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Posts posted by canbuffan34

  1. A lot of these young so called Bills fans where'nt even born in the mid 1980's to remember the back to back 2 and 14 seasons so they don't have a clue of how bad the Bills can be even in the 70's I cam rember how awful the Bills were at times.The team that the Bills have put on the field in the past 10 years have not been all that great but not as bad as they have been in the past.Evan though we have had 3 straight years of 7 and 9 football, this team is not as bad (and it's not close)as the early 70's or the 84 and 85 seasons. I can understand fans frustaion because it upsets me to when the Bills lose but then I think back about them years and say boy we have had a lot worse than we have now.I think the Bills will get better you just got to see what happens in training camp.

    IMO "we're keeping our HC for the sake of continuity" P*&%ssed alot of people off (myself included) so if there are newbs joining the Wall, perhaps that's one of their gripes. On the other hand, if they are in fact Trolls... humor them! When they state something negative, agree with them. They'll probably get confused and move on. :rolleyes:

  2. One of the many reason the K-Gun was successful was the QB called the plays. They sensed the flow of the game better than the coaches. I don't see the point of a hurry-up/no-huddle if the coaches are going to call the plays.

    Actually, the article on twobillsdrive today states that Trent is going to be given more freedom to call more audibles in the huddle this year. A "handful of plays" however is not the same as what Kelly was. Jim was one of the few QB's that had the unique position of calling his own game on the field, based on what the defense was showing him in his pre-snap reads. IMO if this year's team were to run a "hurry-up or T-Gun offense" I hope for their sake its used sparingly or situational at best. We don't have the personnel or the coaching staff to successfully run such an offense with any kind of regularity.

  3. Brady and Gisele Bundchen caused quite a splash at Community Boating Inc. on Beacon Hill the other day when the New England Patriots QB/QT flipped his rented kayak and had to be fished out of the Charles River!


    “They got wet,” said Someone Who Was There. “But they seemed to have a great time.”


    According to our spies, Tom and Gi rented a pair of kayaks from the sailing club behind the Hatch Shell and the Community Boating bunch got them loaded in and on their way. At some point, however, Tom tipped over and couldn’t get back in the boat!


    “He had to be rescued,” said our spy. “The launch guy went out and got him and got him back in the kayak. He’s been bragging about it ever since. He’s telling everyone he rescued Tom Brady.”


    couldn't resist

    Way to show the mother of your child(ren) that you can be counted on, Marsha! :rolleyes:

  4. http://www.patsfans.com/new-england-patrio...ork-speaks.html


    My only bet on this situation is that the media will report this and the Pats*' reaction to it as 180 degrees different than they did when it was the Bills doing the exact same thing--if/when Kraft refuses to pay Fatboy it will be hailed all over the sports media world as an example of "principles" vs. when Ralph does it "he's just being his usual cheap loser self".......

    :lol: You said "pulling" and "peters" ( Peter Griffin laugh ) heh! heh! :lol:

  5. hahahaha, are you serious? So the 16-0 Pats who were dropping 40pts+ like it was nothing, who now have more weapons this year than that year, and the key weapons of that year (Moss and Welker) are now 2 years in the system (where that 2007 was both their first year) somehow dont scare you?


    This team destroyed us, not beat us, destroyed us, and pretty much every other team in the league that year, and now they have even more weapons...Yet, Miami is the scary team?

    BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, They're a bunch of cheaters that continue to get older... The pendulum will swing back our way again and the Pats* dynasty will always have an * attached to it! :lol:

  6. I hate people on this site that act as if they are "in the know" about players, but that being said I do know that JP has had no recent calls, no interest and will not be playing ever again in the NFL, barring a team having an incredible run of injuries at the QB position (and that probably won't be enough). If anyone calls he may not even accept an offer to tryout..this is not me guessing this is what JP feels about his own future. Go ahead and rip me if you wish, but he is still living in Buffalo and is actually exploring business ventures in the area. He actually is counting on the five years of service in the league and collecting a pension in 25 years. Kind of sad considering he has a cannon for an arm...you would have thought someone could teach him the game.




    this was added after much questioning of my comment

    maybe this helps with my "credibility"

    this article was written and published 2/9/05

    bills released bledsoe one week later


    first link is story I wrote for the Buffalo Beast


    link two is confirmation on date of Bledsoe release









    maybe this will get people off my back

    Thanks for the update, Dionne Warwick! Now tell me this.... will I meet that special girl THIS year? :lol:

  7. Free agent LB Pisa Tinoisamoa is expected to decide between the Bears and Bills.

    Buffalo has a bigger need on the weak side, but Tinoisamoa is more familiar with the coaches in Chicago. He's probably going to take a one-year deal.


