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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. Man, I am not debating that part of his experience... and it took guts, but up until then his qualification as a flyer didn't mean he was a leader of men. That part I admire about JM, but he still shows to much flyboy do it by himself mentality. That doesn't work as a President.


    Carter was a case in point. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and ended up becoming a joke because he couldn't work with folks. McCain shows those same tendencies and that is not leadership.

    you said..."Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch. "


    Huge difference... Comparing a political community organizer who went home every night to his beautiful wife ... to a man who provided moral LEADERSHIP to his fellow POW's while under constant mental and physical torture is the true stretch...


    I think you would be better off saying you made a mistake on this one and move on... I really dont think this is an argument you can win....


    Carter was a joke for many more reasons.... I think you over generalize with your statements about "Flyboys"

  2. Wow, that's some ticket! I can't believe a McCain supporter would have difficulty with the English language!My advice- Stick to the emoticons.

    :thumbsup: actually its my fault for not using spell check you elitist scum bag :wacko: doesnt change the intent tho... does it?

  3. A leader of men? When? He was a fly boy. Those guys tend to be arrogant maverick pricks. It makes them good at what they do, but not leaders. My dad was a frogman and ordinance explosive expert during the time McCain served. My Dad served his team was a leader of Men. Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch.


    "Leader of Men" What is that suppose to mean?

    :thumbsup: OMG... Im with Darrin on this.... McCain is not even in my top 5 perfered nominee's...


    But when was Obama faced with a decision that allowed him to leave his less fortunate behind and decided to stay back with his men, knowing full well that the consequences for that decision meant more torture.... and I am not talking about harry ried/fancy nancy type either.... but real blood curling torture... you are an idiot!


    Holy shhhiittt

  4. What has that got to do with political leadership. I know many executives and businessmen who couldn't/can't handle the give and take of politics. You have to have a thick skin, a quiet ego and an even temper. Something hard for anyone to be able to handle. Being a good businessman means you take the bull by the horns and go after it.


    In politics you have to bring everyone along with you and those that disagree with you, you make sure they stay even closer, giving all praise and credit when it was your idea in the first place.


    How about the same for McCain and Palin. McCain did PR work for his father-in-law and Palin was a soccer mom before getting politically involved. Not that there is anything wrong with either.


    All were involved in Politics early in their careers and I believe that at least is a better qualifier for President... working with people.

    Wow... so who is the candiate for change.??.. the one that goes along to get along.... or the one that has challenged the status qou of their party?... brilliant :wacko:


    I'll take the POW/Soccer mom ticket over the Opportunist/Carrer polititian ticket.. :thumbsup:

  5. I surely think people from small towns with strong religious foundations and fervent support for the second amendment should have a place in national politics. I'm not sure about clinging to their Bibles, no. I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.


    I also don't think that ANYONE that is a journalism major, and has had a year and a half of governorship of a state with 670,000 people in it, which would be the 17th largest city in the US, should be in the most important position in the entire world. And for the candidate for that position to say she is the most qualified person for it, which he just did. A person, Palin, who said flat out, "I haven't thought much about Iraq". A person who six weeks ago, said "What exactly does the VP do?"

    Yes.. much better to rely on a state legislator, who through the political machine and general incompetence of the candidates he oppsosed wins election to the senate.... He then immediately begins his run for the presidency instead of working for the people that elected him... and when he does show... up he votes left of Ted Kennedy... Yeah he would be my choice for president.. :wacko:


    lol at least Pallin has run a small town, a business, and a state ....no matter how small it may be (population) or how great its land mass... :thumbsup: Lets get a chance to know the fair lady before we bash her on superfical judgements... :flirt:

  6. I surely think people from small towns with strong religious foundations and fervent support for the second amendment should have a place in national politics. I'm not sure about clinging to their Bibles, no. I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.


    I also don't think that ANYONE that is a journalism major, and has had a year and a half of governorship of a state with 670,000 people in it, which would be the 17th largest city in the US, should be in the most important position in the entire world. And for the candidate for that position to say she is the most qualified person for it, which he just did. A person, Palin, who said flat out, "I haven't thought much about Iraq". A person who six weeks ago, said "What exactly does the VP do?"

