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Posts posted by YOOOOOO

  1. I actually agree with you there. If we just get a quality pass rusher and a quality DT, we could be a Top 5 to 10 defense. But pass rushers, good ones, are rare. Very rare. Think about it ... how many guys in the NFL right now would you define as good pass rushers? Twenty? Less? Thirty, maybe? I don't think so. Right now, there are 17 guys in the league with at least 6 sacks. And I don't think 6 sacks is all that impressive at this time of year. There are eight guys with eight or more sacks, which I think is about the line for being a good sack man near the end of November. EDIT: Actually, three guys are tied for #8 in the league, so there are actually ten guys with eight sacks. But that doesn't substantially alter my point.


    Ten guys with eight sacks. And that's with each defense having two DEs and often an LB with primary responsibilities of rushing the pass on passing downs. And remember, those ten guys didn't come into the league in one draft. They came into the league in the last eight or ten drafts. So if there are ten good sack artists in the league, that would mean that you can find about one in each draft. And we won't be picking in the top ten this year.


    Now try to figure out how hard it is to find a really good DT.


    And all we need is a good sack man and a good DT. And all I need is a Ferrari and a lakefront house and I'd be living pretty.




    This defense isn't bad, I agree with those of you who think that. But defenses win championships. And this is just not a championship defense. It's an average or slightly above average defense. The only way you win a championship with a defense like that is if your offense is on par with the Greatest Show on Turf.


    This defense needs to be upgraded. A lot.


    Of course, the offense needs it even more.



    Pass rush is not all about sacks......its about making a QB rush his throws and hitting him as he gets it off....Thats what forces turnovers....


    I'll take a bunch of hurries and a handfull of knockdowns...



    A guy that gets 5-6 sacks a season but consistently makes a QB moves his feet and puts a few licks on him thruout the game....is what we need....


    There quite a few guys who get this down consistently...right now We dont have one....

  2. This Defense is a pass rusher opposite Schobel and a starting quality DT opposite Stroud away from being a top 5 to 10 defense in the league....


    If we get Crowell back, and find a way to keep Greer around....add a DE&DT thru FA...plus a couple more thru the draft....



    Were going to be in good shape on the defensive side of the ball....

  3. Sound reasonable to me.


    Although honestly, it might not be next year. Eli took almost four years to figure things out. And you're saying Trent will get it by the beginning to the middle of his third. It's certainly possible. But far from inevitable. Brees also took into his fourth season to become good.


    So if he's not good next year, it will still be too early to be sure, IMHO. So much of developing a young QB is pure faith in the face of common sense, against the evidence of insecurity that almost all young QBs have, both the eventually good ones and the eventually bad ones. Faith that JP never recieved. We MUST put that faith in Trent, even when it's painful and seems misplaced.



    Well he doesnt have to be good by next year......thats not the end all be all...But we should have an idea.....He has to show improvement in those aspects of his game...

  4. Right now at this very moment.... no...



    At seasons end, that may all change....


    Trent has done a very good job so far this season....his potential to be great is there.....but no team RIGHT NOW would give up a first for him....


    I'm probably going to be labeled a Trent hater for saying this....and I'm not....buttttttt



    Were 4 games in.....He has yet to have a complete game from start to finish ... and were going to get a 1st for him....cmon now....isnt that alil premature.....


    His ability to put it together in the 2nd half has been amazing....but


    Let him put together a complete game...and make it thru one NFL season as a starter...


    I really think when the season is finally over and were rolling into the playoffs at 11-5....he's thrown for 3800yds 25TD's or so.....then every team lacking a solid QB would likely give up a 1st to have him.....

    but until then......





    Above is a reply to the absurdity of teams giving up a first round pick for Edwards....Alot of people got blinded by our 4-0 start, and didnt even want to consider his flaws....


    Back then I saw the flaws in his game....I tried to point them out in various other posts....but continually got labeled a Trent hater....


    and I'm far from it(I still believe he is our QB of the future)...




    His lack of confidence(not lack of arm strength)

    His lack of awareness in the redzone

    His unwillingness to let a play develop(going to the checkdown to quick to often)

    His inability to scan the field

    His trouble in less then ideal conditions(cold, windy, rainy etc etc)


    are all thing he needs to improve on(i left a couple other things out, like audibling/pre snap management, cuz I beleive the coaching staff are handcuffing him here)


    These are things he has to improve on, and all these can be easily improved thru game experience....so benching him now would be a huge mistake.....


