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Posts posted by jkx2

  1. I too love the throwbacks, but don't understand why they didn't get the stripping right on the whites. They have it perfect on the blues, how do you not look at the home jersey and say, just reverse it. How hard could that have been? It reminds me of 1994 when throwbacks first made their way into the NFL. The Bills put out a laughable effort, slapping a white Buffalo on their red helmet and a jersey that didn't look at all like the jersey from the 60s. While I like the away throwback's better then the clown outfits we wear now, if you're going to do a throwback, do it right! It seems with all the top marketing people that work for them they could have got an exact match, especially for organizations that have billions of dollars like the Bills and the NFL. Having grown up with the Bills of the 60s and 70s, I'm sure it bugs me more than people who didn't get to see those teams play.

  2. Kelly made himself unexpendable right from the start, so trying to compare these situations is silly at best. Kelly was a franchise QB that lead his team to greatness consistently during the regular season.

    He also went to another league and whined about even being drafted by the Bills and hoped(see SI interview 1986) that the Bills would trade his rights to NY or LA. Only when he had no other options did he come to Buffalo

  3. The '73 away unis (blue pants, old style arm stripes and standing red buffalo) would be great! My fav away's!



    It won't be anything from after 1969. These are for the 50th anniversary of the AFL. I'm sure the league is doing a special one year only throwback so when the original AFL teams play each other it looks like the old AFL. It will be the white jerseys of the mid to late 60s for our road games.

  4. even my wife laughed really hard at this. this person has linked all of us to the funniest video ever about pro football.


    i just don't want any of you guys to miss this, but i'm linking it thru the original post.



    Here's the first one I saw like this ...Hitler-Cowboys loose to Giants http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory.aspx?ID=34562

  5. Not that I'm in love with Kitna, but who's a better option? Leftwich isn't coming here......A Veteran guy who can fill in for a couple games if needed. Isn't he the definition of the perfect #2?

    Stats mean nothing. I live in Detroit, I worked for a TV station and covered this guy. He threw games away with bone head plays time after time. He can pi$$ away a win faster than JP. When another poster mentioned his rather bizzare shtick, he was right on. I'd be standing there at his locker during an interview listening on how god healed him so he could go in and win the game. I always wondered where god went after that game because Kitna and the Lions were the worst team in the NFL.

  6. Not trying to take away from the super Bowl of today, but having the two different league really made for great Super Bowls. The two leagues hated each other and it showed on and off the field. Having lived through those times, I still wish the AFL was around and that the Bills would have won that first day of January 1967 and played in the first Super bowl. Also to think if the the two leagues would have played just a couple of years earlier, I feel the Bills of 64 or 65 could have won the Super Bowl one of those years.

  7. I'll talk about it anytime you want.


    As far as the other comments, I am not disparaging the Chiefs defense of '66. With the HOFers and and should-be-HOFers, they can definitely make a case. While the offense may not have had as many name players as the defense, they were still efficient and could get it done.


    As far as many posters complaining about Dawson's arm strength, many posters are idjits. That pretty much explains the level of discourse and why I don't waste my time in the bulk of the football threads. :(

    I think he's talking about the 1969 Chiefs defense. Top five at least. They destroyed Joe Kapp and the Vikings that day.

  8. If they didn't watch him play then why vote for him? His hold out and slow start does not change the fact that he's one of the best Lineman in the NFL.


    I would like to keep Jason Peters as a Buffalo Bill and anybody who doesn't must not care much about improving the team. The O-line has been playing very well as of late and we don't need to lose a big part of the reason why.




    Can anyone tell me why my posts get stretched out where you can't read them as I'm trying to type the post? Mods? Anyone? Never did it before so I wish someone would fix the problem.


    I'm not talking about getting rid of him. But his statement of "That's what you play the game for" is getting to the Pro Bowl embodies the problem with todays player. Get to the pro bowl so they can demand more money. The main objective should be to win, to get to the Super Bowl and in this case he didn't have a Pro Bowl season. He missed the first game and by his own admittance was not at the top of his game the next six. So how do you have a Pro Bowl season in 8 games losing most and giving up game changing sacks vs the Jets and Dolphins. Players going to the Pro bowl is fine, great. It should not be your priority like his seems to be by his statements.

  9. pretty weak argument when his peers vote him into the Pro Bowl

    Really, how many of them saw him play. Do you think anybody from the Vikings, Panthers or any other team that didn't play the Bills saw Jason Peters play one down of football this year, ya right. He got voted in by his peers on the Ruben Brown syndrome. I and a lot of other fans and media saw him play every down this year and with the "magic" of Tivo could watch any play again and see him get beat on many critical plays this year. Do you think peers like Joey Porter or anybody on the Jets voted for him? The only peers that played against him this year that voted for him are the ones looking for a sack in the Pro Bowl.

  10. It's comical that with all these protests about not having enough talent for Dick Jauron to be successful, the one player that the Buffalo Bills developed in-house into a stud player is the guy that everyone lines up to say "fug him, he sucks". I haven't seen a single post that said, "Wow, we actually have a Pro Bowler on this team. That's cool! Congratulations, Jason." :rolleyes:


    The guy is ridiculously underpaid for one of the elite LTs in the game today and people want to run him out of town on a rail because he took the only option available to him to protest his contract -- he held out. As if that hold out were the only thing that separates the Buffalo Bills from being a great team. :lol::wallbash:


    Edit: OK, there are a few posts that aren't "throw him under the bus."

