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Posts posted by Spikes16

  1. I was on the road listening to Serius yesterday and caught Kirwin and Ryan talking about the Bills and what they should do at number eight.  Kirwan said it wouldn't be out of the realm if the Bills drafted a Qb with their pick - Cutler if he were there and then cut their ties with JP.  He mentioned that it wouldn't cost them much against the Cap as a hit for cutting him.  He also said the new regime Levy and Co. didn't have any ties to Losman so it would make it easier for them to do it.


    I think he's nuts cause I'd give JP another year to prove himself but Cutler looks pretty good to me.


    Any thoughts??



    I would do it in a heart beat. Losman is a bust , I dont care if you throw the hogs out in front of him. He doesnt have it. So yes marv, make the deal, draft a QB and get on with rebuilding the Bills. You should have gotten Drew Brees when he was available. All you morons who say that " I dont care what QB we have its the line that has to be addressed first. Joe Montana could'nt suceed here with this line" . Your right, but a franchise QB like Brees doesnt come around too often. We blew it. Draft Cutler and start him immediatley. Or Leinert. I dont care. Just tired of JP. TD blew another pick just like he did with MW.

  2. OK, well, I am going to make this my first post (everyone should feel very lucky right now  :) )  I have been watching the boards for a couple of years, and have been a bills fan since before I remember (which isn't all that long ago) I have always been of the opinion, when talking to friends and such, that everyone in the NFL (Quaterback to kicker and everyone inbetween) should make something like 2 mil. a year, and all the rest of their salary should be given to charity, or education, or social security, or....... There is no way a person who catches a football for a living should make more than a teacher or a doctor. When I see someone gripping about not taking a paycut to help out their team, I dunno, the screw them response is the first thing on my mind. I apologize for any sense that made its way into that statement, and nice to be a member.




    Two years and that is the best you can do???? Wake up and smell the java man. Have you also been sleeping for two years?? Well , good mornin, and guess what, NFL players make too much $$$$$ and that will never change. :P

  3. Can anyone else attest to the quality of these sausages.  I love good sausages and as all of us WNYers  know that area has some of the best.  Let me know before I order.



    I have had this sausage many times. Order it now. The hot Italian is the best. And who knows links better than Tater.... :D

  4. I would be pretty dissapointed. You could put anyone behind that offensive line and they would struggle if not fail.


    I like Brees a lot but it would king of like building a shed in your yard before you built a house.



    Makes no sense, so dont take advantage of a premier top 10 QB becoming a FA?? That doesnt happen often. I agree with you on the O line issues, but if Brees can be had, had em. Trade JP for a third and keep Holcomb as a backup. Or keep JP until his contract runs out and then deal him. Brees would be a great addition , if healthy, and he would instantly make us better for the future and now. Get er done Marv!!!!

  5. No, I don't have any evidence the bills will be good next year....Obviously there are many holes to fill along with a completely new staff, new management etc.


    With that said, I feel like the dark clouds have been lifted from Buffalo...With Levy's return the enthusiasm I once shared as a kid growing up rooting for the Bills has returned..I can't explain it, but I just feel good about this team again, like I once did during the glory years...maybe its the connection to the past which has blinded me with the optimism that I now have..or it maybe its that TD and his mis-mangement is no longer here.....but I gotta feeling 2006 will surprise us in a good way...don't forget this thread at the end of next year.



    Can Marv play O-line? :doh:

  6. From a buddy's email to me this morning:


    "I've been a Raider fan since 1976.  Through good and bad, I've never been ashamed of my team, not even in 1990.....until now.  Hiring back Art Shell???  He couldn't even hold down a line coach position since he was deservedly fired from the Raiders.  I still have nightmares of his lifeless stare onto the field as everything is unraveling before him in an undisciplined "petulant food fight" manner.  I finally have to heed to the press about Big Al.  This was a stoop of momentous proportion.  Maybe being a Clipper fan can ease my pain, but right now I'd "almost" take Donald Sterling over my beloved Al.  Had to vent, and didn't want to send an Email to a fellow Raider who would try and put a positive spin on things.  We will once again have one of the best teams on paper and tank!!!  Here's hoping for 5 & 11."


    Misery loves company, no?



    They didnt have a choice but to hire Shell, everyone else offered the job said no ty... Thats some funny s h i t right there. It sucks to be you black and silver. When assistants turn down the head jon in Oakland, you know there are issues with that rimmed glasses wearing pompous jackass..

