years too huh smart guy... If you don't have a sense of humor simply don't respond. If you're married go be a d!ck to your wife, atleast she signed up for it.



  8. I do too, but I don't obsess about others' successes or failures. I've changed my thinking on this radically. Much like the American car manufacturers should be emulating Toyota, the Bills should emulate the Patriots.


    Just MO, but winning as many games as they have over the past 6 or 7 years kind of makes it common sense.



    If you like seeing the Patriots win or are unaffected when they win, don't respond to this post because I'm happy they didn't. I hate the Patriots. As a fan of an AFC east team who has been forced to listen how Brady is 'the next' or how Belechick is the 'best mind in football' or the Patriots are 'the best franchise in football', I'm elated. They blew an 18 point lead. Their star quarterback threw the deciding interception.


    How it affects the Bills doesn't really matter. It's not about the Bills. It's about the Patriots losing and the national media having to talk about how Brady blew it. How Belechick got beat.



    If you want to hate on the Bills because I post how happy I am that the pats lost, you're just looking to be negative. They lost, I'm rejoicing. That shouldn't bother you, the Bills or anyone else who isn't affected. I'm affected, they lost.. Nah nah. : P




  9. The Colts beat the Patriots. All the Brady/Bruschi love the national media has didn't help them. P. Manning and the Colts got over on the beloved Patriots and for that I know that there is a god. My hopes and prayers are that the Patriots begin to slowly fade back to the bottom of the league, where they rightfully belong.



    Let us all take a moment and realize 18 points up in the first half, the Pats collapsed. They could not get a stop on the Colts and no matter how many scoring drives in the second half, they simply could not stop Peyton's boys. For this tremendous feat I am going to have a really really good day.


    Happy Patriots lose day everyone.




  10. huh? Its more like cute girls come up to me all the time and tell me what great legs I have. What the hell are you talking about?



    I'm with Pete on this one. Whether it be calves or abs, chest or arms, when you get complimented it feels good. I'm 28 with a kid and have no problems with my sexuality. When I run into an old friend of mine and they see I'm getting ripped up, it's nice when they comment.... Boy or Girl. That doesn't mean I want to 'know' them.




  11. I agree 100%, IF they are done perfectly. Most people don't do them correctly, or do the first handful correctly and that's it.


    And then they wonder why their shoulders hurt.


    And most people that don't "have time for the gym" just aren't trying.


    Good luck with the triathlon!!


    I agree, blind ambition is like none at all IMO. Thanks for the wishes but man let me tell you this training is much harder than anything I've ever done. 15 mile bike rides, 100 length swims and 5 mile runs 3 times a week. That's nearly 2 1/2 hours of cardio. I'm starting to really see alot of definition in my body but man... it really will get ya. That's only those three days. The other 2 or 3 I do specific muscle group training. I'm built like a Brick sh-- house.... lol


    If anyone is a member at Bally's out here let me know. I'd love to have another work out buddy. I can only shuffle my 400 songs on my Ipod so many times....




  12. Base what you eat on how active you are. Try to match your calorie intake with how many you are going to use. The closer to balance you get the better off you'll be in controlling your weight. I think excercise is as important as diet. Try doing Cardio as much as you can. Treadmill, stationary, Eliptical, walking, running, golfing, etc. Just be active. The computer and the television are your biggest enemies.


    Fast food and sugars are two big things that fight against you. See how much of both you can get rid of. By the way, Pizza, tacos, wings and Subs are fast food too. Try ordering a chicken fillet on Wheat dry or something to the effect the next time you are ordering. Little differences go a long way.




  13. I've never been in a situation where I've fallen flat on my face and the easiest option wasn't just to roll over and stand up. And as many times as I've considered it, I don't think as hard as I push I'll get the world to move.


    My answer is 0, simply because I think pushups are a pointless exercise. There are MUCH better alternatives for every muscle group. Push ups are a good way to put unneeded stress on your shoulders.


    Only if you do them with your shoulders and not line up your arms correctly to use your chest. It's a chest excercise more than a shoulder excercise. They help you to be able control your own body weight. I'll admit they aren't exactly the best excercise but they are nice if you can't get to the gym.




  14. Merely stating you will fight for the Bills to remain here and also that you think its a fight that we can win neither means you think everything is OK and certainly does not mean one is burying your head in the sand.


    A. No one (be it you, me, or the media) has any clue whatsoever what provisions Ralph has left in his will for distribution of his assets, or within the Bills corporate agreements for disposal of the team. There are several methods he could pursue which actually would lock the team into residence in Buffalo and cushion his heir from a tax bite which forces sell of the team to the highest bidder if he has access to good legal minds.


    Contractual obligations which lock the Bills in place and certainly are not anything Ralph and his family have talked about doing, but then if you had why talk about it. It actually might serve Ralph's families interest for him to put in such language as anything which anchors the team to Buffalo lowers its real cash value and thus lowers any tax assessment owed by Ralph's heirs.


