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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Since we're using our hindsight goggles, I wonder who Sullivan envisions as our starting RB for the first part of last season since Willis wasn't ready to carry the load?



    Why limit our hindsight goggles to just that? Since they cut Bledsoe anyway, they should have started Losman last season. Oh yeah...he had a broken leg...well, they shouldn't have picked up Troy Vincent then, either...

  2. ...and just to catch you in advance, in case you watch NBC tonight, the mini-series "Revelations" is also fiction. :lol:




    But it has anti-Catholic leanings, so even though it's fiction, it's non-fiction, because it's anti-Catholic, especially if someone in New Jersey throws a telephone pole at Ron Artest while illegally but not enforceably hence legally downloading a copy of his CD.


    Or something...

  3. I have to admit, I'm really impressed with the Crap Throwing Monkey's knowledge of viral infectious diseases. It's good info.


    Keep tossin that Crap, you Monkey.



    I read a lot. And not just Richard Preston. C.J. Peters did a good review of emerging filoviruses about ten years ago, for example...but given that it's an actual scholarly publication, it must not be nearly as accurate as The Hot Zone.


    And anyway...80% of it (of anything, really) is common sense. Ebola (save the Reston strain) and Marburg have a history of not spreading easily and quickly through large populations - the Kikwit epidemic, for example, developed so slowly that it was six months before it was even identified, and was burning itself out by the time the medical response was organized and on-site. And there's more than a few cases of symptomatic Ebola patients getting on planes and flying to major cities without infecting anyone (case in point: in one of the Zaire Ebola outbreaks, there was a nurse that caught the virus, got sick, flew to Kinshasa, and ended up having normal everyday contact with a confirmed 250 people - probably more - on the flight in and on the ground, some of whom shared food and drinks with her. She infected precisely no one.) And there's more than a small chance that Ebola, like Lassa, doesn't always cause a critical illness - Lassa fever for a long time was thought to be universally dangerous and kill have the people who got it, but it's since been discovered that most people who catch it develop low-grade fevers (a lot of cases of "fevers of unknown origin" in West Africa turn out to be low-grade Lassa infections), with maybe 1 in 1000 developing the severe form of Lassa fever, and considering that some 10% of the Pygmies tested in the Ituri forest have antibodies to Ebola (but are, in fact, not dead), it's entirely possible that the hemmoraghic version of an Ebola infection is not the only, or even most common, expression of Ebola. Not necessarily likely...but given the number of people living in regions where Ebola's endemic who carry antibodies to such, it certainly can't be ruled out.


    But this outbreak is going to kill 90% of 7 billion people if someone gets on a plane and flies to Cairo...because Pete read it in The Hot Zone.


    Like I said...common sense. Sadly, common sense isn't.

  4. No I could never reach your crap-throwing prowess. As crap throwers go you are the best. You see it is all a factor of crap production. You need all lot of raw material to produce it in the right proportion. the aromatic quality must be just right. And, of course, never have had a thought. So please respond in character.



    Right. Let me sum up your posts describing your feelings for The Da Vinci Code:


    "It's fiction, but as a self-righteous Catholic with a persecution complex I insist on treating it as non-fiction so I can revel in being a self-righteous Catholic persecuted by a work of fiction."


    Do you have ANY idea how stupid you sound? I mean, think about it. You're arguing that Brown's work is non-fiction, so you can complain that he made it up to slam the Catholic Church. What kind of lobotomy have you had that you think you can demonstrate the idea "This book is fiction" with the premise "This book is non-fiction"?????? WTF????? :doh:


    There's a reason I post as the Crap Throwing Monkey. It's because the moniker fits better in discussions like this with lunatics like you.

  5. Because it is fun to see you get your panties in a bunch over fiction.




    but...but...but...it is not true....but...but...but...he is not telling the truth in his work of fiction.





    But...but...but...he said his work of fiction was non-fiction! The reviewers prove it!


    I should have just called myself "Crap Throwing Beausox".

  6. Who cares? No one HERE is protesting it, even though the Japanese killed many many Americans during WWII.


    Call me a cynic, but this is all a ploy set forth by the Commie Chinese. Again, Communists can NOT be trusted.



    Part of that might have to do with the current cultural atmosphere that requires us every December 7th to apologize for forcing the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. :doh:


    But even so...The Chinese and Koreans have very legitimate cultural beefs with the Japanese. We merely fought a war with them. Koreans were enslaved by them, and the Chinese suffered atrocities as bad as if not worse than anything the SS did in Eastern Europe (I know you've heard of Unit 731). What's the worst the Japanese did to the US civilian population directly? Balloon bombs over Oregon?


