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Posts posted by canbuffan34

  1. O.k. its no secret that most Bills fans are down on Jauron after his sub par coaching over the last three years. Now the first question I have is at what point do you fire Jauron? I think if they go 1-4 or 2-6 you pull the plug and start over. Now the question is who do you replace him with? Do you hire a guy like Gruden to try and give him time to evaluate the players on the roster or do you promote from within and see who is available during the offseason? If you do that than who do you hire.

    Bobby Freakin' April :rolleyes:

  2. What do you think are all the possible holes this team has that need to be filled on day 2 of the draft, undrafted free agents, and free agents. Mine are:


    RT (depending on whether or not levitre plays RT or how good Bell/Chambers really are)

    OLB (We need one, but there are some good OLBs still in Free Agency we could pick up)



    DT (A big DT wouldn't hurt)

    Tight End, Tight End and oh yeah!, a TIGHT END!!!!! :huh:

  3. How do you know it isn't NE* reacting to our O-line picks? :huh:

    We needed to improve the inside of the O-line for the run.



    Believe me when I say that no-one in the Pats* organization even thinks of us as a competitive team, let alone "react" to our moves. Those Patsies* won't take us seriously until we beat their cheatin' asses by at least 20 points in a game. Hopefully that will be the Mon. night opener this year but I'm not exactly bettin' the house on it! :censored:

  4. You guys give me a lot of credit for trying to make something up like this.


    But to make it even more interesting, here's some particular's:

    - We have offered a 4th and a 6th rounder for 1 year of service or a 2nd rounder for 3 years of service.

    - and there are 2 more teams fighting for him as well, for now.


    Get over the collective negative and jump aboard the collective positive. We are in the midst of having the best offensive talent ever assembled on our team. We are about to shake it up for the old timer. You have to believe Buffalo!


    Or continue shooting down any glimmer of something extraordinary happening for us, and keep wearing your "I hate life" t -shirts.


    Get on the love train gentlemen, cause it's coming.

    I hope you are referring to the best " offensive Talent " in the 2000's, because if you're suggesting that Edwards and Co. are better than Kelly and Co. you might want to consider editing your post, my friend. <_<

  5. Alot of people are saying we are going to get killed this game think about the last 2 times we opened our season against the Pats we won one and the other was close the opening week of the nfl is a crap shoot teams are unvailing new offencive and defencive systems and most games are usually tight.

    Maybe you're right, but I can't get that 56-10 drubbing out of my mind. Belichick is a total scumbag but if you owned an NFL team, who would you rather have for a coach? <_<

  6. Mort=JP

    The guy is gone, leave him alone and move on with your life Dingo! JP is the exact opposite of Mort. He has always conducted himself in a professional manner and been a stand up guy through everything he was faced with from this org.

    As a matter of comparison it would be more accurate to proclaim Mort=Dingo :lol:

  7. It is a good article and makes a great point about TO not doing anything to build a winner in Buffalo.


    But he's wrong about the "tremdenous" downside. The downside is minimal. If Jauron and Edwards can't deal with a strong personality than neither of them has any business leading an NFL team and need to be gone. If anything, TO could push those two issues to resolution, one way or the other. And that would be a plus.

    I agree! I see this move as win-win, Let's be honest, a month ago most of us on this board were not looking forward to the 09 season, now I for one can't wait to see what unfolds! :lol:

  8. We would probably need to throw in a pick.


    Is there any interest in obtaining the services of Jay Cutler if possible?

    Without trying to sound too sarcastic, we just released a dumb, strong-armed QB! I think we should take our chances with the guy we have now. Trent has shown flashes of brilliance ie: the comeback against the raiders and jags, he's only going to improve, IMO. B-)

  9. It was Ralph's idea, it was Brandon's idea, it was Jauron's idea, it was Trent's idea...


    If it works out, you can probably add Evans, Whitner, Lynch and Check Lester to the list.


    EDIT: That article kills me:


    "The Bills think Jauron is the perfect coach". Right, Pete...that's why the owner took had two days (at least) of meetings deciding if he would be brought back, even though he had signed a three-year extension. Do these guys simply forget everything...and expect us to do the same?

