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Posts posted by Spikes16

  1. I know that there would be adjustments the players have to make (Schobel and Fletcher strike me as the players with the hardest time adjusting to a 3-4) but should the bills consider this to get their best 4 linebackers on the field? If Takeo can't regain all of his old quickness could he and Fletcher man the inside backers while posey and crowell take the outside? If the bills undertook this getting a mammoth NT would be a must, but I think this would have a shot of working.




    Posey is gone after this year. He is junk and never lived up to TD's quick signing of him. Bye Bye..

  2. Daunte Culpepper, QB MIN


    News: The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports Vikings QB Daunte Culpepper brought up the possibility of playing elsewhere in 2006 during an off-camera television interview. Culpepper said, "I want to play where I'm wanted. Whatever team gets me next year, the team where I'm wanted, they'll get a bigger, better, faster Daunte Culpepper," he said. Culpepper also said he's lost 25 pounds to reduce stress on his knee.


    I know, never happen, its JP's team. So , I can still imagine it cant I ?? :D

  3. yes, what he said...



    Thank you Tater, bye the way , nice pic of cheese. "Nice tubes " is exactly what Tater clarified. Joe Hill(EndZonecrew) said it in a drunken state every time he saw a set in Miami and I cant get it out of my head. Joe had that section of pro players rocking and he should be commended for that. I know there are alot of die-hard and dedicated Bills fans out there but Joe has got to be top ten.




    F U Mularkey.. :)

  4. I will be staying in Ft. Lauderdale the weekend of the Bills/Fins game in December with my fiance. I was wondering if anyone also staying in the Lauderdale area had room in their car/bus/van that Sunday morning for the two of us. We're staying at the Avalon Waterfront Inns and i've heard of some people renting buses and vans that day to go to the game and back to Lauderdale afterwards. I'm thinking about renting a car but i won't if we could catch on with some fellow Bills fans. I'm definitely willing to chip in for a bus or van. It'd also be nice to hang out with some Bills fans too! Please PM me or let me know on here if anyone has some info. I appreciate it!





    We have a bus leaving from the Sheraton Yankee Clipper in Ft.Lauderdale. I am not sure what the cost is but if there is room you are more than welcome to jump on. I think the cost is like $25 a head.

  5. I understand where you're coming from with this.  It's almost as if you'd rather they just go 3-13 instead of 7-9 or 8-8 and just miss the playoffs again.  I know that's not the "proper fan" way to look at things, but sometimes it's the way I feel.  I don't know what this team needs to get over the hump, but I really wish they could figure it out and get there already.



    Thank you.. I dont like to feel this way about my team but I am sick and tired of looking forward to next season. Because that is all we have. Yea, Kelly will win some games, I like him, but come on. You "rose colored glasses" repliers know exactly what I mean and you know I am right. Just keep settling for the TD way. Buy your tickets and enjoy the winning streak vs. crap teams. Talk to me when we beat NE ,.....That will be a joke.

  6. Instructions to deal with your feelings...


    1. Buy yourself a small rubber raft from your local sporting goods store

    2. Proceed to the Power intakes parking area on the niagara river with said raft

    3. Inflate raft

    4. Set raft on river at bank

    5. Place yourself and your DOOMED© thoughts in the raft

    6. Push away from shore

    7. Head approximately northwest on the river. Aim for the mist.



    Now that I can do... TY

  7. Here we go again, the Bills will tickle us with decent play just to let us down later in the year. Just like last year. They will keep it interesting just to choke like they did against the ninth stringers vs. Pittsburg last season. This crap pisses me off. We have no shot at the playoffs so put the kid in. Even if we do slide in due to the crappy AFC east, where the hell are we gonna go? I like winning the games also but I am just as concerned about the future and where we go next season. Go ahead, tear me apart, I fully expect it.

  8. I'm at the game...Just a little under 2 minutes two go, the Bills have the ball, are down by only one score  and there are about 20,000-30,000 fans left in the stadium.  Next time somebody tries to start a thread about how the Buffalo fans are the greatest fans in the NFL, I will resurrect this thread.


    Nice job 12th man. :doh:



    I guess a sold out stadium by the 12th man to see a crappy, young QB is not enough for you. I dont blame them for leaving. Bills fans are the best in the NFL. Win or lose they will support their team. Maybe your the sh------- fan for even posting this garbage. Resurrect this! :doh:

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