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Posts posted by canbuffan34

  1. Levy has made a lot of dough and rep screwing Buffalo.

    You are an idiot Man! Ask Kelly, Thurman and co. what their opinion is of Marv Levy? Every NFL broadcaster, analyst, coach or player in the last 20 years who knew Levy would disagree with your opinion! :sick:

  2. I'm not sure anymore what the average age of the posters on this board are, I can only tell you as a 39 (and holding) man and longtime fan of this team a couple of things I've observed :


    1) Ralph always makes his decisions on the direction of his football team, in a State of the Bills "get-together" down in Fl. every year a couple of weeks after the ProBowl game. So the fact that that he's announcing Jauron's future on Wed. does not bode well for Dick.


    2) On the same topic, when asked about the contract extension situation Wilson repeatedly refused comment. This tells us that he now regrets ever issuing the ext., and is doing everything in his power to "get out of it". If Ralph was being supportive of Jauron, he'd come out and say " Yes, I've extended the contract."


    3) I'm sure that RW is sorely disappointed that his ol' buddy Marv (dropped the ball) on the hiring of Dick in the 1st place and maybe in a brief break of clarity (from senility) he now realizes after watching what has happened in Miami and Atlanta, that teams can in today's NFL, have real success with the "right people" in place.


    My guess is that either he will promote one of his "inner circle" members to assume the sole GM responsibility, and having that guy hire a new HC, or hopefully he'll realize that Russ Brandon and co. are in over their heads and bring in a real established GM who will then blow this thing up and bring in some better coaches at long last! :sick:

  3. I truly think that Dick Jauron was a dead man walking at One Bills Drive and that there would be no way he could save his job after his team got pummeled by the Broncos and the Pats no matter how much his players loved him.


    I get the feeling things have changed. All Ralph wanted was that little spec of wiggle room to be able to sell a Jauron Season IV. Yesterday's win was big enough to do that. His players did save his fanny.


    Maybe Dick can reward them with becoming a smarter head coach. Put in some extra game planning hours. Provide them with the "Monalisa" of game plans for the final game against the Patriots. Sunday is this team's Superbowl...they have yet to beat an AFC East team, they haven't beaten the Patriots in about 11 tries, the Patriots are still playing for a spot and the division title and the Bills can end their 2008 season. Let's see if you can slay the REAL dragon Dicky boy and really earn that Season IV lifeline.

    As much as I'd love for our Bills to beat the pats* this weekend, do you honestly think that in a meaningful game for Belicheat we have a snowball's chance in hell? We will be outcoached in 2 out 3 phases in this game and once again Bobby April's ST unit will help keep it closer than it should have been. We'll finish the season at 7-9 for the 3rd season in a row, and hopefully when RW has his annual State of the Bills meeting in Fl., he'll realize that the only way to get the fans' dollars and butts in the seats for 09 is by bringing in a real HC! :)

  4. Updated it and added a link to the only good petition I could find. Guy who started it is going to bring it to OBD after he has 1000 signatures.. Also added some news links.

    Just signed it, tried to get my daughter to sign too but it said error because it was too soon after mine. How long before I get to sign it again? :rolleyes:

  5. I have one more quick question in regards to Trent. How come no one wants to argue or acknoweldge that he comes recommended by Bill Walsh? Does anyone else on this team have that? And why can't we add that to Trent's resume when Bill Walsh is one of the greatest minds in football? We have to know he sees things a little bit different than us.

    You also have to take into account that where Trent is concerned, Walsh might be a bit of a Homer as he is a Stanford man. :rolleyes:

  6. Maybe part of the underlying problem with our guys is not whats being coached but the manner in which its related to the

    players. Correct me if I'm wrong but don't we have the 2nd youngest team in the NFL? If an old school coach like Jauron

    "treats them like men" but the majority of key players are still boys in need of discipline, then how can we possibly expect any type of success when the players are not really held accountable for their on field play? Do any of you get the sense that Edwards, Lynch and co. fear returning to the sidelines after giving subpar performances on any given series? Remember watching players ( ex: the corner for the Steelers, Scott IIRC , getting burned for a long TD by Moulds? I actually felt sorry for the kid having to face Cowher as he sulked to the sidelines!) I agree with alot of you that Dick needs to be replaced, but not by another creampuff HC :rolleyes: We need a real A#hole thats going to make these guys pi$$ their pants and then when they have real success on the field, they'll absolutely love him for it! We need Cowher or Billick

    or God forbid, Schottenheimer! Maybe the reason why Sporano, Tomlin, Mangini are having success is they are younger and yet seem to coach with the whip for those that require it, thoughts? :wallbash:

  7. When thinking of the Bills offense in recent years, and in some cases years ago, we all used to complain "all we do is run, run, pass, punt!!" And I remember this even as a little kid when Bruce Mathison was the signal caller, and Greg Bell was the only guy on the team worth watching.


