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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. The powers that be on the hill trying to trash the Constitution with this:

    I can't believe the assclowns that sponsored this bill (Senators  Brownback, Burns, Burr, Craig, and Lott) aren't being called on to the carpet - Not only do they try to usurp the Constitution, they essentially outlaw the act of striking this rubbish down for unconstitutionality as being essentially a crime. 


    They reference Article III of the Constitution, perhaps they should re-read it! :ph34r:



    I can't see how this would pass, but I swear, if it does I'll openly call for armed rebellion to restore this country's government to its basic Constitutional foundation.


    And even so, these bozos ought to be impeached for violating their oaths of office...last I checked, they swore to support and defend the Constitution as the soverign source of law, liberty, and government.

  2. Vick screwed up by not telling her, and he should take responsibility for that. SHE screwed up by either not asking or not caring to ask or not even insisting that a million dollar superstar NFL quarterback wear a condom. But sue him? Take him to court and SUE him? For freakin' herpes?




    Wait...you mean they BOTH could be at fault? What a novel concept! And here I thought, from reading the board, that "fault" was strictly an "either/or" principle.

  3. This was a great bit. "My religion is better because it has better parades." This will surely be included in the Hall of Fame, I'm just glad I was alive during this era to see this trolling classic.



    Don't forget the whole "Protestants are just jealous" line of reasoning.


    Man, the way Catholicism is getting twisted into the end-all and be-all of religion - i.e. you're either Catholic, or your religious beliefs are based on being anti-Catholic - is vaguely reminiscent of the warped logical process that turned half-assed phrenological theory into the Nazi concept of Aryan superiority. Weird...

  4. From the article...


    It was Annan's 10th meeting with staff since taking office in 1997.


    Huh? I HOPE that merely reads worse than it actually is...because if that statement accurately represents a staff meeting every ten months... Makes one wonder if "Kofi Annan" isn't Ghanaian for "monkey who throws crap".

  5. Do you think they pulled the feeding tube from his Holy father prior to his death?


    BTW, this was not a sarcastic question.



    His feeding tube wasn't a permanent fixture like Schiavo's. I'm sure they pulled it, simply because they weren't feeding him at the moment of his death. Were it a permanent fixture...they wouldn't have pulled it, as per his express wishes.


    But hey...way to toss some crap around, comparing apples and oranges. I like your style. *SPLAT*

  6. (on this board) and nothing about the Pope? 


    Some of of more cynical commentators will no doubt weigh in...I wonder how Michael Jackson IS doing, hmmm :angry:


    I have not turned on the television and do not plan to, until basketball comes on, but I was sickened last evening at the media "death watch". B-)  Somehow a false alarm was raised here and one cathedral even starting tolling the bells and unfurled the funereal flags.  Ugh.  I'm not slamming the people who are there to pray - I'm talking about the play-by-play talking head crap as if this was a spectator sport.


    I'm a Roman Catholic, and for all I think that many times the Church is out of touch, I have been impressed by this Pope and believe that only when he's gone will the world realize that there was actually ONE truly good person in a leadership role ... albeit with little political power.


    In any event I pray that he's not suffering ... and that if he goes soon he goes with peace.



    The pope's dying a natural and peaceful death in his old age that has no controversy surrounding it, save the pitiful excuse for an argument you're trying to manufacture. As a fellow crap-throwing monkey, I welcome the attempt.

  7. All right, ManTheMyth... this specific resolution involved the North Dakotan State Senate, but I assume you were alluding to actions taken by our congress in regards to steroid use in baseball and in regards to Terri Schiavo. So I will try to address those concerns.


    You obviously supported one position with Terry Schiavo and that's fine; it is a respectable side to take. Debating the issue over and over again seems pointless considering how thoroughly it has been discussed at TBD and elsewhere. But the other side thought it was murder so they didn't think it was a waste of time to have congressmen interrupt their vacations to do like an hour long vote. Big deal. You just thought it was a waste of time because you didn't like that one branch of government, the legislative branch, was getting involved after another branch of government, the judicial branch (on a state level) had already gotten involved in this personal matter.


    As far as baseball goes, government has every right to be involved in that dispute if they want to be involved. Public money goes into baseball parks, federal law exempts baseball from anti-trust laws and remember that Congress is a large part of setting drug policy in this country. Using steroids without a prescription is illegal in this country last time I checked. In fact the whole controversy blew up over a FEDERAL case against BALCO. What has been going on in baseball has been an illegal drug ring and if baseball couldn't end its existence, Congress got involved. The fact that it went this far was MLB's fault, not Congress'. If you don't think drug use should be regulated by Congress, that's fine, but the law's the law. If Congress paid more attention to this issue because it involved baseball, fine, the public seems to care about it and that's who these representatives are accountable to.


