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Posts posted by The_Real

  1. Uhmmmm, its said he may retire due to the neck injury and that when they tried to deal him to the Giants there were problems in the physical due to the neck injury


    No way the Bills even look at him as an option



    I saw that he might retire I just didn't think it was a real possibility. He seems a bit young to retire but LB is a tough position and he could have gotten run down faster than his age indicates. If so, that blows. He was pretty good just a few years ago.


    The Real


    Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers WIN

    Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots LOSE

    Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS WIN



    Oct. 28 @ New York Jets LOSE


    Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins WIN


    Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars WIN

    Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins WIN


    Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns WIN


    Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles LOSE





    The Real

  3. Holy crap, 32 minutes from the schedule release and you are saying 0-8 is possible... That's a serious lack of faith. Get a cold one and relax my friend. We aren't even at the draft yet. We could trade up, get Peterson, trade back into the first get Poz, and have a couple June 1 cuts fall into our hands... Likely? Probabily not, but anything is possible.





    The Real

  4. Goodell is proving to be a very good Commissioner. He has to improve the image of the NFL. Idiots like Pacman, Henry and Lionel Gates should be B!tch slapped right out of the league if they can't act like civilized adults. He's been strict and laid down the law so that the players know they can't act ridiculous. These players can now choose their own fate.


    I'm also impressed that he created a 6 player panel to keep him in touch with the players. Smart move to keep himself in place with what the players think. Seems to be a smart guy.



    The Real

  5. Whoever ends up getting Turner, it would be crazy to think it will involve a 1st round pick (whether this year or next) given up so why is he even mentioned in this argument? You can have Turner AND your 1st round pick.



    The reason they are being mentioned together is because of the tender that the Chargers gave him, the highest they could. I'm not certain that I believe that the Bills or any other team would give up a 1st for him, but I do believe it's their starting point.







    The Real

  6. The only true 'franchise' back in this draft is Adrian Peterson. Not Lynch or trading for Turner. If you people believe that the RB makes the Offense you are crazy. The offensive line makes the running back, quarterback and essentially the offense. Every year the Broncos have a great offensive line and running back by committee. Every year they have a 1,000 yard back and the ability to be effective on offense. The old saying 'defense wins championships' is true. Peyton Manning didn't win the Superbowl this year. He managed a smart game plan, had two running backs share the load, and had a defense step up and play aggresive.



    People are making Lynch and Turner out to be Reggie Bush. Neither are. Ralph Wilson, for as hard as I've been on him, asked the best question that he could, "how are we going to stop the run". Patrick Willis is how.



    Just say no to a 1st round back.



    The Real

  7. And to save all you witty bastards some typing, yes I am smoking very good crack as I ride the short bus to the park where I have a season pass on the retard roller-coaster.



    I'm not going to hate on your post or anything but you can't leave yourself this open for criticism. Not with the band of tough guys here on the wall.


    Here is the deal, I believe we will draft a DT this year but it won't be in the first round. The necessity dropped with the Takeo Spikes trade. MLB has to be our focus and Willis has to be our guy. I'll be blown away if he's not.



    The Real

  8. I'm not a fan of giving up a #1 pick for anything but a first or second year player who is going to be a part of the organization for 7-10 years. Even then that player has to be special. Rationale being, a first round player will be as big a piece of the puzzle as the one you are trading for. Especially at 12.


    If I'm the Bills I draft Willis and hope San Diego drops thier asking price. If they don't by the second round, step up and draft a running back and let "the Burner" keep on truckin'. The question to me is how much are you willing to give up for a back who you know very little about? He's a 5th round draft choice from a small school who has backed up a healthy dominant running back for the past 3 years.


    Two 3rd rounders is my best offer. A conditional 2nd if the player performs to an adequate level. That to me still seems like alot. Imo.



    The Real

  9. After Willis, the value at the position falls of dramatically. Stopping the run is going to be HUGE for this defense. Willis by a landslide. That isn't to say I don't want Peterson, that guy is a special athlete. A special athlete who's been hurt the past few years.


    If the Bills upgraded the offensive line as much as we all believe, we should have success running the ball regardless if it's A Train, Shaud or a 2nd round back.



    Willis 3 / Peterson 2



  10. Swapping firsts would be awful. Turner is a 25 year old back, besides according to draft charts sd would have to give us half their draft just to move up from 30 to 12. The 30th pick being of 620 points 12th being 1200.


    The chargers would realisticaly have to give us their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rd pick and they would still wouldn't equal the value of of the 12th pick. Turner is already 25 years old realisticaly you're getting a back who may or may not be good a career high of 80 carries in a season is hardly sufficent evidence, someone who's shown nill as a receiver, and according to a pre draft bio his vision isn't all that good. I'd sit at 12 draft someone else and force sd's hand and look elsewhere. SD may think they can set the market for turner but Id much rather let the market determine his value then overspend on someone who just may be a good backup rb.



    Seriously... Great post. I usually like to add but this was as well said as you can say it.





    The Real

  11. Uhhhh..... I believe the reason most fans are upset with the offseason is because it's been a joke. The 'glass half full' crew believes that a revitalized offensive line will be the cure all for this team. Personally, I do think that J.P will have more protection but that's only one aspect of the game.


