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Posts posted by ICE

  1. Yesterday, I'm doing the family Christmas tree thing and the game on the local affiliate is Bengals/Ravens. Throughout the entire game the only highlights they showed other than halftime was Pats/Browns & Titans/Colts. During the 1st quarter they broke in to show the Patsies return of the opening kickoff but didn't show the McGee's until halftime.

    The bias was so unmistakeable!

    Hadta vent!  :devil:




    WTF are you talking about. TONS of Bills highlights during the game. At the bar we had every damn game on. The KO return, the Long TD to Evans and PW's int were all on.


    Not only that CBS voted mcGees return something like their highlight of the day or some sh--?

  2. Some people here would still not be satisfied with this team.


    My goodness, what else can this team do besides win to make everyone happy?


    Bledsoe is playing better and I like it!

    Our young players are coming on very STRONG!

    Our defense is pretty good when it counts!

    Mike Mularkey has this team going in the right direction!

    Looks like Donahoe has a clue!

    sh--, I'm a happy guy right now!





    Very dumb statement. Facts are we are not winning a superbowl this year. Facts are with the current QB situation as it is...we will never win one.

  3. And it is a good thing I am not the GM for this team.....


    I would have sidlined Drew Bledsoe after that New England game...that was absolutely the last straw for me.......


    But when you look where we are at right now.....a team surging with opponets who are floundering from now until Pittsburg.....


    He did the right thing......


    I am still very wary of Drew Bledsoe....after backing him since he arrived I turned very sour on him.....but he is starting to do all the things that I said he couldnt do anymore......


    - Win on the road

    - Get the ball in the end zone


    I am GLAD that I was wrong




    If you cared about the Bills beyond this season then you would have been right.

  4. funny how you ignore the fact that Palmer sat ALL of last year...nice to see you do not like to let facts get in the way




    How many cinci games have you seen this year? ONLY BY STARTING THIS YEAR has he started to develop. BTW...facts? Cinci has the same record as us with a ROOKIE playing QB. Yes you are a rookie (just like McGahee) until you PLAY.


    FACT: Palmer has grown by playing, he sucked the first couple of weeks out. FACT: Rothlesburger has done the same...by playing.

  5. There's no confusion on my part. You have no clue as to what Bledsoe has meant to this team this season. He has outpointed the Kelly Bill's team in this three week strech. He's made the Bills offense one of the best in the league yet you misguidedly refuse to recognize this acheivement. Moreover you feel the need to laughably call for his benching! It's so much fun to see the Bledsoe bashers go down in flames like this.  :devil:  :D  :lol:  :lol:




    Will never happen. And please don't ever use that QB's name in the same sentance as a Great like Kelly again. It pisses on all that the greats have done.


    None of us that have a realistic view will go down in flames. We will be the ones standing pointing out moronic assclowns like yourself that put player above team WHEN we win a superbowl with the right man at the helm.

  6. ICE is the guy back in 1998-99 who maintained that Rob Johnson was the second coming of Johnny Unitas, and that it was an outrage we were retarding his development by playing Flutie.  Now he is saying the same thing with Losman and Bledsoe, in the Johnson and Flutie roles respectively.  And just like he was sure about Johnson, he is sure about Losman.  So when the Bills win with Bledsoe, it upsets him because it indicates his expert analysis might be wrong. So although he'll say the PC thing--he's happy the Bills won--in fact he wants them to fall apart so he can blame Bledsoe and prove that he is an expert at evaluating QBs. Thus his negativity.


    Oh, and if the team goes to the playoffs at some point with Bledsoe, he will, in Orwellian fashion, claim that Bledsoe was the man all along.  Because he turned on Johnson like a rabid dog in 2000-01, once he understood he was wrong about Johnson's skills.  So don't worry too much about his views, it's really much more about him than the team.




    Ummmm no. I said give the kid a chance. We did, he failed. TD made the decision knowing this to keep RJ over flutie, not me.


    As for being PC, that's not me. As for being wrong, sometimes, not often. funny how after time my stances are proven correct. So Again I will wait and you will see. We will never achieve anything with our current QB situation. Keeping JP on the bench means WHEN he does start, we must suffer through some growing pains. Rothlesburger and Palmer have grown this season by playing...not sitting.

  7. You're a three decker saurkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce. :D


    Let's all hope that, by some strange miracle, all the right things happen and the Bills make the playoffs.  I think that maybe Ice's small heart would grow three sizes that day!




    HA! Love it! :devil:

  8. Or it could be that they've beaten Arizona, San Francisco, Tampa Bay, and New Orleans.  Yeah, it's probably that.




    John Fox for coach of the year?  What a joke.  Marty Schottenheimer has the team that had the worst record in the NFL leading an AFC division by 2 games and a guy with 5 wins is even getting mentioned?  Yeah, this thread is smart.




