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Posts posted by The_Real

  1. Very cool!  He's really growing on me....I really wanted Haz cause I know he's passionate about the area, but DJ seems to be doing a good job thus far. I hope it carries over into the season.


    What did he shoot? :)




    Believe it or not, DJ is a pretty good golfer. He was hitting from the blacks and crushing. He only played 9 and I didn't see him after he was done so idk.




  2. For those of you who know me, I work at the Casino in Niagara Falls, but I also have a job at a very nice golf course in East Aurora (Cragg Burn). This morning at 5 after 6 who comes walking up the drive? None other than Bills head coach Dick Jauron. The conversation went as follows:



    Me: Hey... You're..

    DJ: Hello son, Dick Jauron (offers hand).

    Me: I've been a Bills fan my whole life I know who you are. You guys looked pretty good last night.

    DJ: Did you like that? Well from now on everything counts.

    Me: Tell J.P that he's got a lot of people in Buffalo rooting for him.

    DJ: Will do. It was a pleasure to meet you son.



    Then we talked a little about the golf course. Mr. Jauron was a very nice man and a pleasure to talk to. Unlike a few other guys who golf there. Steve Tasker, for instance, was a bit of a snob when I met him.



    Anyways. I'm rooting for him now.


    The Real

  3. Those aren't bad beats gentlemen that's being drawn out. I have the worst bad beat story of all time that should make you understand. It was for 396 at a 1-2 no limit game in Niagara Falls before I started dealing.



    3 1/2 hours into a 4 hour shift (always play for a specific amount of time), I am up big. I look at my hole cards A-A. At this point I've made my money and am willing to just walk with the blinds. I raise to 15. Another player raises to 45. At this point I'm happy as can be, but still am willing to walk with just his 45. I reraise to 90 and he promptly calls.



    Flop reads 4-A-4. <_< I make a full house on the flop and decide I'm going to slow play hoping he has k-k or q-q, I check. He immediately goes all in. At this point I figure if he's got pocket 4's I deserve to lose. I call.


    He's got pocket kings and because I checked he didn't think I had an ace let alone 2 of them. I'm smiling, knowing that I played the hand right.












    Turn card? King











    River? King






    That my friends is a bad beat.




  4. Thurman thomas was a waste of a pick too. Him and those crappy knees. Letting Howard Ballard and Nate Odoms go was a terrible mistake. Drafting Bledsoe will solve our problems. Lofton is over the hill. Marv Levy never coached anywhere. No receivier from Kutztown can make it in the NFL.


    Please, be selective in your ability to predict the past with such accuracy.




    Kudos, good post.


    As far as the subject at hand, how the hell does anyone know what was offered? The Bills obviously liked the kid and it doesn't kill me to see him drafted. If he doesn't pan out in 4 years ala Mike Williams we can revisit this pick and complain but let him be a bust first.


    I wanted ML or a trade down as well but it was obvious alot of the players Buffalo was associated with (Ngata, Bunkley) went right after us. I also think it speaks volumes of ML and his staff willing to give the young qb's a chance. Will it bite them in the ass? Probabily. Yet let it happen first.


    Don't try predicting the future. Usually it doesn't work out too well.




  5. I noticed that was some interest in the Denver/San Francisco trade yesterday and I want to address why that trade was made.


    By getting San Francisco's 2nd & 3rd round picks this year, Denver now has the proper ammunination to make the two moves they want and feel will get them into the Super Bowl.


    As you all know, Denver has been looking for a #1 receiver to eventually replace Rod Smith, in addition Ashly Leslie wants to be traded.  Denver gets the 15th pick in a 3 cornered deal with Atlanta and the Jets, the thought is, here's the pick for Chad Jackson. But also note that Denver lost Jeb Putzier and has only Stephen Alexander on its roster at Tight End.  Factor in also that to get access to TE Vernon Davis the Broncos reasoned that they must get ahead of both San Francisco and Oakland in the draft.


    This is where Green Bay comes into play.  The Packers are in a rebuilding mode and have multiple needs, principally at offensive guard and playmaking pressure linebacker. At the 5th pick, the natural selection would be A.J. Hawk, nice fill but not exactly the guy the Packers want with Nick Barnett on their roster.  Also, remember the Green Bay also has a disgrunteled receiver in Javon Walker.