    LOL.... OBAMA/ELITIST :thumbsup:

  7. The record setting deficits we've experienced since the 1980's are courtesy of the GOP, wingnut. We're still here. Eventually someone has to pay the piper. The difference between the Repigs and the Dems is that the Repigs want the middle class to shoulder the debt, and stay in debt forever, while they and their corporate bigwig buddies live high on the hog. The Dems have the "misguided" notion that those who benefit the most (which is NOT the middle class but the corporations who are reaping the benefit of all this government spending) should shoulder their fair share of the burden.


    So the Repigs and neocon nutjobs take advantage of morons to keep them on this road screaming "They Want to Take Your Guns! They Want Homos to Marry! " etc. And you fall for it - they victimize the very people who put them in power and keep them there, knowing that appealing to COWARDICE works.


    "Live free or die". "Don't Tread on Me." Whatever happened to that?



    ummm.... who controled congress in the 80's? Who earmarked all the pork barrel projects? and Who actually pays the taxes in the US?

  8. No, wasn't with Hillary ever, though help her staff out a couple of times.


    Agree that LA State and Local Agencies were caught with their pants down, but the Bush response was pathetic as well initially and then is was SNAFUd until he final fired the FEMA guy and got the General with the National guard in there.


    Miss has hit hard but wasn't flooded and they have a heckuv a time too but they were not flooded. Helped that Halley Barbor was the Governor both from a partisan standpoint but more so because he knew Washington from his days at the RNC and new which strings to pull and which phone calls and forms to fill out. Sorry, I still believe the WH played politics with this one initially.


    The Texas response to Rita in the Port Charles area was a joke. They never got an audience on TV so no attention was paid to it. NO actually had a better response as pathetic as that sounds. Port Charles looked like a bomb had gone off, but no one was there to help out even in January when we went through.


    NO had tons of folks helping out, Miss had more. Port Charles had nothing, don't give me that crap.

    As some who was actually did responded to both Katrina and Rita (not to drop names as you have :wacko: ), you could not be any wrong... NO had resources of a large american city at its disposal and did next to nothing... waited for a handout from Uncle Sam....


    When do you go through with your good friend Hillary? Did you wear kevlar to protect you against the snipers? :thumbsup:

  9. On Fox News this morning, John McCain said something like, "Oh, for sure" when asked whether Sarah Palin would be more prepared to step in as President than Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman. And McCain said he had been "following her career for many, many years". I guess being mayor of a town of 5000-6000 people in Alaska and then an appointed member of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission really gets McCain's attention. He also said that she is his soul mate.


    She was also, btw, his second choice, according to several reports. He wanted Lieberman. They tested it amongst the Republican rank and file. Some major members through a fit, so he had to not take him. Plus no one on his staff recommended Palin even though they all liked her. He was the only one that thought she should be the choice, and they were shocked. This was reported on various morning shows, and no one, even the Republicans, denied it. I expect it will come out more public soon enough.

    Yes those people in small towns clinging to their Bibles and guns clearly have no business in NATIONAL politics...


    Tell me again what business or executive position has either OBAMA or BIDEN had? Enlighten me on the struggles Obama had with the Chicago Democrat Party Machine? :thumbsup:

  10. And less movement overall, which I believe is more accurate.


    I am sorry, I just don't believe in these short term aberrations (bounces) in the first place. Give me a trend line and if a couple of significant things happening, usually on the ground, not in the press, they show up a couple of weeks later in the polls. Which is why McCain has been closing. While Obama was recuperating from its primaries and to an extent mending fences with HRC folks, the McCain campaign unencumbered and has been more aggressive on the ground. That is what is really being missed by the press and showing up in the polls. Obama seems to be returning to ground and things have stabilized. Now lets see where all this goes.

    Could it be that you dont believe in this bounce because it is far less than hoped for?? :wacko::thumbsup:

  11. Sorry, I was a lurker for a couple of years. Mostly on the football side of things, but when I worked on the Hill, I couldn't respond on the political side because of my job. Also, I think that I had another avatar for a while. Can't remember my avatar (likely North Buffalo) but not sure and decided on this one in '06. So whatever. I remember the debate on this board and got active in '06 when I was in San Diego after driving through NO.