    Actually yeah dumb ass. Fox is a winner and can get a bunch of scrubs to fight hard enough to get back into the playoff hunt. Let most teams lose 14 players including the stars that they have lost and see how they do.

  9. First off... I was pissed at this game... even though the Bills pulled it off. Maybe it's because they played the despised Dolphins and I expected more from the Bills, especially when you consider the Dolphins record.


    Here is the problem, everyone expects to little from the bills. They love these close wins over the 2nd worst team in football. gone are the days when most expected greatness.


    Anyway... putting this game in perspective, it had all the elements of a Dolphins upset.  2-10 vs. a streaking Bills team.  Also, since no team plays mano y mano straight up... everything is predicated on schemes, matchups, & tendencies, this presents a problem because, with the coaching change in Miami only in it's 3rd game, they've done enough subtle tweaking in their offense/defense that the Bills and other teams haven't zeroed in on yet, and this is enough to give the Bills and other Dolphins opponents some problems. Trust me, the Dolphins are going to pull off an upset win on someone over the next few weeks... they've got nothing to lose.


    Yeah... I thought the Bills offense was pathetic... managing only 14 points off 6 turnovers that were given to them (the 7th, thankfully, Fat Pat took it upon himself) and only two real scoring drives besides that.  However, the Dolphins offense managed 4 TD drives... the 76 and 63 yd. drives should have humbled the Bills much ballyhooed defense.  The two others were 40 and 31 yard drives set up because the Bills could not win the field position game early in this contest.


    See here is the deal if we are as good as most are sceaming... we should have blown Miami away. Did anyone see NE vs Cleveland?  Philly vs GB? THAT Is what we need to be. Not limping out of Miami thanking God Miami is the 2nd worst team in football AND gave us 7 gifts AND had a KO Return for a TD AND Pat williams at TD as well.



    All in all, I took a few things away from this game...


    1) As Bledsoe's number 1 Blaster, I will say... aside from him taking two sacks that were typically Drew (dumb and unnecessary), he played a good game and proved to me that if the Bills have the same system & coaches next year plus some additional help on the Oline, Bledsoe could be a serviceable backup. 


    good to see someone else gets it.


    He ain't the answer at QB and the Bills won't ever go deep into the playoffs with him as the starter. Let's not go overboard here on his performance yesterday... this was against a Dolphins defense that is 29th in the league against the run...and the Dolphins defense was stacked to play the run... they were very concious that the Hometown boy McGahee was in the house.  Bledsoe should have torched the Fins... for sure a good QB would have.


    Please don't try to inject common sense into the psycho fanatisism that is TSW. this board MUST have it's savior that they root for over team.



    2) The defense struggled... plain and simple.  I don't know why Bannan was inactive.  Either he was injured or the Bills staff wanted to give Tim Johnson some time.  In any case, in the Miami heat I would think you would want to bring your top 4 DTs to the dance... maybe it's an indication that they took the Fins lightly.


    My take is we ran a cover 2 for most of the first 1/2?  Why? Ego is my guess. The Bills are coming off of some upset wins (yeah folks both were upset wins) and thought they could play around and beat the Dolphins OL with just our front 4. Didn't happen and we got burned.



    3) This win is huge... not just in terms of the victory itself.  This is a game that the entire team can all take the blame for playing badly as well as taking well deserved credit for digging themselves back out the hole.  This game brought the team even closer together... they found a way to win... and good teams usually do that.


    I can agree with that to an extent.



    4) The last thing I took from this game is that Lindell shouldn't have even been allowed to fly home with the team.  If Mularkey, Donahoe, Modrak don't have at least 3 kickers in for a visit this week then they're either stupid or in denial.  Lindell has already cost the Bills games and he's going to cost them a big one when it comes down to a field goal... he simply cannot be trusted outside of 35 yards.


    Well you fail to understand. This IS TD's signing. He signed Lindell to the biggest deal a Bills kicker has ever had. 5 years to boot. Don't you remember a couple years back when we went through about 4 kickers in one season? TD can't find a good kicker to save his ass.


  10. Agreed....where are all the front-running smartas$es who kept asking after week 8:  "Where are all the people who wanted John Fox now?"? 

    4 in a row with their ONLY 3 playmakers on offense injured....amazing.




    Here is the funny, they have all tiebreakers over the other 5-7 teams and are 1 game out of the final NFC Wildcard. Wouldn't just be the sh-- if they make it all the way back and upset Philly in a play off game ;)

  11. From Lenny P....


    "Coaching them up

    As has been the case the past few seasons, there are an abundance of legitimate coach of the year candidates for 2004. Bill Belichick. Andy Reid. Bill Cowher. Jim Mora. Marty Schottenheimer. But the man who is perhaps doing the best coaching job in the league at this moment, John Fox of Carolina, certainly deserves a shout-out.



