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Posts posted by SHOUTBOX MONSTER!

  1. These are mock-ups done by a random fan. They are nothing more. So don't read into this.


    With that said, Nike is scheduled to take over all NFL-liscensed apparel in April of 2012, so the whole "Pro Combat" concept or something similar, may be on the horizon.

  2. Thanks for the support fellow law abiding American. I can assure everyone that I broke no law while the dope smokers certainly were breaking the law as well as setting a poor example for the kid. And for you folks who ask why you would pack heat at the stadium...have you ever been to the L.A. Coliseum? If you have, then you'll know why.


    So you're part of the reason that I have to wait 30 minutes to let some dude feel me up before I get in the game?


    Thanks. :devil:

  3. I was looking into this as well after ditching Sunday Ticket. This is my understanding of how it works: You pay for the service and get the games online. You have access to the games immediately after they end. If you wait for some amount of time (want to say it's an hour after the end of the game) you will have the option to watch the games commercial free.


    The tough part, of course, is avoiding the score until you watch it. But if you can pull that off, it seems like a good way to go.


    The games don't get posted until midnight Sunday night, and all games are inaccessible during other NFL games. So you can't watch the Sunday Bills game while there's a MNF game going on. However, once they're posted, there are no commercials.


    The July 31st date is just when your subscription would be through. So you'd be paying $50 to watch games from the past 2 or 3 years until then. If you want it after that date, you have to wait to subscribe on August 1st. It's a terribly stupid set-up IMO.

  4. I was impressed at how Claussen was the first ND QB in like 40 years to lose to Navy. Then he did it twice in 3 years


    <_< First of all, Clausen didn't even take a snap in the first loss as Sharpley was the starter at that point. And the one time he did lose to Navy? He only threw for 452 yards.

  5. Interesting stuff there. Anyone catch that the Bills/Falcons game was one of the ones used in the sample? Some people may find this interesting...






    FOX/Seattle-Green Bay




    The Bills/Falcons games had more footage of players standing around than any of the other games. So basically we have a team full of lazy slackers. We need a new coach badly.

  6. I signed up for this late last year and recently renewed for this season.


    First off, I love the fact that they archived all the 2008 games and allow you to watch them in addition to all of this year's games. I typically go out to a bar to watch the Bills live, but this allows me to watch other games that I missed or maybe even re-watch a Bills game if I missed something. The quality of the video is absolutely awesome. It can get grainy at times (usually when your video is just starting or if you jump to a new spot,) but usually is damn close to the "HD-quality" that they state on the site. One drawback is the quality of the multiple game viewing. The games that you don't have pulled up on the main screen are WAY to small to watch. You can basically see who's playing the game and that's it. Hopefully, they can improve it.


    Overall, it's worth the price to me and I recommend it. If you can stand not watching the game live and waiting 'til midnight EST, then it's highly worth it.

  7. As far as I know. He's on the roster. And after his hat trick in the T&T game, I'd say he deserves to be in there. :devil:


    He's coming off a toe injury and hasn't had any playing time in Spain lately. I don't think he starts or gets many minutes tonight. Hopefully he'll be okay for Saturday.


    With Beasley moving to left back and Edu out with an injury, I'm remaining optomistic that we might see Freddy Adu B-) play the left flank. Most likely it'll be Torres or Kljesten, though.


    Ok... I'm pumped now. MAKE IT TEN O'CLOCK ALREADY!

  8. I remember a while back someone posted a link of the OLD bills logo that was very cartoon like that actually had Buffalo Bill Cody riding a Buffalo. Does anyone have that link? I have searched on the internet as well as this site and cant find it.

    Thanks in advance


    No Buffalo Bill Cody here, but some interesting similar old logos.

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