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Posts posted by YOOOOOO

  1. I don't think Esau = smoke monster = Locke 2.0. The main reason is that Locke 2.0 doesn't know Ben saw Alex when Ben was surrounded by smoke monster. I don't remember the exact conversation between Locke 2.0 and Ben, Locke 2.0 may not even know Ben met smoke monster under the Temple.


    I think Esau is Locke 2.0, but not smoke monster.



    Locke 2.0 didn't know that Jacob lived in the foot of the statue either. Certainly Esau should know that. I'd guess that Locke 2.0 is feigning ignorance in both cases.



    He was obviously acting like he didnt know....he didnt want Richard or Ben picking up on anything that might seem off(especially since Richard upon seeing Locke, noticed something "different" about him)

  2. could the oft mentioned "Coming War" be between people who want to change the future and those that dont?


    while last nights episode wasnt completely Richard-centric, we did learn some things about him. he isn't the leader in disguise as some of us thought. he is the "advisor" to the leader. sorta like an ancient priest was to a pharaoh? we still dont know what his whole back story is, but its starting to shape up.


    could he have been an advisor to Jacob (the REAL leader) and trapped him in time in order to take control of the island?









    Locke killing Jacob = freeing Jacob....



    and what lies at the foot of the statue(or however that goes)....Jacobs tomb??

  3. Maybe the answer to that lies in the questions that Miles asked of his mum... "How did I get to be this way?" We don't know this, but since he was born on the island, it would seem that his 'gift' is somewhat similar to the smoke monster's, tho Miles says he "feels" the messages rather than sees/downloads them.


    Perhaps Miles was taken by the Others and given 'tests' similar to what they did with Walt. That's just conjecture. There's still a large gap for Miles.



    I think the "tests" they had Walt take had alot to do with ability to dream future events....I wouldnt be surprised the runway they were clearing out was a result of these "tests"

  4. Even if it were just a test of Miles' ability, Felix was part of Widmore's group, and Naomi already knows.... Still, why would Widmore need a fact-finding dossier about something he did? Or, supposing Felix was working for Ben, why would Ben be gathering damning info together on something he did? All signs point to Ben.



    they were just testing Miles ability....they knew exactly what happened to Felix...they wanted to see if Miles could really talk to the dead...or if he was full of sh--

  5. so what are everyone's guesses to the big question:


    "what lies in the shadow of the statue?"


    is this a "password" that widmore's people on the plane were to use to identify each other? they just FOUND a case of guns? or they had it on the plane already?


    and besides that... what DOES lie in the shadow of the statue? jughead? the temple?




    The donkey wheel

  6. I think its pretty obvious that the island will not let Ben die....



    and I really think its obvious that Ben needed Sayid to comeback....thats why he was so concerned when Sayid walked away at the docks....




    This may also explain why Tom shot into the sand instead of killing Sayid, Jin & Benard at the beach....


    Why JUliet was brought to the island, cuz according to that one chick "she looks exactly like her"....




    I think Ben knew the whole time, who he had to keep alive.....he just didnt know how everything would unfold....



    The only thing that kills this theory is that they did try to shoot/kill Sawyer&Jin when they were on the raft.....




    Plus remeber Bens story about the resurrection....i thought he was talkin about Locke/Jacob...but maybe he was talkin about himself....


    Lil Ben was losing faith/patience....he just wanted to join the hostiles, even though it wasnt yet his time....his death/resurrection restored his faith to be patient and wait like Richard told him too....

  7. I think TO will do well in a smaller market. The one thing the Bills have TOTALLY lacked (besides an O line, a passing game, a killer defense and a lot of wins) is a big personality. There is NO swagger on this team. Lots of raw talent, but not a lot of confidence and it shows. Too many years of being laughed at. TO is used to being both brash, and laughed at. I actually think he will fit in well.



    I'd say Lynch has alot of SWAG

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