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Posts posted by Spikes16

  1. Short blurb from NFL.com's game recap:


    "Falcons receiver Peerless Price went out in the third quarter with bruised ribs and a concussion. Formerly the team's No. 1 pass catcher, Price is now battling just to make the team."



    Ok, say he doesnt make the Falcons, would he be a good third reciever for the Bills? Had to be asked. I say , yes, at a sweet price for Buf.

  2. Jason Whitten

    Dan Cambell


    These guys should have a great year with Bledsoe dumping it off to them.


    Bombs away in Dallas............ :doh:




    Terry Glenn

    MeShaun Johnson

    Quincy Morgan



    Bledsoe sucks. He is done. I dont care if Andre Reed,Jerry Rice and Chris Carter in their prime are his wide receivers, he will play a couple of decent games then the old statue will reappear. He is a good guy but his winning days are way over. I cant wait until Big D fans start calling for his head.

  3. Wow Jennifer Tilly and her annoying voice won the Ladies WSOP...Mr Cotter aka Gabe Kaplan finished 2nd in an event, and Johnny Chan the Master won his 10th bracelet in a limit Hold em tourney.....



    I was thinking of something here....imagine if PGA Golfers or Pro Tennis players had to buck up between $2-$10k for each tourney they entered....that would be funny....



    Make me some $$$$$$$. Get to work.... :doh:

  4. Hmmmnn....I wonder why the city is in the toilet? Could it be from the decades of the local government and the Unions giving each other kickbacks until the well ran dry?


    Nah! I'm just paranoid.



    Are you serious??? You are going to blame the unions for the disaster we call Bufffalo? Typical non-union /management response. This city/county has been run into the ground by our political leaders that keep getting voted back into office. Massiello,Giambra, look at them before you start busting on the union workers. Christ,we cant even decide on what bridge to build. Whats it been 5 years ? That must also be the fault of the unions. Buffalo is a great football town but other than that it sucks.

  5. Why did you start a new topic about unions?  If you did a search, you would have noticed that there is already a union thread in PPP.  I guess you missed the search button question on your union exam.



    Bored, wanted some new responses to talk about. Ok with jew??

  6. I have two jobs one that is non-union and one that is union.  The one that is non-union is afraid of going union so it is very sensitive to employee complaints and providing benefits.  The union job has it's share of lazy types who coast through the shift.  Not everybody is that way but some act like it is their right to coast.  However, there are some pretty bad , ignorant managements types that cause their share of the animosity.  In the union job, I am glad it is there.  In the non-union job I am glad that the union isn't there but that it's shadow falls down on the manegement's collective mindset.  Unions were invented for good reasons.  However, they have fosterd there share of problems.



    I agree with everything you said, Unions have their bad members as well as their good , dedicated members/workers. But your point about the union shadow hanging around management at your non-union job speaks volumes about the effectiveness of unions. They are there to protect and nurish your way of life. To keep management on their toes and to let them know that workers have rights, and they are there to make sure those rights are followed.

  7. Sitting by your inground pool with your Piels Light at your side and your Chevy Cavalier in your driveway.  Your my fricken hero. 


    And you're right...I'd fail the inteligence test.  I have no idea how many boxes of french fries fit on a pallet.




  8. Was the company that installed your pool Union??? So you know the E.C.K..



    Lol, I couldnt find a unionized pool company anywhere in the area where I live. I did look. Turns out that 3 of the MANUAL laborers digging the hole for my pool failed the test for the same company that I work for. Now thats some funny sh--.

  9. I am just wondering as I sit here at home with my family in our new in-ground swimming pool enjoying one of my six weeks of vacation I get, just how many union members we have here. I am union and proud of it. Now let me know your feelings again on this issue. I always get a kick out of the non-union workers feelings about the unionized workforce. I bet I will get alot of responses like these examples: 1) Union workers are lazy and do nothing all day. 2) Unions are killing this world, they are the reason we are in such financial troubles in this country. 3) Way overpaid and underworked. Those are just a few of the responses I expect. 99% of the union bashers that will respond to this post either cant get a union job because they have failed an entry intelligence test to get the job, or passed the test and was all set until they pulled a hair out of your head and found traces of some illegal drug in your system and promptly asked you to exit the building. Please, chime in on this issue , and be gentle. Remember, I know the End Zone Krew. :blink:

  10. About a week and a half ago I was doing a bunch of yard work on Saturday and Sunday, chopping down trees, spreading mulch etc...about 8 o'clock Sunday night I went to sit down on the coach and read the paper and I felt a click in my back and then a bunch of pain...I messed up my back before but this one is different...pain is still there and now I think I have sciatica...I have pain going down my right leg and a slight numbness in my foot...anyway, both my wife and boss think I need to see a chiropractor...now being a scientist I am pretty skeptical about this chiropratic voodoo and might be content to continue taking ibuprofen and waiting it out...does anyone here really think these guys do any good?  I just don't want this to get any worse...but this discomfort is really starting to piss me off!  Opinions please.



    I also was a sceptic about chiro's, about two years ago I was having awful headaches, I had a catscan and saw eye doctors. All tested fine. Then I went to see a chiro and started getting regular adjustments,headaches are gone and I feel much better. I feel worse when I dont go to see him. Read up on the practice. It all makes sense, the spine is the Highway to your body. If it is functioning poorly,you function poorly. Definetly go see one. Pain down your leg is from a nerve called,I believe, the sciatic nerve, (excuse my spelling), which also explains your numbness in your foot. Let us know how you make out.

  11. ...frequent or used to frequent back in da day?  There are so many classic taverns/bars throughout WNY that I was just curious to see which ones TBD'ers go to!!!!



    Rumor has it the End Zone Crew's main man has been seen frequenting the Pink Flamingo with leather chaps on. Just a rumor have you. :D

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