    That call wasn't bad, actually it was quite aggressive, and the play itself is the type of play other teams pull on us all the time. Where did it fail? Well, for starters, the guy wearing #7 seems to be absolutely sure every time he drops back that nobody is going to tackle him, and didn't execute that play with a sense of urgency. He has always held on to the ball way too long. Secondly, the play was called to a no name, lump of crap tight end that has no business being on the field during critical, crunch time situations, at all. He was not open.


    The instructions should have been simple... "JP... look at me, roll out right, after your first read, if he's not open, throw it AWAY. They're probably going to be rushing everyone since they think we are running the ball, you don't have much time." This is where the coaching staff failed. Wrong players on the field for this to work, thinking a no name tight end and a turnover machine could actually execute this play.


    WAIT!! He should have to apologize for using those players though!!


    If the pass is incomplete, no big deal, we played it aggressive. Put the ball back in Lynch's hands on third down, but not a SWEEP play.


    It's easy to blame Jauron right now, but looking at the game on the NFL channel, the Bills looked solid. Looking at the losses to Miami, the Jets, and Cleveland all seem to point to the fact that it's really Schonert that should probably be let go, and someone should punch him in the face on the way out.


    In other threads I have been agreeing with the firing of Jauron, and thats probably still true, but I'm starting to think he's not the problem so much as it is some of the talentless crap he has to work with. Come on, each game I watch I am utterly stunned at how poorly our defensive line performs, and how badly the offensive line gets pushed around.


    If jauron is around next year, they better add some players to those squads and a new offensive coordinator, or expect 8-8, 7-9, or 6-10 again.

    The biggest problem with Dicky J is that, when he needs to be conservative he isn't and when he needs to be aggressive, he Ain't! Bad football instincts= Bad football coach .... result, another losing season! :wallbash:

  8. The problem with this place and the average bills fan, is they want to blame one thing. Everyone acts like one thing is the problem. And with that said, everything is extremes. Either we have no talent and terrible players, or we have great all around palyers. Either coaching is the worst in the league, or just perfectly fine. Either Tent is the worst QB ever, or going to be a star.




    Is talent a problem. Yea, a little bit. We still have a lot of great talent on this team and wonderful potential. Do wee have enough talent to get in the playoffs, possibly. Can we get there on talent alone though? No. We are a solid offseason away from having that much talent. A TE and C on offense will do wonders. An OLB and DE on defense will also do wonders. The real issue here is depth. We have no depth at a lot of positions. If we lose a starting DE as we did, things get bad.



    Is coaching a problem. Of course it is. Our coaching has indeed cost us a few games this year. They have made some terrible calls and decisions at crucial times in games. Should we fire them and clean house, I am not sure. I thought Jauron did a great job with this team last year, and not so much this year.


    Are the rookies to blame? No. Stop calling players like Hardy and Ellis a bust. They are rookies, give me a break you bunch of 11 year olds. Get it together, calling a rookie a bust is silly. Come back in 2-3 years. Rookies are not expected to make an impact or even get a lot of playing time sometimes. It depends on the player and position. WRs take a long time develop to be honest. They just do. Give hardy a break as well as Ellis.


    Is it the front office? Our front offices have made both good and bad decisions over the past 6 years. They have found some wonderful talent, and they have made terrible moves.





    You fans are just too much sometimes. When things are going ood, you love everything. When things are going bad, you blame everyone and want this team scrapped. Give trent edwards more time. And grow up. We are nto that bad, we were very close this year, our young QB got shooken up in the middle of the season and never really recovered from whatever happened. We didn't have a solution to bad QB play. We turned the ball over al ot the second half of this season. We have made terrible coaching calls. We were truly a few plays away from having 3-4 more wins. I know you can say all teams can say that, but they really can't as much as us. We have had certain plays that should have been different. Not game changing plays in the 3rd quarter, but terrible calls under 2 minutes.


    If we have a good offseason, expect us to make the playoffs

    Good post! Although I agree with most of what you said, I have to disagree on the coaching analysis.. I don't honestly believe that our coaching staff (Dick in particular) will ever win against our own division opponents consistently. :worthy:

    If I'm Ralph, I keep Bobby April and blow the rest of it up! :wallbash:

  9. Not only are they both penis references, :worthy: but it just occured to me that RJ was given his sweet contract by the Bills, solely based on his one game performance against the G-men and similarly DJ was given his HC'ing job based solely on his single 13-3 season :worthy: As a huge fan of this team, it is frustrating that Rob Johnson will coach our guys again next year, but.... wait, WHAT? Never mind... Go Bills! :wallbash:

  10. Jauron is a dead man walking. His record speaks for itself-if the Bills want to sniff the palyoffs again we need a new head coach. Look around the league, first year coaches in Atlanta and Baltimore are doing fine. And take a look over in Pittsburgh where a second year coach with a horrid offensive line has taken his team to the top of the AFC standings.