    Now that I have set the scenario for you, here is the move that makes complete sense and watch for this on draft day:


    When the commissioner goes to the podium with the 5th selection in the draft he will make the announcement of the following trade:


    Green Bay has traded this choice to the Denver Broncos, Green Bay will receive Denver's choice in the fisrt round, pick # 15, the 2nd round choice that Denver received from San Franciso, Pick # 37 and Denver's other 2nd or the 3rd round pick that got from San Francisco.  Also in the trade will be the exchange of wide receivers with Walker going to Denver and Leslie going to Green Bay.


    Denver with the pick selects TE Vernon Davis, Green Bay with the pick from Denver selects one of three pass rush pressure linebackers, Kamerion Mimberly, Ernie Sims or Manny Lawson.  The Packers with back-to-back picks early in the 2nd round select OG's Luiti and Davin Joseph.


    In one complex move the Bronco's add the tight end and wide receiver they want in Davis anbd Walker, the Packers get a pass rush linebacker and two offensive guards that rebuild their interrior of the offensive line, remembering they have three good tackles.


    Questions and comments are welcome.



    Your scenario is too far fetched and won't happen. I can see a trade Wr's or another part working but all of this? Although it may make sense, in your mind, it's alot to have happen. I just don't see anyway that all of those parts fall into place.


    Anytime you rely on more than blank for blank, it's a crap shoot. You are talking about draft picks and players and moving more draft picks for different players.


    won't happen.



  6. That is one way to look at it.  The other is that Marv looks like he is intently listenting to or thinking about what John Guy just said.


    By the way, Marv looks great in that pick.  I hope and pray I am that fit and coherent at that age.  The reality, Marv is more fit and has more wit than 90% (I am just guessin') of the people on this board.




    Congratulations, you win the homer of the day award. Your prize is that yellow jacket Marv has on. Loosen up this isn't bad at all. Now the arab with just his shoes and his turbin from a couple of months, man that was a tough one to caption.








  7. It depends on the "cry" - people who don't hear the baby will tell you "babies cry", but if it is above and beyond a normal cry, then give your pediatrition a call.



    That's my worry, I'm not well versed in the different kinds of cries. My mom and her mom are from the old school way of thinking. She's been to the hospital three twice since she was born and they tell me everything is normal and that she is in fact healthy.


    So, I think the crying is normal but I don't think I'd know the difference.





    Thanks guys, I'm not getting any of this from my retards err friends who are 30 and still doing keg stands.

  8. You can't feel guilty about something for which you are not responsible. You can't make a baby sleep, so quit dragging your psyche through the dirt. It's natural to wish your child could sleep well or eat well. The first few nights at home, our son would cry right after a feeding, and you just need to let them cry. It's a painful thing to do, and wifey and I spent more than a couple of hours feeling miserable and crying ourselves. But if you keep going to them when they cry, believe me when I say they will figure that out very, very, very quickly.




    I find myself trying that, letting her cry, but I just sit above her crib and crumble because I'm afraid something is wrong. AND man this girl loads up. Like no breath for like 3 seconds and belts it out. Purple face and all... :) I call grandma, she tells me I'm being a p#%$# and to get used to it because 'babies cry'.


    Is it just something you grow in to? Allowing yourself not to freak out when they seem like their world is ending?



  9. You're screwed. Breast fed babies, as a rule, don't sleep through the night like formula fed babies do. Our son didn't really sleep through the night until he was ten months old and he was breast fed. Fortunately because he was breast fed meant that the wife was the one to wake up and tend to the child... :)




    See, but don't you feel guilty about it? I do. :D I keep thinking man she's getting like 2 1/2 hours a night of sleep and that sucks. I'm not a big wimp or boo hoo guy I just feel like if I could help out she might get 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night.




  10. You could make an argument that Bonds was the best player of the 90's. That's was before the steroids. The unhuman homerun numbers he's put came after he had won like 3 mvp awards.


    He was money before all the drugs but thats not the point.


    How many homeruns do you think McGwire was juiced for? Or Sosa? OR Palmiero?


    Are we just going to throw out ALL of their records? That would be stupid considering baseball created this monster.




  11. Vlad never touched them either.


    On ESPN radio today, Dan Patrick was saying that Bonds was getting tried for purgery and tax evasion.  They know he used steroids but they wanna indite him for not giving the complete truth.



    "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."


    I rest my case.

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