  7. hey, i'm all for getting a fair wage and using bargaining power to do so. But when the NYC schools can't fire admitted child molestors because of the union something is wrong. And when I get told not to "kill the job" (ie work so hard) something is wrong.



    Im not going to get involved in a conversation that involves child molestors, that is something I am not prepared to discuss. Not only should he be fired, never mind. Your now on a different level than just union bargaining for fair wages and protecting the little man so that we can enjoy our lives like the upper management. Your on a quality of life issue. I am a union rep but I cant and would not represent anyone in that class. I do draw the line somewhere. As far as killing the job, In unity there is strength. Corny as it sounds but if a whole group works together, its better for the whole group in the long run. I know unions are like anything else, there are good and bad aspects. But in most cases, unions create a quality of life that is better for the vast majority that are active.

  8. Where do you work?  Maybe its just the company that sucks.  Doesnt seem like I place I'd want to work to put up with crap like that, union or not.



    The union workers arent subjected to that harrassment, just the managers. They have tried to lay workers off in the within the past two years only to lose the fight in court, thanks to our union. The managers are constantly beat up by upper levels because they have no protection.

  9. mcjeff  - You are dead on, no need to bother with spikes. He wouldn't get out of bed for $32 an hour.


    As for HTown and the teachers, dude - settle down man. Every job has to deal with sh*t, not just teachers. I've worked with teachers plenty - in Houston last spring actually training teachers.  I met one teacher who pointed to michigan and called it connecticut and several others who walked out of my training session the second the clock struck 3pm because contract says they are out at 3. Imagine trying that in the real world? ha.



    Heroes/Individuals like you will never understand the true meaning of unions. You just see the negative aspects and not the positive, so I wont even bother.

  10. Aspire to be that management and don't be satisfied as "the little guy."  Put in the late hours, the weekends, the long nights.  Consciously position yourself into a job where you have growth opportunity.  I know this sounds like a self-motivation rant, but everyone has the same opportunity to be that rich ass boss.


    I mean no disrespect to your line of work, but I fully believe bargaining should be at the individual level.



    In the line of work that I am in management just lost their pensions and are constantly harrased by upper levels , yes you guessed it, they arent union, I am and my job is protected. So to " Aspire to be that management " would only harm my family and my future. Bargaining at the individual level is a crock. There is power in numbers. " In unity , there is strength".

  11. I just heard that Erie County Workers get 15 and that seemed ridiculous to me..I have always worked for myself so I have no idea about this...who in the hell is sick 15 times per year???



    Another question to ask is how many of us get to show up to work when we want , work as long as we want and make our own cushey schedule?? Sick days are a contractual benefit earned through bargaining. Is it ok that the management of businesses get huge bonuses and reap the rewards of the white collar workers who perform the jobs that make some companies millions of dollars? Let the little man take advantage of union contracts made to make their lives a little better for him and his families. If you dont belong to a union then you will never understand fully what I mean.

  12. He is a free agent.  He is not happy with the Ravens.  He had an off year.  He had surgery.  Yes, he did time but he stood up and took it like a man.  He made no excuses.  A combo of MacGahee and Lewis would be awesome.  It is even do-able.



    :huh: Crack anyone ???

  13. haven't we learned anything yet?


    we don't need another QB.......we need a freakin OL.....no QB will be effective until that gets sorted out.......





    Valid point and understood except for the fact that Kelly Holcomb didnt seem to struggle with our crap o line as much as JP did. Thats a fact. Explain that.

  14. Just passing along what i have read elsewhere.  I didn't hear it myself, but apparently Jeff Morrison of WGR has told the MS & Bulldog that a source inside OBD says Marv wants Jauron and Ralph wants Sherman.


    We'll see who's really running the organization now....



    Crap, Levy is a smooth talker, he will win that battle. GREAT!!! Another loser as head coach.When will this organization learn????? :devil:

  15. What do you know about me and Ryno scalping tickets after our grad class on Feb. 2 against the FLYERS!!! Bringing the pain baby!!!



    Buffalo Joe ? Isnt there a Seinfeld rerun on some station somewhere?

  16. hopefully this business with the coaching staff will be wrapped up quick so we can move on to the important stuff, LIKE PERMANENTLY CHANGING TO THE THROWBACK UNIFORMS.  :devil:


    seriously, is it too late to make the change for next season?  i would think now would be the PERFECT time to make the change...if ralph wants us to orget about TD this is a good first step!



    I would love to see those uniforms be permanent.

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