    B. If he really wanted to be aggressive the team can orchestrate some type of arrangement where the team is left to a corporation providing a Green Bay Packers style ownership framework. Such an arrangement would be complicated and more difficult to pull off in a will than if an owner actually tried to do it, but this does not mean it cannot be done. Some league forces might want to sue to stop an owner from doing this, but such a law suit would be costly for the league not only in terms of legal costs and publicity as the league sues little ol Buffalo and a dead guy for more dollars, but more important the same cudgel which forced the NFL to buy off Cleveland when they threatened to sue was that such publicity heightens the chances that legislative activity in Congress might subject the NFL to loss of the few exemptions from legal restrictions on constraint of trade and monpolisitic practices they do have.


    C. Ralph is a private owner of a private corporation and though the teams books are more open than ever before thanks to the CBA and the NFL partners the players demanding more transparency to insure owners are not hiding money, there are still a great many secrets Ralph can keep to himself.


    In essence, neither those who assume the Bills will be here forever, nor those who want assume they are as good as gone when Ralph dies can make this assumption as they have too little information on what Ralph is really doing or thinking.


    The main things which works in Buffalos favor is that possession is 9/10ths of the law. This is important as shown by the Irsays choosing to pull up the Mayflower vans and leave under cover of night and Art Modell essentially springing a done deal on Cleveland and the public. A live owner can mostly do what he wants and the NFL cannot really stop him, but even a live owner wants to present his move as a fait accompli or even he risks making it hard to pull off.


    Since Ralph as said the team will not move while he is alive, when he dies the team will be here in Buffalo. At that point with a dead owner, the team will be difficult to move and sale except without the concurrence of local and state courts which pass final judgment on the disposition of wills and estates.


    Almost certainly ever trusts, estates, or probate judge who gets any case involving judgments about disputes regarding disposition of Ralph's WNY properties will be hard pressed to make rulings which disadvantage the WNY body politic. Likely much of his estate would be tried under MI law where he lives with some adjudication in NYS for such a large WNY based property and with the NFL HQ'ed in NYS, but my guess is that after Ralph is gone that we see the Bills property likely wind up in court for a long time if there is any move to change possession from being in Buffalo to some other legal jurisdisiction.


    Really the folks with their heads in the sand are those who say a particular change is a done deal because change is very hard to do in our society even for a live owner,


    Pyrite girl this is the type of post I was talking about. There is nothing factual about your post it's just all heresay. Schumer and the 'commish' are both working on keeping the team here. That's good enough for me. Put a good product on the field and fans will show up, again good enough for me. Any posturing beyond that is simply.... Just that... Posturing



  15. I've listened to all of the Doom and Gloomers talk crap about how the Bills are 'doomed' and it has gotten me to research the situation. The more I look the more I find information that supports the fact that the Bills can and will get financial support. First, the current commissioner has made it clear that even if the owners do agree to a revenue sharing plan that doesn't specifically support the Bills, he personally will make sure that the financial viability of the franchise is not in question.




    Further, in an article that I posted in a previous thread, it is suggested that the television contract pays the players salaries.




    "About 2/3 of the NFL's money comes from the TV deal. The players get about 2/3 of team revenue. So, more or less, the TV contract goes to pay the players. These contracts are typically for about 5 years, and every time they are renegotiated the price goes up. So do player's salaries.


    The money from the TV contract is share and share alike - the Redskins, Cowboys, Bills, and Packers get identical checks. This money is key to the success of the smaller franchises. Without the TV contract money, there is simply no way on earth that Green Bay could ever field a competitive team. "



    I know and understand the point about the escalating salary cap and about other teams being able to spend more (Redskins, Giants, etc.) because of signing bonuses. Yet, the people here who are pretending that the league isn't aware or doesn't care are simply misguided. Buffalo fans always see the cup half empty and for that it gets tiring.



    The Bills are going to be in Buffalo. Until plans are made that say the Community can't, and in concrete, can't support this team, I'm not buying. Until Ralph dies and the league turns their back, I'm going to believe what Goodell says about the future of the franchise.



    We aren't dead in the water people. Remember that.



    The Real


    PS Even this year, a bad year by all standards, we were still only about 100 off from the league wide average in attendance for the year. Below is a quote from the first article.


    'Despite the drop off in attendance, the Bills' season average of 67,646 was about 100 short of the league-wide average'

  16. Oh, boy. I want to see how many "go to hell" posts YOU have at the end of the day. :cry:



    Go to hell.





    P.S Drink some more of the koolaid. No team in the NFL is doomed as long as they have the salary cap, Television deal, and Revenue sharing. If you believe Ralph you are fooling yourself. Ralph just wants to make 40 or 50 million a year like the Giants. He himself said his profit margin is 7 million. AWWWWWWW POOR RALPH.

  17. This is the only time of year I use it. Normally it's just a bunch of the same old people giving the same old opinions. But for draft and college recruiting info, it's worth it.



    I use it alot for Baseball too. I'm a huge Mets fan and I like the baseball rumors page. Also, the hockey and football rumor page. I find that there are alot of different angles that they look into in Insider. I pay 40 or 50 bucks a year and I get hours of different material to read.


    Worth it to me.




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