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Posts posted by ICE

  1. Record? One? Other than the Jest win all wins have been over teams with a .500 record or less. On top of that it took 7 turnovers, a KO Return and a fat man INT/TD return to beat the 2nd worst team in football.


    I am not meaning to rain on the parade etc, but some need to temper the over Zealous 'We can bet anyone at anytime' joygazm fest.


    Look was I screaming like a malnourished schoolgirl watching an NSYNC concert at Willy wonkas Chocolate factory, when the Phat pat TD happened? Hell yeah. Christ I damn near lost my voice on the opening KO. But then we sit around and look at each other at the bar and the 'Yeah but' kicks in. The yeah but is...we have yet to hang it on a REAL Team and do it consistantly.


    Playoffs? Folks if we make it Indy will hang 50 on our asses. All this talk of upsetting Indy, upsetting Pitt at pit etc is fantasy. Not only is it fantasy it is so far fetched it's almost sickening.


    This team is still far from being what it should be...A SUPERBOWL contender. I don't know myself what it will take to get there. More TE help. More CB help. More pass rush. Who knows. But look enjoy the wins, but keep things in Perspective

  2. Make all the stupid assed comments you want. Walk into NE and let bledsoe beat them. Won't ever happen. everyone on this board knows this. But hey, we sure are good at beating the stevestojantty teams!


    Can we contact the NFL and make sure we play all games at home and only get .500 to sub .500 teams? I mean hey that is what you guys are all giddy about.

  3. No, no old man hanging boobs link here..  True, honest to god, story


    I'm a teacher at an elementary school...  Well, at the end of the day, one of my jobs is to go outside with my kids out front and make sure they don't get hit by parents.  Well, one teacher came up to me and asked if i knew how to change a tire.  I said yeah, and she pointed towards a saturn with a flat rear tire.  So, i walk over to the car and look in and see a first grader sitting in the backseat with her mom on the cell phone..  So, i walk to the drivers door and i literally am staring at a cell phone and two gigantic, hanging out boobs...  After further inspection, she has on the hooters shirt.  She popped her tire and needed it changed.  I offered my services and she got flustered and quickly put on a shirt over her hooters shirt.  Not that it mattered, the damage was done.


    So, she comes out of her car, looking like a hooters girl...  like a 10, standing in the parking lot of my elementary school.  Now, in the meantime, all the lady teachers had gathered and had basically started to laugh and point, as they know me well enough to know that my dream had basically come true.  So anyways, i inspect her tire and tell her the obvious.  It needed to be replaced.  So, she asks where the spare would be in the car, and i said probably the trunk.  Again, flustered...  She opens her trunk to reveal these contents (by this point, the other guy teacher in the school had come to "watch" so i have a witness):


    1)  boombox

    2)  4 or 5 maxims

    3)  2 shirts, one a normal tee shirt, one a skanky halter top shirt

    4)  1 bikini top, pink.

    5)  one 1.75L bottle of bacardi dry rum, empty.

    6)  3 used pantie hoes

    7)  assortment of dance cds


    I said, "you have to pull all of this out so i can get to the spare."  So what does she grab first to throw on the sidewalk, in front of 50 adults and about 100 children??  Yes, the bottle of rum.  I was like, "um, why don't you just move that to the back of the trunk and unload all the rest of this stuff."  She looked puzzled.


    After the removal of her stripperware and accessories, i changed the tire out with a donut.  Standard changing tire routine here.  Then i hold up the old tire, with the giant nail sticking out of it and said, "there", to which she replied "I'm not holding that!!" 


    I said "Don't hold it, you're wearing white.  Just look at the nail.  take it to wal mart to have it removed."


    Anyways, i put the tire in her trunk, she loaded up the stripperware, and i said be safe.  She then proceded to tell me over and over again that she was the kid's aunt, not her mother.  then, after the obligatory "what can i do to repay you"/"don't worry about it" routine, she offered sneak me a couple beers and possibly food, after talking to her manager.  She then took out paper from her neice's bag and writes her work schedule on it.  So, thursday at 3, the other guy who helped out and i are going to hooters.


    She got in her car and drove off, to which i received applause from teachers looking on, other parents, AND MY WIFE (who also works at the school).


    Now, to answer any follow up questions in advance, yes i saw nipple, yes they were great, her intelligence is a new low for hooters, no my wife is not coming with me, and the other guy (also married) and i are basically sworn to secrecy for thursday.  It's on baby!!



    God has blessed you indeed my son. Go...Go and represent us well.