    Although one could argue that Mike Tomlin took over a slightly better team than the Dick! :wallbash:

  11. Buffalo Hit by Terrorist Attack


    Associated Press 12/12/2008


    In a recent car bombing, 4 people were killed and 17 wounded. The apparent target of the terrorist attack was a neighborhood cleanup effort.


    "We were cleaning up the streets of Buffalo," said one witness, "when suddenly I felt the ground shake under my feet. I was knocked backward by a blast, and broke my arm as I was driven to the ground. Fortunately I was one of the lucky ones."


    The explosion was caused by bombs placed in an unregistered truck parked alongside the road. "I saw a bearded, scruffy looking man drive up in this truck," said one witness. "But I didn't pay it much attention. He parked, mumbled an obscenity about Buffalo, threw a pop can out his window, and walked away."


    "That guy really did look disgruntled," said another witness, "He came right up to me and said, 'Don't I look like I could throw a football just as well as anyone? Don't I look like I'd be a faster runner than most other NFL quarterbacks?' How do you respond to something like that?"


    "When I first saw him," said another witness, "I thought, here is a poor guy who's obviously living in his truck. He can't even afford a razor. I offered him some change, but he refused. Then his truck exploded."


    After the explosion, an alert police officer began to chase the suspect on foot. The suspect made two separate attempts to throw fist size rocks at the policeman's head. While the suspect demonstrated amazing arm strength, his accuracy proved suspect, as the rocks sailed ten feet over the policeman's head. However, the policeman failed to catch the suspect, due to his very good foot speed. The Buffalo police have stated that they have clues to the suspect's identity, but have not elaborated further.

    Thanks alot! Now I've got to wipe my morning coffee off my laptop! :wallbash:

  12. I may only be playing the devil's advocate here, but after a few days of thinking, but I truly believe the Bills simply cannot fire DJ and be successful next year. Now, the coordinators, that's another story. I believe that DJ has sucked this year as a head coach, but it would far far worse for the franchise to start over than it would be to have a sucky head coach. Ralph needs to invest in some strong coordinators and hire a GM to run the football operations. They do not need a micromanager type in Donahoe, but they do need someone to run a wise draft and to check ralph wilson when he wants to draft some random running back. Jauron CAN be successful, and to some extent, he was earlier this year. Why did the wheels fall off? Was it DJ simply being a bad head coach? Was it DJ allowing too much power to his coordinators? Was it DJ taking orders from ralph himself? Nobody really knows. All that matters is that it gets fixed in the off season. Remember, back in september, this was arguably the best team in the league. You can't start over from scratch next year. A major overhaul, yes, but canning DJ is not the answer.

    While I understand your point of view, I do not share it. Dick should already have been fired for that debacle in NY last week, PERIOD!!! IMO that was the single worse call in Buffalo Bills recent history. :wallbash::worthy:

  13. Most Bills fans are livid over the fact that DJ will return next year as head coach of the Bills. The Bills FO will have a hard time selling their product to the fans of Buffalo unless something is done. They might fire a coordinator, fire someone in the personnel department or a combination of the two. I personally think the Bills will go out and spend some money on free agents this off season to appease the fan base. What do you think?


  14. Regardless of what anyone thinks about Ralph, he always methodically looks at every facet of his org. from GM, Coaches, Players and then fans and ticket sales. Ralph wants to win for Buffalo and its fans, IMO he'll do everything he thinks he needs to in order to put a winning product on the field. My guess is that he'll call up Levy again and ask his advice on who he would recommend as a GM that will be successful and blow this whole thing up at seasons end. If I'm wrong, and he goes forward with the status quo, then I'll resign myself to the fact that we do have some young talent on this team, and that we'll toil along like a Houston Texans team. :wallbash: Just curious, what do you guys think will happen during the off-season?

  15. I could personally never miss a snap, but I've talked to a bunch of fans who are just beyond the breaking point.

    I would rather watch the Bills play a preseason game against the London Sillynannies than watch the Grey Cup, maybe I'm not Canadian!?! :wallbash:

  16. in all seriousness I really will be a little surprised if JP is on an NFL roster next year. What team would sign a veteran who they know is junk instead of a rookie or 2nd year guy that might not turn out to be? Even guys like Leftwich barely found a job, and he's a lot better than Losman. The only team that comes to mind that wouldn't terribly surprise is the Raiders. They love big armed, athletic quarterbacks that don't know what they're doing - see Aaron Brooks, Daunte Culpepper, Jamarcus Russell and Andrew Walter.