    :thumbsup: OK... were you with hillary back then as well?


    Doesn't change the fact that La State and Local agency's acted terribly in contrast to TX and Miss... why was that?

  12. How dare you try to be rational on this board?


    You got some nerve pal.


    You're talking to people who still cannot learn that "Michael" is spelled M-I-C-H-A-E-L after all. I think you learn that in the 3rd or 4th grade, so perhaps that explains the main problem we're having here. It's not so much a problem with reading out of context...it's basic reading skills, period.



    Hey I take offense to that.... my son name is M-I-C-H-A-E-L.... and thats why I refer to him as Mike... :thumbsup:


    ohh.... thats why i like spellcheck :wacko:

  13. Wow, that is a statement is obviously being taken out of context. I'm pretty sure that Moore and Carter do not wish for death of innocent people (especially Carter). Now, Moore can be a P.O.S. but I see this as a misinterpreted statement



    I agree... just like we should not have infered anything into..."I did not have sex with that woman!"


    Sorry.. couldnt help myself :wacko:


    Bottom line for me is Moore is a has been !@#$ and Carter is a traitor and a has been.... everytime he opens his mouth my opinion of him drops lower... didnt think it could get lower but it does... Take his comment about McCain "milking" his POW status... How low can you go Jimmy... must have a real flexible spine or no spine to limbo so low :flirt::thumbsup:

  14. An initial positive reaction for Palin, I get, but a 2,000 sample size is hardly conclusive. Wait until this poll has been repeated a few dozen times. Also, the initial poll after the Dem convention was a positive 10.


    I think the biggest help she is going to be is on fundraising with energizing the conservative base.


    But McCain and she both buck the Republican political establishment occasionally and remains to be seen between now and November, how many they piss off.


    But the Republicans, as typically the do, are already overselling her. This is going to get ugly.

    All I said was ..."nice bounce for Obama :thumbsup: " I thought he was going to head out of the DNC with a double digit lead.. some thought 15pts +.... Are you saying McCains choice for VEEP erased such expectations? :wallbash:


    Instead of koolaid maybe you should have an adult beverage... :flirt: .. cheers!


    Who do you think pisses off the "Republican political establishment" more?




    Mikey Moore



    I bet the 1st three piss em off more but i could be wrong :wacko:

  15. We have been through this on an earlier post. At first she supported it, then flip flopped when it became politically expedient.

    But she did the right thing...right? Do you argue that she should not have returned part of the state surplus to the people?


    after all it is their money... right? :thumbsup: : :wacko:

  16. I was on the board then, just didn't respond much. Blanco did ask for help, just not in triplicate formally. She thought her verbal request did the job. Obviously, her people were not prepared to know the procedure to do so in DC bureaucratic eaze, but she did reach out with her phone call. I agree Nagin blew it, but so did Bush's FEMA tool.


    They WH played politics with this one, but Bush is suppose to be above it on one of these things and his folks could have done a lot more to cut through the red tape. He finally sent that general through to clean up things.


    P.S. I went there the following December to take photos of a volunteer group from Amherst, MA as we were driving across country. Here is a link to a couple of those photos, including the first wedding in NO after Katrina. http://www.afischerphotography.com/news0003.html, http://www.afischerphotography.com/news0004.html, http://www.afischerphotography.com/news0005.html

    Ummm your avitar says you joined the Board on January 31, 2006.... were you with Hillary when she was under sniper fire in Bosnia as well? My recollection is that Katrina hit in August 2005.... :thumbsup::wacko:

  17. I find it really ironic that a potentially lethal storm is on path to hit New Orleans (let's hope it doesn't) almost exactly three years after Katrina, while the republicons hold their convention.



    If it does hit NOLA hard you might as well turn the lights out for the GOP this election.





    Put down the Mike Moore Kool-aid, There are Republican Governor's in La, Tx and Mississippi and all indications are that they will do the right thing without crying about it... Much more orderly than before... :thumbsup:

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