    The Japanese refusal to own up to even the most basic facts of their militaristic past is shameful...and utterly predictable. They've been doing it ever since Hirohito announced the surrender to the population; why start acknowledging it now?

  7. Because it is not portrayed as fiction. Because I believe Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior and that he would involve Himself in a clandestine plot to fool me and all is to believe Jesus is not honest. He did not explain the trinity in words and thoughts I could understand. I understand love. i understand the power of sex. i understand the attraction I have for women. I understand He too was a man and that I am a poor comparison to Him; but all I have to understand is that He understands me and that is why I believe and that is why it is important



    "This work of fiction isn't portrayed as fiction, so I'm upset by it."


    Sounds like the problem's on your end. Maybe you should deal with your own upset, and not blame it on Dan Brown's writing.

  8. I figured that one out a long time ago.  Such condescending arrogance in a delusional megalomaniac rant could only be one.....



    Can you address the information I presented, or is your only response "Oh, it's just DC Tom"?


    Never mind...stupid question. Of COURSE you can't address the information...you've already demonstrated that in this thread.

  9. Too bad the "alternative" isn't any better.  Carte blanche government rules!



    Marginally better. Bush is an idiot with a questionable foreign policy. Kerry was an idiot with an incoherent foreign policy reminiscent of the egregious BS generated by the Clinton administration (a Central Asian policy formulated not by the State Department, but by Unocol and Mavis friggin' Leno???? Yeah, that bit of genius worked out well...) Given a choice, I prefer policies I disagree with to policies that have no basis in reality.

  10. From the WHO-

    Fatality rates for outbreaks of Marburg VHF have ranged from approximately 25% to 80%; mortality has been higher in outbreaks in which effective case management was lacking. No vaccine or curative treatment is available, and supportive treatment should be used. The virus can be spread to humans through direct contact with body fluids (e.g., blood, saliva, and urine) of an infected person or animal. Thus, the best protection for persons in or traveling to the outbreak area is to avoid direct contact with body fluids from potentially infected persons. Virus transmission also might be possible through contact with objects (e.g., medical equipment) that have been contaminated with infectious material. The virus has been reported to survive for as long as several days on contaminated surfaces (2). Hospital infection-control practices for infected patients should include contact and droplet precautions, in addition to wearing eye protection or a face shield. U.S. clinicians caring for patients with suspected Marburg virus infection should contact CDC or local public health officials for additional information about VHF infection control.


    That's almost precisely what I said - transmission requires close contact with infected bodily fluids.


    Check out The Hot Zone by Richard Preston.  The book proposes the notion that Marburg or Ebola could be spread via plane travel and touch all over the globe.  The book also puts forth the theory that these virus can become airborne.  They cite one study where infected monkeys in a research lab were on one side and healthy monkeys were in cages on the other side.  All monkeys contracted ebola even though they had no contact with one another.  Anyways there is no vaccine or curative treatment available so I am not sure what difference good healthcare could provide.  Marburg and Ebola are nasty sh--!



    I've read The Hot Zone. Anyone who considers it a primary or even acceptable secondary source is a fool. Anyone who considers it any kind of source at all on Marburg is an idiot, considering the book concerns Ebola. And it doesn't "propose the notion" of spreading by plane travel...it has a chapter, in graphic Preston style, discussing one individual on one plane who infects precisely no one else.


    And anyway...use some common sense, if you have any. Viruses that are actually optimized for aerosol spread don't even spread as effectively as you're postulating filovirii might. The 1917 influenza pandemic - one of the most infectious airborne viruses known - still had only about a 60% morbidity rate. Pneumonic plague is as infectious as influenza and more deadly than Ebola, and managed to kill 60 people out of a population of 2.1 million in Surat, India in 1994...and despite a mass exodus of people (about a half-million) from Surat via train and international flights didn't spread beyond Surat. The last major Ebola outbreak (of Ebola Zaire - the really deadly strain with 90% mortality) in Kikwit, Zaire killed 350 people in a city of 600k. Extraordinarily high morbidity (ten virus particles can cause a virulent infection), 90% mortality...and it killed one person in every thousand, in a city so poor that it had virtually no health care infrastructure whatsoever (one hospital bed for every three thousand people and one autoclave for the entire city).


    And you, in your infinite wisdom, think if one person with Marburg gets on one plane, 6.3 billion people are going to die. Right. Maybe you should read something other than Richard Preston.

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