    I can't believe you forgot Jeff George :wallbash:

  17. Well, deja vu all over again. I was laid of in January 2006, and was luckily back to work by April. It was supposed to be contract to hire, but I guess the economy did not follow that pattern.


    Besides taking a pay cut, the contract benefits sucked, but it was a paycheck and interesting work. I really did NOT see this coming since they were signing me up for training classes and I was involved in several key projects. Too bad these days quality engineers are considered 'overhead'.


    I heard they had cut some temps early today, and something told me to pack my personal things in my brief case. So at about 3pm today the division manager says he would like to have a word with me. My boss works out of town Thursday and Friday, or she would have had to tell me.


    Merry Christmas to me.


    The wife left for NY city this morning for a weekend with the girls. Now I have to figure out how to tell her Sunday night I do not have a job to go to Monday. No sense telling her now when she calls to check in - she has been looking forward to this weekend for a long time.


    This time I do not have a sweet severance package either. I did not get to say seeya to anyone. At least I know I was doing MY best, but corporate said cut all the temps.


    Am I pissed? Yeah, but I will land on my feet and be pounding on doors by Monday.


    God will not give me a load I cannot carry.

    I just got my walking papers at 2:53 pm today Rockpile, I know how you feel about it being unexpected. I had 6 people working under me and now 4 of em get to go to work tomorrow and I don't. :blink: I trained them for Chrissakes! I guess in todays economy nobody is safe. :angry:

  18. Lynch speaks, points at himself

    By Chris Brown - Posted December 10th, 2008

    Marshawn Lynch spoke to the media for the first time in three months and pointed at himself when it came to the failures of the run game this season. Here’s one of his more poignant comments.


    “I know you’ve all been looking and wondering what’s up with the run game and I’m here to tell you today I’m going to put it on me,” said Lynch. ”I’m the feature back here and I don’t feel as the feature back I’ve played like it.”


    “I don’t want to take anything away from my offensive line because as hard as we come in and we work and the extra meetings that we go through, the extra time we’ve been putting in to get it going, so I’m going to put that on me. There have been some key things that I’ve seen on film where I feel I could have made a better play or I could have had a little more patience and it would have been a better run.”



    I love this kid! Maybe Marshawn should be HC of this team :censored:

  19. Paul Posluzny. I keyed on this guy while watching the defense against miami, is he even on the field? Oh yeah he's getting drive blocked 10 yards down the field, standing in no man's land in the zone scheme's, or getting pushed aside like my niece when he's trying to blitz. If this is the Middle Linebacker we our going to build our team around our defense is in big trouble for a long time. But his hair is really dreamy and he has a strong jaw line so he's got that going for him. :censored: Gimme a break, we need some bad asses on this defense. I don't think we have any.

    I for one am willing to give him a pass this season, don't forget that he missed almost all of last season due to injury. Which essentially makes him a rookie this year! :censored:

  20. I have been reading that players will react poorly if Jauron gets fired. First off, Jauron is a player's coach so off course the players will be upset. Let's face it, players for the most part enjoy less rules and easier practises. He holds practise sessions indoors for heaven's sake. He is turning the players soft and this is becoming a huge problem on the field. They need an ass kickin rather than an ass leakin' from gutless Jauron,


    Consistency is obviously a cocnern. What has worked for the Bills the past few years? Special teams. Why? Bobby April is the reason and he would make the most sense to replace Jauron. Levy had a special teams background as well. He will come cheap which would make pathetic wilson happy. April is a great motivator and pushes his players, hence the great results over the years. He reacts and yells but also gets excited rather than stand there and pick his nose like jauron. For the players sake, he will also provide the consistency rather than a total makeover which could set the Bills back (even though I don't agree with that arguement as well). Wilson will never pay for a hotshot coach. I would rather have April than some supposed up and coming coordinator or staffer who will stink the place up like gregg williams or mike mularky. The bills already have the guy in the organization.

    Couldn't agree more, in fact I've stated the same thing in recent posts. April would be a great HC, just my opinion! :censored:

  21. If not, I don't know if I could stomach watching JP (deer in the headlights) Losman trying to lead this anemic offense for another week! It physically ills me to witness what has happened to our team this year, and I hope and pray between now and Sunday that Ralph has a momentary lapse from senility and in a singular moment of clarity, he fires Dick and has Bobby April take over HC'ing duties for these final 3 games. :blink::blink:

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