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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Too bad Losman will never have the awareness to be an NFL QB, huh?




    :P  :P  :D



    Though I think that says less about Losman's awareness than it does the defensive end's. How do you get drawn THAT far offsides on 4th and short with the entire game on the line? :doh:B-):lol:


    If Schoebel did that, we wouldn't be crediting the QB, we'd be roasting the Schoebel. And rightfully so.

  2. :D Obviously.  I know I wasn't chalking this up as an automatic loss for the Bills.  Minnesota isn't perfect by any means, and it is at home.  Mortensen, Jaws and Salisbury all picked Buffalo.



    Trust me, on this board it ain't that obvious. :D I can think of at least one former poster (ICE) that would be complaining that the Bills weren't winning because they weren't winning by enough...

  3. Not sure ewhy you're slapping your head at that.  3rd and 1 at the 20.  You run the ball and try to pick up the first down.  If you don't get it you kick the FG with very little time left.  If you get it you line up and spike the ball (saving your last TO).  In a defensive battle this would have been a better way of managing the game.



    I'll only listen to someone complain about that play call if they were bitching about it before the pass was thrown. :D

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