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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Look, I'm not saying that stuff didn't happen. The Japs were atrocious in their behavior during WWII. Everybody knows that. But how long should people who weren't even alive during that time period be made to pay?



    I don't know. How long should we keep apologizing for Hiroshima? Or should we demand the Japanese keep apologizing for Pearl Harbor? Or should they continue to refuse to apologize for Pearl Harbor, for that matter?


    And regardless...even if everyone involved in the atrocities is dead (unlikely, even at this late date), the fact that the Japanese continue to insist on feeding themselves a sanitized version of their own history where they can pretend these things didn't happen has as a root cause the same attitudes that led to the atrocities in the first place: the fundamental unwillingness to admit that anything they did was actually wrong. They wouldn't stand up to it then, and they won't do it now.


    So yeah, I think a 20-year old Chinese person, looking at the current Japanese attitudes toward their wartime behavior and seeing something little different from their wartime attitude towards their behavior, probably has a valid excuse for a little moral outrage, and will continue to until the Japanese stand up (like the Germans have for the past 60 years) and admit "Yeah, we were right bastards during the war. Our bad." Doesn't mean I think they should pay reparations (any more than we, being six generations removed from slavery, should pay any to blacks), but if they can't even admit events happened, the root causes of those events haven't been addressed.

  2. You are a jackass!  I have also read-


    Coming Plague, The : Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance by Laurie Garrett


    The Biology of Doom: The History of America's Secret Germ Warfare Project by Ed Regis


    Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War by Judith Miller



    Reminds me of the line from A Fish Called Wanda: "Apes don't read philosophy!" "Yes, they do, they just don't understand it!"


    And yet, you evidently got so little from them, none of them support anything you've said, and you still used The Hot Zone as your primary reference in your posts. ( Of course, given that Regis' book isn't even applicable to the discussion at hand (and Miller's barely is), I wouldn't expect anyone to get anything from those.


    Garrett's book is very good, though as it's more about the microbiology of infectious diseases and less about the epidemiology, the reasons for your ignorance is understandable. You should pick up "Betrayal of Trust" by her, too.

  3. I bet Kiper knew about this long ago... he prides himself on putting every player under a microscope, and in this case that microscope probably extended to Castillo's urine sample.



    That's an even more disturbing image than Kiper's hair gel sinking into his brain...

  4. The joke'll be on him/her when he/she shows up in heaven, and God is an African-American Lesbian...and a Unitarian.



    Considering God is omnipotent...couldn't s/he choose to be an African-American lesbian if s/he damn well chose to?


    Probably how he weeds out all the a--holes...meets them at the Pearly Gates as whoever they hate the most..."Pat Robertson, meet God...he's an Islamic abortion doctor who's published papers on evolution." If he gets a negative reaction...down into the fiery pits of hell they go.

  5. I'm a catholic, and I don't give a rat's ass.



    Does anyone other than beausox give a rat's ass?


    For that matter, does anyone believe that beausox gives a rat's ass outside of hoping to provoke an "anti-Catholic" reaction that satisfies his desperate need for attention? Really, it's the only possible point to his post I can fathom...

  6. I guess that is for a court to decide.  But really, what's the big frickin' fuss?  The NHL could stand to score some nice guy points right now.  What would be the harm in having a tournament, or letting the AHL clubs vie for the cup?





    Plus, it would be a nice backhanded "up yours" to the NHLPA. "Well, gee, union guys...if you hadn't been negotiating off in la-la-land, maybe some of your people would have the Cup."


    Ain't going to happen, though. Giving up the Stanley Cup would be a practical admission that the NHL is no longer a going concern...which, no matter what the accuracy of that statement is, the NHL is never going to willingly admit.

  7. First I think Japan should apologize.  Just as the vatican has apologized for not helping the Jewish community during WWII.  But I hope no one thinks that Japan is the only country to whitewash their history in their favor.



    I don't think any reasonable person would argue that (though I can think of quite a few unreasonable ones that would.)


    But at the same time, you don't see anyone here denying that My Lai or the Indian Wars ever happened. Despite the term, there are shades of "whitewashing".