  4. While this turnaround  has been fun to watch.  Takeo Spikes put it best.....

    ``I don't see it as an accomplishment,'' he said. ``Anything else other than going to the playoffs this year is irrelevant.''




    Well it is good to see at least one person gets it. But still his standards are too low.

  5. You'll have to forgive him, D wag. He has a habit of talking first, then thinking. Not sure why that is, but it gains him notoriety, and he likes notoriety...even when he's wrong most of the time.



    Well Actually I am right most of the time. That said, for some reason people just can't seem to keep from responding to my posts...right LA?

  6. (LABillzFan @ Nov 30 2004, 02:51 PM)

    Is he right because he's right, or is he right because you agree with him?



    Because he has been 100% correct. 


    jerry sullivan called evans a bust......


    according to you, jerry sullivan has been 100% correct this year......


    therefore, you called evans a bust.......


    that or you were just talking out of your ass as per normal......what was it now???




    You are an idiot. Sullivan has been dead on most of the year. Now again since you are obviously sitting around waiting for the small yellow bus...go back and find any post where I don't like evans. You won't find one. Odds are you already know this that is why you are reaching so bad with that stupid comment.

  7. i thought you agreed with jerry sullivan's assessment that lee was a bust???? you did say the guy was 100% right......




    I dare you to go back and find ANY post where I dont like Evans. Myself and another were leading the charge to get Evans with that pick!


    I have wanted evans from teh get go AND said he is the most complete WR coming out this year

  8. Two losses by the Ravens and Denver.


    One loss each by Jacksonville and Cinci.


    Win out by Buffalo...We are in. Pure and simple.



    We win out the Cinci issue is settled.


    Baltimore plays Indy and Pittsburgh. I can see them dropping both.


    Denver has @ KC, @ Tenn and then Indy. I can see them dropping two.


    jacksonville has Chicago, Green bay, houston and Oakland. I can see them dropping one.



    bottom line...we gotta win out. VERY tough to do with Cinci on the road and Pitt playing for HOA.


    But hey, it could be worse.

  9. for most of the first 1/2 of the season he has been a dissapointment? WTF? Christ watch the games. Other than two bad drops the guy has caught what has been thrown to him.


    God knows what his stats would be now if Bledsoe had actually thrown EVANS the damn ball instead of the obligitory 15 attempts to Moulds :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

  10. And you clowns go finding tons of old posts. For a guy so hated, someone everyone says ignore...that was going WAY out of the way don't you think?


    So let me see if I can cover some of what I read...


    My post on winning two of the 3 road games. Look at the date. It was when St. Louis and Seattle actually had the entire NFL Fan base fooled into thinking they were good teams. but hey...I Concede that post.


    One other was back when football started. Seems I was more right than not. OSU (Ohio) didn't do spit. OU is back in the national championship and Cal actually won...on the field. I said we take the Bills way too serious. We all do. We should just chill out. But then again for those trying to use the post against me...there sure are tons of folks on here when I log on besides me. Pots calling the kettle black I guess.


    so I gotta say again...Funny how for such a hated guy that has nothing to say, nothing to offer the board...DAMN I sure do get tons of replies to my posts, even more views and hell even a personal fan club that goes back and digs up my old posts.

  11. Actually he did lead the team to a Super Bowl (which they did not win)


    And he led them to a 2nd Super Bowl ( which they did win ) when he came in and played QB for over a half in the AFC Championship game in 2001.  1 TD no turnovers and a victory.


    So basically, as usual, you don't have your facts straight.  But that's to be expected since you can see straight from the extreme bitterness you feel now that the Bills are winning and Bledsoe is leading them on.


    When you wake up tomorrow try to wipe away all the negativity and forget that you're not going to be proven right this year.  Take a fresh new look at the final quarter of the season, maybe you can salvage some dignity.




    Actually he didn't lead them anywhere in 2001. Other than a couple of passes (1 td) it was hand off, punt and play great D. Please do some real research. Kordell handed the patsies that game.


    As for Dignity I have tons. I just don't give a sh-- about how I am percieved with a bunch of dim wit homers that have long forgotten what real Bills football is like. So please continue to jerk each other off at every win over a sub .500 team I am sure you have convinced yourselfs by now that it is a good thing.

  12. 49 or 43?  :doh:



    OOPS I was remembering 39 we put on them. You know....against this great (cough cough) team on the road and all.


    Lets see..last week Seattle was 'a very tough team and a great road win' This morning they 'suck and are chokers'. Amazing how perceptions change huh? :lol:

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