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Posts posted by Estro

  1. considering the fact that bledsoe likes to force the ball to his #1 receiver every game no matter what the defense does, I think TO will be happy. They may be a force to reckon with. I live about an hr from philly, i would like to maybe check out the philly dallas game. Should be great to watch TO tear up the team that released him.

  2. Seeing that the first four games will be sold out (NE, NY, Minn, GB), that leaves the last four (SD, Jax, Miami, Tenn) to worry about.  Assuming Miami sells out, which of the other three might not?  My money would be the Christmas Eve game against a probably lousy Tennessee team. 


    Anyone foresee SD or Jax games not selling out?





    Wouldnt it be nice to see whitner drill vince young into the ground on a SS blitz?

  3. I had a prof for a class on forensics/serial killers who wore the same thing every day.


    Light blue dress shirt, khaki pants, plastic shopping bag as a briefcase.


    Some people are just weird like that.



    SOme people are NERDS for life whether on TV or not...John CLayton, I'm sure he was picked on in HS

  4. Actually, my personal pain threshhold is pretty high.  Between my stomach surgery, allergy shots every 10 days or so, and giving blood every couple of months has caused my tolerance of pain and needles to skyrocket.


    I went to see the doc this AM...he gave me another Vicodin prescription and told me I have to stay on crutches until about Wednesday.  The foot and ankle are healing, but there is still some pain...and it can get bad at times, but less so than a couple of days ago. 


    BTW, the Vicodin does work pretty well.  I'm only taking it at night to help me sleep.  I can't drive when I'm on it, so I've been relying on Motrin.






    WHatever happened to good ol advil?

  5. Sure, let season ticket scaplers !@#$ those of us non-seasons buyers who onyl want to go to a game or 2. But hey, lets sellout everything to the season holders and let them re-sell at a premium price to the rest of us.



    Yea it's called capitalism. Just like when you buy sneakers at the mall. They cost $2 to make. The distributor buys them for $20 and sells them to Footlocker for $40 then you pay $80. Just about everything you buy is like that, so what's the problem when that is the case when it happens with tickets, is it illegal? If you actually read the laws, which just changed recently, there is nothing illegal at all about scalping, unless the prices exceeds some extraordinary amount, which is never the case anyways.


    And this problem wouldn't occur if the Bills had a sellout season ticket base. So if you want to blame the scalping of tickets on anybody blame it on the crap market in Western New York. We have one of the cheapest prices per ticket in the NFL yet the season ticket base is only slightly over half of the stadium capacity. I'm not blaming anyone in particular for that, I'm just saying- that is the current situation and scalping will exist as long as this scenario exists.


    Hey look I'm a huge Bills fan, but lets be real here. As long as the opportunity presents itself to make money, people will take advantage.

  6. Coy Wire is not a viable replacement, you're right. But he wouldn't be the replacement, Rashad Baker would take over the FS spot. I think it's evident from watching the last few games of the year that Rashad is a better FS than Troy. Yes...I know Troy Vincent has a longer reputation in the league and the more well known name, but if you look at the play on the fields Rashad is better.


    He's younger, better agility, faster, has the same knack for the ball, and is a much better tackler. MUCH BETTER. Vincent's tackling skills last year were very dissapointing. And most importantly his cap number is miniscule compared to Vincent's. I was really impressed with Rashad when given the opportunity this past season.

  7. Heres some scenarios to think about.


    Holcomb starts this sunday, plays a terrible game, we lose to the floundering jets. JP loses out on "development" time and Mike Mularkey looks like an arse.


    Holcomb looks good 2 games in a row, looks like we may have a possible starter for next year.


    JP comes out plays like sheet again, and looks like we may have a possible bust on our hands.


    JP comes out looks good, provides hope for the franchises future.

  8. Matt millen has done a very poor job - even worse than TD. No RB, two first round WRs, bad QBs, no defense, blah. If detroit was in a better division, they would have the worst record in the NFL.



    Kevin Jones.... I think we all forget about the role of the coaches and coordinators. The players can only be AS GOOD as the coaches allow for them to be.

  9. Does anyone have any stocks for me to check out,ones that they feel are strong buys? I recently a good chunk out of a good company, and need to reinvest. I will do my own research on what you provide, so don't be afraid to throw out some picks.

  10. John (Buffalo): Mort....is there any rumors or fallout in the wake of the Bills debacle at San Diego about Tom Donahoe??? I assume Mike Williams will not be with the Bills next year...is he possibly the biggest bust for an O-Lineman in the past 20 yrs???


    Chris Mortensen: First of all, there are not rumors about Tom Donahoe. I still hear other personnel folks around the league saying the Bills have enough talent to be a playoff team. They had 10 starters returning on maybe the top defense in football. Who would have anticipated that Drew Brees would have a career day against them? Nobody! That falls on the coaches and players for one day. As for Mike Williams, he is clearly a huge bust, but he was projected by everybody in that draft to be a top 5 or 7 pick.




    Totally agreethat it was coaching... We were blatantly outcoached that game

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