  8. A communion wafer , considered by Catholics to be the body and blood of Christ, which was consecrated by JPII was sold recently via ebay. The purchaser was a Cathoilc who wished to take it off the market. Are there any Catholics out there who care or will this post be twisted by the anti-Catholics?



    I hear it's going to be the subject of Dan Brown's next fictional non-fiction book.

  9. Right. I'm sorry but the Japanese are no longer imperialistic militarists. It's just not the case.



    The point being that according to the Japanese now, they never were to begin with! That is the whole crux of Chinese and Korean anger, the consistent whitewashing of Japanese history by the Japanese.


    And yet, even though the victims of genocidal atrocities sixty years ago should forget about it when the perpetrators whitewash events, the Vatican should be roundly pilloried for whitewashing the sexual depravity of a handful of priests? Nice perspective, that...

  10. Without having a clue how much the conversion of turning derelict oil platforms into productive fish farms would cost or how it would be paid for (private funds plus subsidies I'd imagine), that idea isn't half bad.  Provided it can be done at a reasonable ROI, that's actually a pretty good idea.



    Oh, great...Bush kills puppies, kittens, and NOW little fishies... :unsure:

  11. That was SIXTY years ago? WTF? This Japan is entirely different from that one. I'm more concerned about a  saber-rattling china than I will EVER be about Japan.



    A whole sixty years? Use that logic with an Auschwitz survivor, or a surviving rape victim of Nanking, or a Bataan Death March veteran. Or a long-time resident of Hiroshima...tell them they shouldn't still be upset about the atomic bomb (I've done that...that discussion got ugly). Or go down to the deep south and tell everyone that the "War of Northern Aggression" was 150 years ago and they should get over it. Hell, Chechnia's been part of the Soviet Union/Russia for 70 or 80 years...why would they still be upset about it? "That was 60 years ago" might - might - be decent logic with individuals, but it gets just a little specious when cultural differences are involved.


    And anyway...Japan's entirely different now? Really? That would probably be news to the Japanese, particularly the ones that are told the US started the war with the oil embargo and Japan was only defending herself against Western aggression...just like they were told 60 years ago. Japan may build cities out of concrete and steel instead of wood and rice paper now...but Japanese racialism towards the gaijin - and particularly towards the Koreans, who themselves respond in kind - is as it ever was.

  12. Let's all joke about a $61B record trade deficit!


    I keep forgetting the republican method of if you can't defend something either change the subject or attack the messenger.



    On the other hand, you'd think the trade deficit would stand on its own as an indictment of his economic policies without having to add "George Bush kills puppies and kittens". :unsure:

  13. The UN needs to be smacked and smacked hard. Unfortunately, the Dems seems to want someone who holds the UN in high esteem. That is not what they need right now. They need someone who is tough and is not concerned with ruffling the feathers of the UN.


    If not Bolton, who would you recommend?



    I don't disagree with putting Bolton in the UN on those grounds...but I'm not positive that's the only motivation, particularly given that the UN's inherent anti-Americanism and Bolton's disenchantment with the UN combined are likely to make the UN more intransigent towards the US than less. Why couldn't it be more a matter of marginalizing the UN even further than it already has itself? Putting a UN Ambassador into the UN who has a dislike for the UN would not tend to lend any validity to the UN's processes.


    But then...if they just kicked the whole parasitical organization out of New York, I wouldn't shed too many tears anyway.

  14. You guys probably have a better recollection than I, but didn't JD Williams have a hell of a rookie season in 90.  I remember him returning a punt block for a touchdown that changed the momentum of that game and a few other such plays.


    When did he become a bust and leave the organization?  Did he get hurt?  Or just started to play poorly?



    As I recall, he had some sort of vision problem related to depth perception that precluded his being an effective CB.

  15. Army town struggles to save abandoned pets

    <http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2005-04-12-war-pets_x.htm>  Georgia

    shelter crammed since Fort Stewart troops deployed to





    Shocked, yes SHOCKED I am, that the economy is SO bad that even innocent dogs and cats have to suffer for it!



    Really, isn't that just a little bit of a stretch? "George W. Bush kills puppies and kittens!"? :lol::doh:

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