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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. A jinx, like a curse, only has power if you believe in them. I and the Boston Red Sox, DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM! Just a sample for our KFFL interview....
  2. I got mine last Friday, and boy does it look sharp, really nice design. Great job Cindy!!!!!
  3. I have a lot of trouble figuring out those smiliey faces....
  4. Just my attempt to be a tad clever, sorry about that....
  5. Cain attended Princeton and was an All American...too bad his career got cut short with the Bills
  6. Sorry, but I meant desert as in team swapping....a little joke....
  7. MASS, the land of the free and the proud...I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is as long as they win those Super Bowls baby....
  8. Well I do not understand this obsession with the Patriots, all during the last year's playoffs, we had post after post on how the Titans/Colts/Panthers were going to beat the Patriots....now before the season has started we have an official go Colts beat the Patriots thread...now if this was during the season when the Bills are 0-8 I can understand it...but this early when the Bills might still win some games??? Just does not make any sense to me.
  9. One person's desert is another person's poison.
  10. Why don't you guys just worry about Jacksonville and let the Patriots worry about the Colts?
  11. I am not aware of the Red Sox being in a similar situation, but my gut tells me that they would not ask for a Forfeit.
  12. I wonder if they would do the same if Boston made the same kind of request...I HIGHLY doubt it... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is because the Red Sox organization and fans would never make that kind of request.
  13. Oliver, what a great time to be a Red Sox fan, Yankees are falling apart and the Red Sox are in a position to take the division title...what a great month September is!!!!!
  14. Yeah, that is why Steinbrenner cannot wait to sign Pedro as soon as he gets to be a free agent....20, 30, 40 million, 50 million? Whatever it takes, that is how desperate the Yankees are.
  15. I did over two weeks ago, the Post office screwed me and lost my check. I am sending Scott another today. If this gets lost, then I am using FedEX for now on.
  16. Funny you never hear about such things with the Boston Red Sox...
  17. Looks like you and Sue got plenty of talk about...almost wish I was there to tell the rest of the story....
  18. I am off today and plan to spend the day lounging about at the T-Bone estate.
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