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Posts posted by kota

  1. are you a linkedin connection of Kim Pegula?  

    4 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

    Ah yes, the old myth that anyone who is wealthy is a genius.


    To answer the OP's question, Kim Pegula doesn't know squat about what she is about to do.


    Let's hope she wisely keeps it a figurehead position and the real work is done by pros who surround her.


    I assume that is how it will play out, hence it's not a big deal.





  2. They are both successful in business.  Nuff said.  

    They kept the team in Buffalo.  Nuff Said.  

    They made some rookie mistakes early on.  I like what they are doing so far.

    I have not heard he has sexually assaulted anyone.  He had inappropriate relationships.  In the corporate world you cannot be banging your secretary without letting HR know you are in a relationship.  It creates a situation where someone would be treated differently than others.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, What a Tuel said:


    Viewers don't tune in to have political beliefs dictated to them. They tune into watch football. If viewers stop watching because of this, then yes advertisers will leave because viewership is down. It's not as simple as an advertiser not agreeing with whatever political stance is being displayed.


    No they would not. While on company time, you are beholden to the handbook. You cannot go on political rants to clients and expect to keep your job or be protected by law when the client complains.

    It's a slippery slope my friend.  1st amendment rights tend to win the court of law.  Don't care about company time.  They are at their job getting ready to do their job.

    Anyone who has an issue with what the players are kneeling for needs to open their eyes.  Social injustices happen in this country everyday.   These players don't need to kneel.  They make millions of dollars.  They aren't kneeling for themselves it's for everyone else.



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