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Posts posted by Spikes16

  1. I know everyone will say JP and yes JP had a damn good game and played a very good game but also wanted to note other players who seemed to step up today.


    1) JP - good game and a game plan that used his strengths

    2) Evans will be the number 1 receiver by year end

    3) Preston did a good job filling in for Chris V

    4) Peters - good special teams and a nice catch for TD

    5) Chris Kelsey - showing we have 2 solid DE's

    6) Ron Edwards - developing into a solid DT

    7) Gandy and Anderson - much better than I expected


    Lindell 5 for 5 and he doesnt make your list?

  2. Finally fell asleep at midnight,woke (for good) at 4 am. As a child I had this same problem on Christmas eve when the jolly one was en route. Was so fired up for Christmas morning that I would wake my parents and sisters up at ,well, roughly 4 am to start the festivities. SO yes, I am comparing the start of Bills Football to the largest holiday on earth. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t:

  3. K Boller

    K Collins *

    S Alexander *

    M Shipp

    M Morris


    L.Tomlinson *

    I Bruce *

    J Porter

    T Glenn

    A Bryant *

    A Randle El

    J Shockey *

    C Anderson

    M Vanderjagt *

    D Bills *


    I traded J.J Arrington and Steven Jackson for L.Tomlinson and Jerome Bettis. The other owner only drafted one starting RB in our draft so he was in a pinch for a starter. He drafted Tatum Bell in the second round thinking he was the starter. So I offered him this trade and he accepted. 12 team league. I still would like to upgrade at receiver at some point. With the play of Courtney Anderson last night, I might be able to deal him or Shockey for a WR.


    * = starters.

  4. I know we've all talked here and ther about whose going, but one thread should be good to see who will all be there . Also, i know aot of you will be at Hammers Lot. I'll be just outside Lot 3 by Louie's with the EndZoneCrew, but will stop by Hammers to meet some of you...


    5 freaking days!



    I will be there with the End Zone Crew.

  5. <_<

    Spikes -- we need to know how many teams in the league to make any kind of assessment.



    12 teams in my league. I agree about Porter, if he does well I could have a good season. Thanks for the responses.

  6. 1 QB,2 RB,2 WR,TE,K,Defense.


    K Boller

    K Collins *

    S.Alexander *

    M Shipp

    M Morris

    J.J. Arrington

    S Jackson *

    I Bruce *?

    J Porter *

    T Glenn

    A Bryant *?

    A Randle El

    J Shockey *

    D Graham

    M Vanderjagt *

    D Bills *


    * = projected starters. Have to wait and see if Porter can go. If not then I will start either Randle El or Bryant.

  7. I have a collegue at work who told me she has a brother in law who is a mechanic who works on garbage trucks for the city of Rochester.


    Apparently once the garbagemen are done with their assigned routes they are done for the day and get paid for a full day whenever they get done.  So they tend to go really fast to get the route done early.


    The problem the mechanics who fix the trucks are complaining about the fact that the garbagemen are going so fast they refuse to stop somewhere and use the bathroom when needed so they just go ahead and take a dump or a piss right in the back of the cab....no bucket or anything...right on the floor behind the seats in the truck.  Apparently this has now been stopped and they need to work their full day regardless on when their route is done to further avoid any kind of problems like TAKING A DUMP in the back of the cab of the truck.


    How gross is that?  any other stories to share?



    So what's the problem? Tater is so busy at work he also rarely takes a potty break. Rumor has it he has a crapper as a desk chair. :D

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