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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. That's the issue here, no one can really KNOW her wishes or Michael's motivations. you have to choose to believe Michael.


    I'm smart enough to have my wishes written down and communicated to EVERYONE I know.



    Michael didn't determine her wishes. The courts did, based on mutiple eyewitness testimonies, and at Michael's request, and as upheld in every appeal her parents have brought.

  2. Not really.  Sorry for the confusion.  My prediction is that Terri's case will (eventually) becaome one of the poster children for euthanasia.  My opinion is that euthanasia is very dangerous for society.  My guess is that others will feel or be swayed to feel that it is healthy for society.  That is what I was trying (obtusely) to discuss.



    I feel euthenasia, properly applied, is healthy for society. Let's start with everyone involved in creating this Terry Schiavo circus, including but not limited to Congress.

  3. What does Terri think of all of this?




    If you were in that situation, would you want to be kept alive?



    Actually, the root of these continuing lawsuits is the initial trial to determine what Terri's wishes would be...where it was determined based on the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses (not just her husband) that she'd want the feeding tube pulled. Given that ruling's held up to something like 20 appeals so far...you'd think there might be something to it.

  4. Aussiew- she doesn't have to die.



    I'd think there's considerable question as to whether she's "alive" or "dead" to begin with. One could just as easily suggest that the feeding tube was keeping alive a dead woman as removing it is killing a live one.

  5. You all may want to read "What's the Matter with Kansas?" if you haven't.  It is on point to the topic.


    Regarding DeLay, of course he's a hypcrite.  He purports to be a proponent of "erring on the side of life" unless we're talking about death penalty cases, children who are homeless or starving or without medical care on the streets of American cities.  Etc.


    He knows the religious right can boot his butt out of Congress. THAT is really all you need to know about DeLay and his motivation.



    Like I said...he's a whore. Even more so than most politicians.

  6. I wonder how many people know that Tom "this isn't over" DeLay's own dad was in a permanent vegetative state after a horrific accident...and guess what?  The plug was pulled.


    His statement - "it was different". 


    I offer that in agreement with your statement about hypocrisy.  Plugs get pulled every day, in private. These selfish parents have done their daughter a terrible disservice and the politicians on both sides of the aisle who got sucked in are either plain stupid or evil opportunitists.  Maybe both.



    DeLay's a whore, and of all the crap-throwing monkeys inhabiting congress, he's one of the ones that most deserves to have crap thrown back at him. *SPLAT*

  7. Uh welcome back.  Who are you?


    Are you another in a neverending series of  *tee-hee* "freedom" loving  wingers that pervade this hysterical board?

    I've e-mailed this board to a couple friends and they nearly doubled over in gales of laughter. I'm glad someone e-mailed this site to me because I never would have found it otherwise.



    Oooooh, my turn! *SPLAT*

  8. At least most of us did not call her a "piece of meat."



    When you get down to it, we're all pieces of meat. The only thing that keeps us persons rather than merely pieces of meat is "consciousness" or "self-awareness" or "soul" or whatever mystical term you want to call that which gives each of us that inexplicable sense of "self", and sometimes not even then. Spend a week bare-ass in Kruger National Park or the Papua New Guinea highlands, and see how much more than a "piece of meat" African lions or Fore tribesmen consider you.


    Most of you didn't call her a "piece of meat" because most of you are too arrogant to realize that the boundary between "piece of meat" and "human being" is vanishingly thin. But keep thinking that your arguing the figurative feces of whether or not the husk of a human being absent the essence of the person should be maintained out of some sanctimonious desire to cheat death puts you on a higher simian plane than us monkeys who sit in trees and toss literal crap at each other. The bottom line is that it's the humane thing to do - for everyone involved - letting the poor woman's body take the final journey down the road her mind's already travelled. Holding on to the body well after the person's gone is far more disgusting a suggestion than the merely factual observation that a body minus the person is, in fact, a slab of meat.

  9. To Crap Throwing Monkey, I find you extremely crude and disrespectful calling Terri Shiavo "a piece of meat".  I think that is demeaning to the person she once was and to those who loved her.


    To those who claim that the husband will be rich when this is over, where's the proof? Has any of you seen this so-called policy that will make him a rich man?  He sure didn't become rich from the malpractice suit.