    Even though I agree with everyone else, that DJ is a below average coach in the league ( as evidenced by the consecutive 7-9 records ) I think the comment about DJ was in reference to his temperment being the perfect one where it relates to Owens. King refers to him being "calm but commanding", Commanding? hardly. I agree with calm, probably a better description... borderline valuum induced coma. B-)

  10. Spring brings forth hope eternal .....


    I just said in another post that I am a skeptic until the Bills clinch a playoff spot.


    With that said I appreciate your optimism. I think the chances of your wishes coming true rest on the following:

    • Trent Edwards must take a significant step forward including figuring out 3-4 defense

    • Marshawn needs no offseason distractions and must play elite, true probowl ball

    • Buffalo needs to add a serviceable vet as a #2 QB to help TE out on the sidelines and to play if needed

    • Through the draft or FA we have to also land (in order) DE, TE, #2 WR (prefer big and tall), LB depth and guard depth (noticeable drop off when Butler went out)

    • I pray that somehow Jauron learns better game management - he is supposed to be a smart guy

    • There needs to be a little bit of luck as the injury bug has hit us hard the past couple of years

    You can pray all you want about Dick (miraculously becoming a good coach) but history shows us, both in chicago and in Buffalo, that he just doesn't have IT as a coach, we're going to continue to beat up on sh------- teams and lose to winning ones. :D:bag:

  11. Houston, Buffalo and San Fran were the 3 teams Tucker claims could mirror the success the Cardinals had, coming from nowhere and making it to the Super Bowl...I tend to think the Bills will be lucky to get back to 7-9 with the schedule they have, but it still made me feel good to read what he wrote:


    "Buffalo Bills


    The Bills feel as if they blew a golden opportunity to win the AFC East by faltering after a 5-1 start in a season in which New England was without Tom Brady. They are absolutely right, they did miss out on a unique chance, and the Miami Dolphins were all too happy to slide in and wrest the division away from the perennial division champion Patriots.


    But all is not lost for a Bills organization that has compiled a good group of talented young players. Marshawn Lynch looks to be one of the best all-around backs in the league. He and Fred Jackson were successful running behind the offensive line once right guard Brad Butler was back in the fold after injury. The Bills have a No. 1 receiver in Lee Evans and a quarterback (Trent Edwards) who appeared to be on the rise before he got injured and worked through a bit of a sophomore slump.


    Defensively, the Bills were able to make strides in some areas and Marcus Stroud was a big reason for that. The loss of Aaron Schobel and his consistent pass rush, however, proved fatal. The Bills need improved roster depth to overcome these types of injuries."


    Who will be Next Years Cardinals?

    Some valid points in this article, unfortunately DJ isn't fit to hold Ken Whisenhunt's clipboard! :wallbash:

  12. I guess after all that time in Canada, Wake couldn't stand even one more game up there.

    First off, as a Canadian, let me just say "you are a d$*khead" and secondly, I don't understand all the excitement over a DE from the CFL that has never proven anything in this league! The fact is, that historically the only successful players to make the transition from the CFL to the NFL are QB's and kickers! :worthy:

  13. One thing I've seen here and in talking with fellow fans is the utter dismay at the direction of the team. It seems that the longer you've been a Bills fan, the more hurt you are by the 2008 season and the decision to keep Jauron. The newer fans seem more optimistic - keep supporting the Bills and eventually they'll get better.


    Is there a fatigue factor in how you think? I'm curious to find out. Tell me:


    • How long have you been a Bills fan? (Be honest - if you're 30 you haven't been a Bills fan for 30 years - when did you really become a fan?)
    • What's your out look on the Bills now? Done with being a fan? Optimistic that with a few small tweaks we'll win the division on the next couple of years? Where are you on the spectrum?

    I'll be turning 40 next month and have honestly been a die-hard fan of this team for going on 30 years. My outlook is one of apathy for the decision to keep Jauron as I don't believe that he'll be the coach for all of the 09 season. I think 5 games into next season we're sitting at 1-4 and Ralph pulls the plug! :worthy:

  14. For the whole season. I predict that with next seasons sched that DJ does not make it the whole year. If his poor gameday decisions last year were not glaring enough for the Ralph, next seasons should be. I say that 5 games into the 09 season, Bobby April takes the interim tag! :doh:

  15. Sullivan is a little weasel who takes a poll before taking a position. Earlier in the season he was praising Jauron. I don't agree with all of Jauron's decisions by any means, but switching coaches every two-three years guarantees little success.