    Fox won't win the award. Heck, his team might not even make the playoffs, not after a 1-7 start marred by so many injuries. But the fact that the prideful Panthers and their coach didn't long ago throw in the towel on this season -- and, Lord knows, they had justification for doing so -- truly is remarkable.



    Fox suggested, following Sunday's 33-21 victory at New Orleans, that the Panthers have "become a new football team." We hate to disagree with a guy whom we are lauding but, in winning for the fourth straight time and remaining on the fringes of playoff contention, Carolina has persevered because it hasn't changed its MO very much at all. Indeed, at a time when some teams are just chameleons, the Panthers retain the same formula that drove them to a Super Bowl berth only a year ago. The difference is that they are making plays now.



    Quarterback Jake Delhomme, so error prone just a month ago (seven touchdown passes offset by eight interceptions during an ugly six-game losing skein), has thrown for eight scores and just two pickoffs in the four wins. Nick Goings, basically the team's No. 4 tailback, has strung together three straight 100-yard outings, including an impressive 36-carry, 122-yard game on Sunday afternoon. Aging wideout Muhsin Muhammad (10 catches for 179 yards on Sunday) has resurrected his career. Defensive end Julius Peppers has become both a force and a leader.



    But it all starts with Fox, a sort of human rudder for the Panthers, and he certainly has righted the ship. The Panthers still play sound football, run the ball, count on winning close games. And, oh, yeah, they still count on kicker John Kasay, too, who hammered home six field goals in the Superdome.



    This is a team that, because of 14 injuries and the loss of its top two tailbacks, most explosive wide receiver and best defensive tackle in the league, lost its already skinny margin for error. But it has persevered and, for that, Fox deserves a nod."




    I agree 100%. 1-7 and they cowboy up after such devistating injuries. but hey...he doesn't interview well.... ;)

  12. Unusually quiet Ice?  what's the matter?  LOL.. JP gets the time he needs to develop..ty football gods




    Two things...


    1) I dont comment on that certain player anymore


    2) JP will be nothing as long as he sits the bench. Just remember I called it when it comes time. You guys will call him a bust and be in his ass the entire season it takes him to develop ON THE FIELD. And I will be here to remind you over, and over and over how it would have been better to have done it now.

  13. I have a better idea. A confrence win does NOT give you an automatic bid. Make all teams earn it. I guarentee you SOS will go UP for all top teams if you take away the guarenteed bid :doh:


    Now take the top 8 BCS Teams and have a playoff. Pretty damn simple to me. Oh and take the vote away from the media PERIOD! Let all 117 NCAA div I coaches vote and have the computers do their deal. Then the biased is greatly negated.

  14. As a fan whos team is seemingly always going to be in the thick of this....I will add my two cents.


    Honestly...USC is a joke. Weakest schedule of all 3. Weakest W/L record for opponents of the three. Weakest Non confrence schedule. So either OU or Auburn will get screwed.


    This last offseason the MEDIA got it's wish. THEY want to control who goes. That is why the left coast WEAKER team will finish #1.


    USC to me will get beat by either OU or auburn. They are VERY Weak against the run. OSU (ok state) beat the sh-- out of UCLA early in the season. V. Morancy put up over 200 yards rushing on them. This is why Reggie Bush doesn't impress me. BTW...go see how many VM put up on OU....not much.


    As for Auburn, the SEC usually is a great confrence, but go look at the records this year. It's not as tough as last year that is for sure. Auburn screwed it's self by agreeing to play a NCAA Division II team this year. Volunteered to play them. You don't do that if you want to play for a national championship.


    OU? is BETTER than last year. MUCH Better. They are a much more complete team. They don't rely on just Jason White. You do and AP will put up 200 on your ass. Shut him down and White will burn you for 300 and 4 TD's. Weakness? Secondary? Well it was due to 2 reasons. We had to start a Freshman at corner due to our top CB Being out until yesterday. We lost the top DT in the nation in Dusty Dvoracek. We had to start another freshman that was pulling a mike williams in Moe Dampeer in his stead. We lost another starter and one back up on the DL to injury. FINALLY OU has it's sh-- together from top to bottom.



    Look someone is getting screwed. If it is OU so be it. We go to a BCS Game and are going to finish no worse than #3 in the nation. How many times in the last 6 years has OU finished in the top 6 in the last 6 years? I can live with that. To be in the top 5 or so and in the race EVERY year? Damn guys I can sure as hell live with that. Knowing you are always in it, you WILL play for it from time to time....Not too bad in my opinion.


    What if OU Goes and loses again? Well folks I root for a team that lost 4 straight superbowls. I think I can live with it esp when we EARNED the right to get there.


    As for NCAA in general, it's a fuggin joke. It's all about the benjamins and we all know it. We will never have a playoff system with the current people in charge of the confrences.


    Long story short, it should be OU and Auburn. They have better strength of schedule, better non conf SOS and a better opponant W/L record AND Both won their confrence championships.

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