    While, again, I am not choosing sides, let's at least not be rumor-mongors like the media.  Have some sympathy for the family that is going through this, both the husband and the parents.  Have some sympathy for Terri and let her have peace whether she lives or dies.



    Thus my point. Fundamentally, what keeps us all from being merely pieces of meat is what makes us persons. The person that is Terry Schiavo is gone. What's left, in a very real sense, is a slab of soulless organic material.


    Is it crude and disrespectful to point that out? Hell, yes...and no more so than keeping the empty shell of what was once a person in a state that physically meets a biological definition of "alive" after the person who inhabited it is GONE. Like I've been saying: the only choices in this situation are wrong. You can either keep alive indefinitely a functionally dead person, or kill a functionally living organism. Or, you can fight over it like a pack of vultures (*SPLAT*), as everyone involved is doing now...and yet, I'm the one that's crude and disrespectful. :blink:

  10. I get the point that no matter who "wins" everyone comes out of this losing. But to present the both sides of "It's murder" and "It's time to let go b/c Teri isn't in there anymore and didn't want this" as if they're not mutually exclusive in this case.... Saying that everyone's wrong is quite a cop-out to real life, especially when you try to talk in a hypothetical as if time can be suspended and you don't have to bother offering a real solution b/w the two, not that there is one. This is one or the other; there's no gray area, unless you're rooting for Teri to die of an infection or a gas main explosion or something, which kind of defeats the purpose of assigning a right and wrong.



    Which all belies the fact that you're all arguing about a piece of meat, at best an animated one, but still a piece of meat. You can keep it alive as a sick tribute to the person it was, or you can kill it as a living organism. But a debate based on the idea that espousing either position gives one some claim to sanctimonius righteousness is equivalent to two groups of monkeys sitting in trees throwing crap at each other. Doesn't matter which group you're in...you still end up covered in sh--.

  11. This seems to have become an issue tailored for me *SPLAT*


    Has everyone lost sight of the fact that everyone involved is fighting over someone who is fundamentally no more than a slab of meat? The body may remain, but the person of Terry Schiavo left this world years ago. For Christ's sake...show some basic human decency, stop fighting over the remaining empty shell, and let her go in peace already. For a country that claims to value the sanctity of life...we sure as hell don't, most of the time. Death is natural. Lingering half-dead for fifteen years because of the actions of others is not. And prolonging the woman's inevitable death for fifteen years doesn't sanctify her life, it revels in and celebrates the process of dying.


    Now continue arguing like someone's "right" in this argument *SPLAT*. At best, some people might - might - achieve decency and humanity. But no one's "right"...the people who want to kill a helpless woman no more and no less so than those that want to keep a corpse alive. *SPLAT*

  12. Ya know what I hate? I hate when we are having a somewhat coherent discussion (call it argument if you will), where both sides are actually giving their sides, some people are explaining from experience some actual facts, and others just giving their $.02. But then BF_In_Indiana has to come in and, like a monkey throwing his own feces, mess up the whole damn thing. Seriously, BF, go back and look at this thread. It was heated, yes, as it is a highly controversial subject. But then you come in and try to bring up your "boy" Artest. Why? WHY? Why can't we ever just have a decent, well thought out argument around here without you coming around to lick up the windows when they get frosty?




    But Artest! <splat!> Artest! <splat!> Artest! <splat!>

  13. And the #1 reason why you wouldn't want Flutie back is because of ME!




    And if anyone wants to yammer about the 1999 season, bring it on, bay-bee.


    Honestly... if defenses figured Flutie out, why is it that he had a QB Rating of 86 in the second half of the 1999 season?


    Factoid that you may not know... the Bills went 10-1 that year when Flutie started and the defense held the opposition to less than 320 yards.


    Against the Titans, our defense held them to under 200 yards AND WE STILL LOST!  RJ... passed for less than 100 net yards, six sacks, 2 fumbles, 1 safety...




    Flutie would have won that game.  And Guff has cursed the Buffalo franchise for 77 years.


    And THAT is why you don't want Flutie back.


    Heck, I wouldn't want to be back either listening to guys like Peter saying how Buffalo would look "provinicial" if they cut Rob Johnson after 2002.


    And Rob is doing what?  Exactly.


    Cheers everyone!




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