    Imo, Jauron never should have been hired in the 1st place. He has one 13-3 season in how many years? Ralph stating that Dick being retained for "continuity" :lol: 3 years- 3 ( 7-9 ) seasons, how can we reasonably expect any better next season? :doh:

  16. IMO.....Ralph's staffing of the front office is the best guage of where he's really headed.


    If he brings in more football people (not promotions of existing staff, but new blood), then he is serious about trying to win and is willing to trust experts to run his team for him. Requiring Modrak to reside in WNY would be another small but hopeful sign.


    If he keeps the status quo, he is simply "maintaining" the franchise, keeping it afloat until his number is up so his family can sell. This would mean he's content to continue calling all the shots and using his skeleton crew of puppets (Brandon, Modrak, Guy) as the frontmen who are there to give the APPEARANCE of minimal competence.


    My read - Ralph is an old school owner who likes to win, but who now realizes that the stakes of the NFL poker game have risen above his comfort level. The economics of the NFL have passed him by, permanently. So he is now just playing out the string, squeezing what he can from the franchise. He is just "keeping his foot in the door" of the NFL because he realizes the most important part of his asset is the NFL brand, which is ultimately highly valuable to his family. Nothing will change until ownership does.

    Bang on! I've always felt that year after year ol' Ralphie boy just hopes to fall ass backwards into a championship. Sure, he wants to win, but not by spending his money! :doh:

  17. After thorough consideration, I agree that Jauron is not the top end coach many Bills fans would like to have. But, I think that the organization has a more pressing need: a top end GM.


    Think about it. Just like the Raiders, the Bills have made some headscratching calls the past nine years when it comes to the draft and free agency. They reach for players like McCargo, Losman, and sad to say, but Whitner (good player, but picked too high). They overpay for average talent like Walker, Dockery, Reed, and Kelsey. And then they don't shell out the money to the right at the high value positions for the likes of Pat Williams, Jason Peters, and a decent backup QB. Also, don't expect to see Fred Jackson unless he comes in well below market value to stay with the team.


    Lastly, a top end GM will demand performance from the staff and players. Who are the players accountable to now? Brandon? Their good friend Jauron? The fans? The frugile 90yr-old Mr Wilson? We really don't know, and I'm not sure the players and staff know either?


    More than anything, I think the Bills really need a GM. The "inner circle" aint cutting it. Fix this, and you stand a lot better chance of fixing the Bills.

    I agree! A new GM would bring in his own HC and our problems would be gone :doh: (or at least lessened) :lol:

  18. The best we can hope for is that Jauron learns from his mistakes, studies game planning and strategy from the Pats* and Jets losses (among others), works hard for the unwarranted extension and makes the entire coaching staff do the same. So what are the chances of that happening?

    :lol::lol::doh: This is about the funniest thing I've ever read on this board, You sir are HILARIOUS! :lol:

  19. I'm sorry if this type of message has been posted before, but I don't

    even know what to say.




    I loved this team. I bleed Bills red and blue for the past 28 plus years of my life,

    way back to Fergy, Butler, Villapiano, Smerlas, Romes to the Super Bowl years (too

    many players to mention), to Flutie, to Losman and to Lynch.


    I cannot care about this team any longer.


    I will not give a cr*p what this owner and his band of merry "insiders"

    do any longer.


    I will not care if this team comes or go's.


    I will not care if this team plays 1 or 2 or all of their games in Toronto.


    I will not care if any of our players run over pedestrians any longer.


    I will not care what this team does with it's 11th round pick.


    I will not care who the QB is.


    I will not care who we get in free agency.


    I can't do this anymore.....


    I will continue to read these boards and post my opinions, but.....



    As much as we all feel your frustration Dave, let me pose this to you " C'mon, huh! C'mon" :beer:

  20. I see diplomacy isn't your strong suit. And for the record, Marv was not hired in Jan 06 to be the HC. He was brought on to be the GM, a position he'd never handled in the NFL. ML may have say in on draft day and gave his opinion, but he did not work in the front office for this or any other team. It was a poor hiring which was short term. Unfortunately, RW never adequately planned for the future after Levy.

    The comment that was made that I responded to was not solely based on Marv the GM, is was a vague, general bash against his character. To say that Levy has been getting rich by "screwing" Buffalo is a moronic statement and I stand by my response to it. :sick:

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