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Posts posted by BuffaloBorn1960

  1. Sure... Everything is on the table!


    And who knows... Maybe she did? The wackos that get all moral or what not... Are usually the ones that had problems and issues in their life... Just saying... You know the one's that "find Jesus." The are the moral do gooders that have to find push their values on everybody else.


    This is not a strange conincidence... Just look at the one's with past issues in their life.

    Glad you're following your leader.... Didn't Obama say that family members were off limits? especially children?


    Keep riding high on your horse..... Your family is perfect,,, did your mom have any children that lived?


    have a nice day :devil:

  2. How is that Barack's responsibilty? This is about Palin's inability to govern her own family.

    Get off your high horse... good kids get pregnant.... doesn't make em bad I can think of a dozen or so people I know who got pregnant did the right thing and have been in great marriages for decades.....


    by the way... you can do the math....."When they became engaged, both sets of parents opposed the marriage, with Barack, Sr.'s father in particular objecting. Nevertheless, the couple married on February 2, 1961 in Maui, Hawaii.[6][1]


    On August 4, 1961, at age 18, she gave birth to her first child whom she named Barack Hussein Obama II."


    doesnt make it a bad thing....

  3. It is the nation's busiest port.

    no it isint


    New Orleans is an industrial and distribution center.he Port of New Orleans is the 5th-largest port in the United States based on volume of cargo handled, second-largest in the state after the Port of South Louisiana, and 12th-largest in the U.S. based on value of cargo. The Port of South Louisiana, also based in the New Orleans area, is the world's busiest in terms of bulk tonnage, and, when combined with the Port of N.O., it forms the 4th-largest port system in volume handled.

  4. Oh I beg to differ. 10x, no McCain is Joe's equal if not worse. Obama, I don't know as well and can't make an informed opinion on that side of him. Part of my problem with him.

    your right... Joe is quiet as a church mouse... an alterboy one might say... gentle as a lamb... what was i thinking

  5. Biden and McCain are of the same ilk and who said I was support OBama. I won't vote for McCain, but I am not sold on Obama either. Although Palin and her fundalmental religious views make it more likely for me to vote against her. Up until this point I was thinking of voting for Donald Duck. Remember the last Jimmy Griffin election?

    No.... I think its pretty clear you with be voting for Ophra's chosen one... OBAMA don't try to use that political stuff on me!

  6. McCain is now considering cancelling the whole convention if Gustav hits Nola hard like it is expected to. Unreal! What else can the party do though...hold a telethon? Be real.



    This also short circuits their plan to introduce their newest shing star Sarah "melt the polar icecaps" Palin to an adoring public.



    Lights out for GOP in '08.

    Heard they call her the hottest Governor from the coldest State :thumbsup:

  7. First off, I don't think I can win this argument. I agree. But, I don't think I made a mistake... it is a political thing...


    Seriously, leadership in a POW deal is a different animal then being a "Leader of Men." Admirable, courageous yes! ,


    But McCain's infamous temper and arrogance makes me believe he will not make a good leader of this country.

    LOL... Seriously he was the inspiration of many of the men he served with... he led by example! he organized his men and helped keep their hope alive.. That is leadership... You comment about OBAMA just doesn't hold any water in a serious debate... he did it for future political reasons.... McCain did it for the right reasons.


    if you are upset with McCains temper and so called arrogance how can you get behind OBAMA/Biden?... Both are arrogant and Joe has displayed 10X's the temper

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