    Lets try something new for once??


    How bout backing up our young QB...thru his struggles, Let him Develop....Let him improve, workout his flaws thru practice and on gameday...


    By this time next year...we will know if we got ourselves a QB....

  5. If we had kept JP on a short leash in his second season, he never would have finished the second season.


    JP is gone at the end of the year regardless of what happens.


    Notwithstanding these past few weeks, Trent has shown that he can be a better QB in this league than JP will ever be.


    FWIW, we should stick with him. I am confident that he will work it out. He was bouncing back after throwing those picks in the last game. He is a smart kid. I am not ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.


    To all you JP guys that were complaining that JP just needed more time last year, don't you think that Trent should be given as much time that as we gave JP.



    I agree, You cant make the switch now.....If Jauron does, then he will stunt Edwards growth, just like Mularkey did to JP....


    You have to let your young QB's go thru there ups and downs....

  6. The Raiders and the Jags this year, and Washington last year. Both times he was down, playing ok (not bad or good) and just brought himself and his team to a different level to win. JP would never have passed deep down the middle in the last moment of the game, nor would many QBs. He not only threw it, but threw a strike in crunch time.



    The only thing there...is that pass in Washington was meant for Evans but was badly underthrown.....Reed who was out of his route came across and undercut the it.......

  7. And when they are in 3 & longs if Edwards is in shotgun they love to run a draw play.


    Love the execution on screens for a 1 yard loss. Where are the plays to get Roscoe the ball in wide open field?



    it baffles me that we dont try any WR Hitches or Screens....Evans/Parrish go whole games not being used...Get the ball in there hands....

  8. Well, MNF had their facts wrong on a few occasions...


    1) Kept saying Steve Johnson got his first catch of the year during the game---no he didn't caught at least one pass a few games ago...


    2) Play Action passes were used quite a bit in a few games...not sure what game film they were watching. I specifically remember the Bills running the same play action, rollout bootleg in which Edwards hit the TE to seal the Jacksonville game and also pick up a FD in another game....




    WE've def used the PA-Pass before...but its a after thought in our gameplanning

  9. They actually ran out of the shotgun six times last night.....4 of the times going for 8+ yards...



    The thing I couldnt believe was didnt PA fake at all last night....There were a few instances thru out the game...were it looked like Turk was setting one up...but it never came....



    I use to say this alot with the previous OC...looks like Turk is no better....



    But atleast last night he found out...that you gotta stick with your running game for it to be successful

  10. I hate that answer you just wrote..."he was one of the reasons we were in the game"...


    People always justify mistakes by other plays they may have made as if the mistakes are ok...clearly my view of the pick was an easier catch then everyones view on it...but to be honest, I think that has a lot to do with the fact he returned the kick for a TD than it does with the diffculty of the catch.


    LMAO, when i opened this thread I thought this would be a positive post....I should have figured....


    What a mistake he made.....blanket coverage, jumps the route.....fully extended trying to make the pic....If he had made that catch it would have been a sick INT....







    That Corner blitz by Reggie Corner still has me sick to my stomach....that was blindside sack possible fumble waiting to happen and he just completely overran it.... :/

  11. He's a young QB...This kinda stuff is going to happen....



    Mularkey !@#$ed up JP's development by not allowing him to go thru these kind of games early in his career....You cant do that to Edwards now....Let him go thru his up and downs now....once he regains his confidence...We will se more games like SD, then what we saw tonight...

  12. Stats for the game

    What is up with our wide receivers? We need to get a good #2 receiver now. 10 passes to Lynch and only 6 to the people who should be catching the ball. C'mon.




    Jaws said several times that Edwards was missing guys open...just not willing to pull the trigger...


    Without game film we will never know....but I'm willing to bet they were getting open, Trent was just not getting it out there...

  13. What matters is winning. Ignoring our short-comings and drafting luxury picks will not help us win. You want the Bills to make the playoffs and have a chance of winning the AFC east?? To have that happen, we need NE to get decimated by injuries and play mistake free ball the rest of the year. The 1st half happened already, time to take advantage of our luck.




    and if we drafted DRC...he'd be sitting the bench behind Greer/Mcgee....watching and learning like Leodis is right now....


    whats your point??

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