    2 of our three starting linebackers are gone. Those two have been very important members of the organization. Clements who was our best cover CB is gone. Our starting backfield (HB and FB) is gone. Those are huge departures from our team no matter how any of us want to paint the picture.


    Some will argue that we've still got the draft and under the radar free agents still available. Yet I believe what we are looking for is impact players. Even if our draft year was AMAZING, I still believe we've created more holes than can be filled in just ONE draft class.


    God knows no one is a sure thing and we have enough blunders to prove that. I'm disappointed with the offseason but level headed enough to wait until September. Marv is building a team the way he thinks he's supposed to. If it fails he'll be responsible. If he exceeds all expectations it will be a ringing endorsement of him as a GM.



    There are alot of holes in the bottom of this ship right now folks. Fans like me just want to see them plugged. Not with stop gaps but with real players who make a difference. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what happens.



    The Real

  12. I don't know about anyone else out there but with all of these holes to fill, I think this is the most depressing off-season I can ever remember. The gloom and doom is here and I don't think any drafted player will help that. Let's face it people...The Buffalo Bills are YEARS away from even making the playoffs.


    Can you think of a worse offseason in recent memory?


    Trading Spikes is the nail in the coffin for me. I understood the McGahee trade because you were going to lose him anyway but Spikes is a warrior and getting a 4th rounder or something like that for someone who pours his heart and soul into every game and practice just makes me sick to my stomach.



    I couldn't agree with you more. Too many steps back and not enough forward... yet... I guess. I'll wait until opening day to see how this roster shakes out. To this point..... I'm nervous...



    The Real

  13. What is it today? I didn't say you weren't "man enough" (big and bad enough...) to hit a button. I questioned whether you had the "right stuff" to man the button.


    We should be discussing the "right stuff". :lol:



    The analytical mind that always asks questions is ofcourse the right choice. I didn't say I was going to, I was merely striking up conversation on of all things... A message board. :P Next time I'll save hypothetical for a better forum.


    Who made you the judge of said "right stuff" qualities. I believe I may have to call shananigans here.



    Further, what other than the teams needs would be the "right stuff" to talk about? Should I bag on Levy or talk about how the media bashes us endlessly? Or talk about how we are going to fill holes on our team that are certainly obvious to most football fans in this country aside from the 5000 or so here.


    We are going backwards from last year. In so many ways the people here have accepted that and to me it's a shame. We had a good building year last year and we took away three big pieces of that. I want to talk about what that means to our success and if those pieces can be replaced. I'm sorry if that's not the right stuff.


    :( People are short tempered today.. Jeez....



    The Real

  14. We will advise you of the proper time, when and if that time comes. However, the fact that you have raised the question in mid-March, before the draft, before mini-camps, suggests you may not have the "right stuff" to man said button.



    Oh no, I'm man enough to man said button. I just wanted full endorsement. A community opinion to me, matters.



    Man enough indeed.








    The Real

  15. 5 or 6 defensive holes?


    1. MLB - Crowell may fill this spot.

    2. CB - Youboty may fill this spot

    3. ummmm...


    You may want to check your math.


    Oh, and you may start complaining at any time. Panic is optional.


    Wow that is just horrible.


    1. Crowell hasn't played MLB for a year in the pros. The assumption he is good enough to replace is silly until proven so. If you move him to the middle, who's your two OLB? My understanding is Spikes could be on his way out, now you want to move the other OLB as well?


    2. Youboty did nothing to warrant me believing he is a starting CB in this league. In the little I saw of him last year, he looked lost. I in no way shape or form find him to be the answer until he has a body of work to prove so.


    3. FB?


    4. HB? If you are happy with A train and Shaud as your backfield, then so be it. I for one am not.


    5. DT


    6. Another DT





    The Real

  16. The list of players out far exceed the ones in. We've lost significant parts of our defense with out filling any holes. No starting RB, MLB, CB or FB. We spent 75 million on Offensive linemen and have done nothing to fill the holes created via FA. Now, I know the draft hasn't come yet but my feelings are you can not fill 5 or 6 HUGE needs with the picks they have. DT, CB and RB are my biggest concerns.


    Say we get Okoye in the 1st, and one of the 3 or 4 2nd round backs... Then what about MLB? Will there be value going into the third round? Value that can step in and play right now?




    Say we sign a FA linebacker or DT... ... ... Nevermind... I already know that isn't going to happen. :wallbash:




    Anyways.. When am I allowed to start complaining?



    The Real

  17. While I agree that Schopp is sometimes hard on callers, have you ever listened to the usual bag of dumb @sses that call that show? He'll say out loud, 'please don't call with ridiculous trades' ... Two seconds later... 'hi first time caller, What about Joe Sakic for Andrew Peters?'. I'd imagine if 1 million idiots called me and had no idea what they were talking about I'd get easily aggitated as well.


    As for the Bills, dude they suck. In the scope of this area, they aren't the hot ticket anymore. When they are in the playoffs and competing for a super bowl you will see them get proper respect. The Bills have been bad for a long time. It's the truth and with the Sabres being as good as they are right now, people are jumping to the winner.


    I'm a lifer just like you and I understand the sentiment.


    "... It's a new dawn.... It's a new day....."




    The Real

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