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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. My house, my yard, my labor :lol:


    That said, there is something holistic and cleansing about yard work.  Especially spring clean up, it's like a rite of passage into summer.


    And nothing beats leaping into the pool after you've mowed the lawn on a 90 degree day.


    I am not calling you a liar..... But 90 degrees in Syracuse??? has that even happened in the last decade or soo... or do you mean you cut your yard, once, when it got to 90?



  2. Did any of you guys actually watch the video from the original link?


    The dude was a Chinese national with a "history of mental problems" who'd been arrested before for "unscheduled visits to the White House."  In other words, this wasn't some random person with suitcases, it was a guy who they know is unstable.


    Don't confuse the issue with facts!!

  3. And exactly what reality is that?  What exactly has happened on our soil since 9/11?  NOTHING.  And it has nothing to do with "tighter security," because 99% of it is simply window dressing.  No nail files on planes?  Give me a freak'n break.  United Airlines gave my wife and me a GLASS BOTTLE of champaign when we flew on our honeymoon ONE MONTH after 9/11.  I think a broken bottle can be a bit more dangerous than a nail file.  But I guess terrorists can't pretend to go on a honeymoon. :P


    Oh, and on our way back from England, we were allowed to bring a sturdy wooden, metal-tipped umbrella onto the plane (thank goodness, since it wouldn't fit in the luggage).  That was allowed on as well, because it "wasn't on the list of banned items."  Again, the umbrella was MUCH more dangerous than any nail file.


    I'm sick of the "it's ok, because it's making me safer" bullcrap, because all it's doing is taking away more and more civil liberties and NOT making anyone safer.  At all.




    Well you are right... broken glass can be used to cut someone up... the umbrella can be used to impale someone... but add the nail file and you might be able to use it as a screw driver and get into a restricted area where you can then use your champagne bottel and umbrella to take over the plane.... just a thought...


    by the way how come you think your so enlightened to KNOW ithas nothing to do with increased security???? are you omnicent?

  4. Is dissension really the "blasting away" that means a person deserves to be branded as being less patriotic? 


    If memory serves, there was (and occasionaly still is) a generous amount of nastiness on PPP directed at Clinton.  Where those posters being un-American?  Or is it only acceptable to dissent when a Dem is in the White House? 


    I get the feeling that the vast (and vocal) majority of those on the right prefer that all citizens line up like good little boys and girls and get with the party line.  And honestly, is that not one of the means to an end that was used by the nazis?


    Speaking of party line... and means justifying the end... The nazi's were very good at using propaganda.... kinda of like the Mikey Moore film..F911... he would have been a hit with the fuhrer....

  5. Naw not really. That crowd annoys me. Honestly I don't lay awake at night praying for them, nor am I into banal symbolism like yellow ribbon magnets-on-the-back-of-the-vehicle either.


    All that aside I really don't want anyone to die, especially if you think like I do and realize these boys and girls are dying for a no discernable reason, then the issue  becomes somewhat maddening. I wouldn't wish for thousands of US mass casualties on the basis of making the effort, whatever it is, look bad. Taking that tact for the basis of being against the war serves no practical purpose.

    Of course this sounds ludicrous on the face of it but I truly wish nobody else dies.

    That's the extent of my support.


    Yeah we probably should just let the Butcher of Baghdad free... and turn everything back to the way it was before the war... when nobody was being killed on a daily basis..

  6. That makes her far more trustworthy in the eyes of the "Bush Bad" crowd. She already had a bias against Americans and the U.S. military, so there is no way she could possibly skew the story for the benefit of her agenda.


    I believe her completely. Really. The DNC marching orders say that I should believe her.


    crickets from the bishop..

  7. Promise! Just as long as we can change the board's name to Politics, Conservatives are persecuted People too while progressives are evil, and pundits


    Typical Lib! Can't trust thier promises.... Just like the statements...If GWB is re-elected I'm moving to.... :huh:

  8. Surprised by what? That she wasn't killed as well? So am I.

    The military and the journalist give two completely at odds versions of what happened and given how the military has handled situations similar to this in the past I tend to believe the woman.


    Gee....I thought you were one of those...."I support the troops but am against the war" types... guess I was wrong..

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