    And, um, I seem to recall some drawn out hearings about some stupid game show being fixed in the 50s? Didn't Congress waste a lot of time on that at height of the Cold War?


    Congress isn't doing big "important" things all that much anyway. They pass laws and confirm appointments, hold hearings and negotiate over these votes. Because of this fact they have a lot of free time to do less important things. They pass seemingly pointless resolutions expressing outrage or concern about this or that. They sometimes pass resolutions as insipid as recognizing some celebrity's birthday. They take time to listen to the Backstreet Boys talk about strip mining and to Elmo talk about public television. They grandstand on every issue. Doing so on the fate of someone's life and on drug abuse and cheating in a sport seem just as reasonable opportunity for them to do so.



    I'm not debating any issues. I'm throwing crap. Because that's what I do, I'm a crap-throwing monkey. And as such, I have nothing but admiration for my fellow simians who raise feces-throwing to high art through arguing that legislatively establishing a home run record is an important part of national drug policy. I'm merely a crap-throwing monkey, and nowhere near your league. *SPLAT*

  8. ....says the person who spends his time logging into a second screen name at a sports message board instead of doing something constructive.



    Difference being: I'm a crap-throwing monkey. When I throw crap, I don't have any pretensions to calling it "leadership" or doing it "for the sake of the children".

  9. This might make scoring go up, but it won't fix the ultimate problem:  lack of skating room.


    I don't care if two extra goals a game go bouncing in off some defenseman's ass or from a scrum in front of the net...I want to see some 2-on-1's and breakaways, just like in the 1970s before the Broadstreet Bullies ruined the game forever.



    Actually, the ultimate problem at this point is the lack of an operating professional league. I can't shake the feeling that that goal was designed by the same fine troop of my bretheren sh---tossing simians that created the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  10. Reminds me of the story from a year ago where a South African teen emigrated in to the US was stripped of an award in a school contest for writing an essay about being African-American because she didn't have an African heritage...despite being the only student in the school from Africa.


    This country's going to hell in a handbasket, for the surfeit of crap-throwing monkeys masquerading as "reasonable people" in the general population.

  11. The Rhode Island Senate approved a bill that will fine athletes and entertainers $100 if they charge someone under 16 for an autograph.  What a senseless waste of time.  The end result will be no card shows in RI (if there ever were any) and most atheletes who do happen to pass through the state will politely decline autograph requests.  Much ado about nothing.





    I'm well acquainted with the Rhode Island senate. Their asses are parked in the next tree over. Lousy aim, but they make up for it in volume. *SPLAT*

  12. BillsNYC- you've made your thoughts known, and some agree, some disagee. The thing you don't need to do is be so disrespectful towards Ms. Schiavo. We can take the abuse, she however does not deserve it.



    That's funny, considering all the gross indignity she's had to suffer at the hands of her family and the FL state legislature, Congress, and various ultra-religious freak shows poking their noses into personal matters that aren't their business. While I don't agree with BillsNYC's indignities, either...they're pretty minor in the whole scheme of things, and railing against them whilst supporting the actions of others in denying Terri the basic dignity of a peaceful life or death is ironic enough to earn you some crap from a crap-throwing monkey. *SPLAT*

  13. You people fling more crap than I do. The Bills have been talking about drafting this Pilar kid for, what, four years now? Maybe five? What is he, an 8th year senior or something? If he hasn't broken into the NFL by now, odds are he's never going to...he's not getting any younger, after all. They've got to start looking at some younger prospects...like that european kicker for the Frankfurt Galaxy, Ralf Piolo. I hear the guy's money inside 55 yards, with real speed and toughness that makes him a definite asset on kickoff coverage...

  14. Either way, I hope this thread follows suit.



    I disagree. If this thread dies, I'll have to find a new tree to sit in and throw crap.


    Of course, if this thread dies, everyone involved will show it far more dignity and humanity than anyone involved did Terri Schiavo.

  15. Those were great days on TBD. Remember "Doc?" He correctly predicted that Donnally would flop at LG when the Dolphins signed him because he was a RG, and they put him on the left side.

    The newcomers will never know how great the "old" TSW truly was. Dont get me wrong, I welcome them; but times have changed.



    Then that whole DF vs. RJ thing hit, and the posting quality went rapidly to crap... *SPLAT*

  16. Except every eyewitness happened to end with -in-law as part of their title.  (e.g., Mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-laws husband, etc....)




    ????? And your point is that despite being upheld through 20+ appeals, the court's findings are still wrong because the witness list was stacked with people who actually knew her?


    This is why I'm posting on this subject. What's a good monkey sh-- fight without an actual crap-throwing monkey?

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