    That's just it, he cared more about his money (under paid but still making over 3 MIL a year) then he did the team and winning. Missed the first game, sucked the next 6 and you want to say he had a Pro Bowl season. I don't want this guy gone, but don't reward him for this year. He just doesn't deserve it. And no one would be making such a big deal of it if he showed some humility and humbleness about it. He himself knows he didn't have a pro bowl season, but instead of saying it's a privilege to be chosen but I'd wish we were headed to the playoffs, he insults the fans and media and tells us how great he was this season when Stevie Wonder could see he wasn't. He did not give his all by holding out and showing up with no legs as he called it.

    If you're going to hold out, you better show up and prove you're worth the money you want, and he didn't, bottom line!

  11. He's played well. He's given up a few sacks, but they all were not his fault. Also, Lynch has been tearing up recently..alot of it to Peters side. He's a dominant tackle..

    If that was a Pro Bowl season, then I'd hate to see what a mediocre one is. Also Lynch tore it up the last game only vs the Jets, and even he said that the Bills were not running the ball well before. Here's some of those great games... 40 yds vs the Pats, 16 vs the Jets in Buffalo, 31 vs the Finns and 79 vs the Chiefs and has rushed for 100 yds only 3 times this season...3 and many of them weren't even close.

  12. :rolleyes: Thank You, the voice of reason..

    All the evidence you need to prove that his main drive isn't winning the Super Bowl or being a team player is this season. He holds out and isn't ready to play in the 1st game which hurts this team. He comes back out of shape, which he fully admits and gives up more sacks in the next five games than he did in two years. His actions prove that winning is not is main drive.


    Yes, there are many players in todays sports that feel this way and for them it's all about being a business. But until the fans call these guys on it and teams don't reward them for not giving everything to win, it will slip even more to where no one will play the game with their utmost effort and commitment.


    To reward Jason Peters with a Pro Bowl and his statement of "That's what I play for" is just ridiculous. Like I said he can be giddy as hell for getting in and call it a honor, but it's easy to see that what drives him is not bringing the Bills a championship. All the proof you need is everything he's done and said since July.


    While I think he is a gifted player and one of the best the Bills have. His actions and statements should disgust ALL Bills fans because he lets us and his team down this year.

  13. Are you kidding? Go watch Rudy or some other rah rah movie. The guy is 1 of the best LT's in the game. If he didnt say making the pro bowl was great and its something you play for you would still be biiitching. What do you really expect the guy to say? Do you really think he is not disappointed with the teams record? Instead of being happy that one of our players made it to the pro bowl which is voted by his peers we want to tear the guy down because he does'nt bend over for the fans.

    For one thing I did say he is a top player, but maybe you should open up your eyes and see that this guy IN NO WAY had a pro bowl season, he was voted in on rep. alone. Why accept his poor play this season after he held out giving him a free pass. It just perpetuates this type of mind set. Winning in Pro Football is everything. It takes that kind of commitment to win a Super Bowl, which should be the only real goal.


    Also he can be as happy as hell and piss'in in is pants with glea for all I care, but his quote was " this is what you play for" IT'S NOT WHAT YOU PLAY FOR! So if all he cares about is getting voted into the pro bowl on reputation knowing full well he didn't have a great season, then he really doesn't care enough about winning a Super Bowl.


    I don't need fake Rah Rah movies to know that there are players out there that can't stand the pain of losing and players that want money and fame and losing doesn't eat them up. His statement is a tell tale sign on where he stands. I don't cheer and pay money to watch Peters make the pro Bowl. Fans don't give a rats ass about the pro bowl nobody even watches it. We want wins.


    I've been going to and cheering for this team way before you were a sperm, so don't give me the I'm a Rah Rah guy crap. These guys should care more winning then the fans do, but guys like Peters don't. Everybody who plays this game isn't going to play the game like Chris Spielman, but everyone of them should feel as he did when he said "I'm here for one thing and one thing only, to try and win this team a Super Bowl" when he came to the Bills. Not suck umbrella drinks on the beach at the Pro Bowl

  14. Well said. Peters was great in the Jets game. But everyone sees the Elam whif. Try blocking a DB coming full speed when he has a running start, not going to happen. As for the whif I am surprised he got a hand on him. The guy is one of the best LT's in the game. He stays healthy for the most part. Like MDH said if we let him go forget about having any type of passing game. You dont just plug in LT's. And drafting one will take a few years to learn the system and scheme.


    Center and guard are the major problems. Fix that and we are on our way to a successful offense.

    Deserve what? A guy who cares more about himself than the team.I don't want the guy gone and I still think is one of the top tackles in the league but he in NO way had anything close to a pro bowl season. He gave up many more drive killing, game changing sacks than just in the Jets game. And while we ran the ball fantastic in the NY game. There were many times he didn't help open a hole for mini me to get through.


    And until I hear him say that going to the Pro Bowl is nice but it's doesn't erase the pain of not going to the playoffs. Then it just confirms that todays players bottom line is ME not TEAM. It can still be a business and care about winning over your personal trip to Hawaii.

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