    Source: Chicago Sun Times and rotoworld NFL frontpage

    I like our odds, which team would you think you would have a better chance of starting on? :lol:

  8. The wildcat offense equivalent to the K-gun? Are you kidding me? First of all, there is a huge talent differential between the players running the offense---lets see, a HOF QB, HOF RB, and 2 HOF WR's running the K-Gun versus exactly what running the wildcat? A guy that has trouble throwing the ball more than 20 yards, an RB that is always getting hurt, and a couple of Josh Reed type number receivers? Yeah--sounds pretty similar to me.


    Second of all, the wildcat offense was basically a cute little tactic that caught a few teams offguard early in the season, but by the end of the season, it really didn't do much damage. They do not run the wildcat offense as their base formation. They use it a handful of times per game to try and create a mismatch somewhere. Lets get a grip here. Comparing some gimmick a team uses because they have very average skill players to one of the best offenses in NFL history is one of those things that make you shake your head because of its utter stupidity. Its so stupid, in all honesty, it really doesn't even warrant a response, but at the same time, the stupidity level of it makes you want to just ask "WTF are you thinking even writing something like that?!?"


    Yes the Dolphins were much improved. They also perhaps overachieved more than any other team in the NFL based on what talent they had. If anything, I think the Dolphins will bounce back to reality this season and go 8-8 at best. The Dolphins cannot keep winning with smoke and mirrors---they still just don't have as much talent as the other teams in the division(including the Bills). The Bills underachieved last year, which seems to be a pretty common theme with Jauron coached teams. This year, they theoretically have more talent, but they are also playing a much harder schedule on paper(as is the entire AFC East). The Bills could actually be a better team, but still finish with the same record or a worse record, just because they don't have a bunch of patsies to play against on their schedule this year.

    First off, CALM DOWN. I never said in my post that the Wildcat offense was as good as the Kelly led K-Gun! I simply was referring to the fact that it was something new and innovative that helped their team win games after going 1-15 the year prior. They won the division, Chuckles! Give credit where its due.. putting aside our hatred for the Dolfags for a moment, They beat the Pats* in their yard! Something that we haven't done for 10 years!! You go ahead and try to convince yourself that it was all "smoke and mirrors" I for one and I know there are others, are a little concerned about whats to come against year 2 of the wildcat offense. :lol:

  9. you keep mentioning that this is Miami's second year of the wildcat offense, but you decline to say that this is the second year for all 32 teams defenses to prepare for the wildcat...its a gimmicky offense and defenses will be more prepared for it this year...especially defenses playing against Miami

    I'll give you that! But keep in mind they drafted a slashesque player in Pat White to complement Ronnie Brown. Unfortunately I think we've just seen the tip of the iceberg of the Wildcat, but personally I hope you're right! :pirate:

  10. i honestly don't know how much better Miami got this offseason...all i know is pennington's never had 2 good seasons in a row I see it shaping up


    1.Pats (11-5)

    2.Buffalo (10-6)

    3.Fins (7-9/8-8/9-7) somewhere round .500 i don't know

    4.Jets (5-11)

    I understand your thinking on the Pats* being 11-5 ( based on Brady's* return to form )

    I am curious, however, what makes you think that Buffalo will go 10-6 this season? New coach hired midway through the season? :blink:

    While I do see Pennington having less success at QB I think overall the team will improve in its second year implementing the Wildcat, not to mention them being better defensively. Look what happened with just Porter in the front 7 last year and now you throw a healthy Jason Taylor into the mix. I see them winning the division again, unfortunately. :unsure:

    I agree with your assessment of the Jets, I see a bottom dweller there.

  11. (GULP) the Miami Dolphins! As much as we hate to admit it, they are the team in our division that showed the most dramatic improvement in the league. That cursed Bill Parcells continues his knack for taking teams in the crapper and turning them into contenders. To think that all the success they had with the Wildcat last year will only improve in its 2nd year, and now with the addition of this "slash-type player" Pat White its liable to be opened up even more! I kept waiting for Chad "int" Pennington to return to form but he played well, Joey Porter thrived in his new role and now they get Jason Taylor back. Bill Parcells will continue to haunt this team as if it was 1991 all over again!


    I keep hearing the talking heads saying that the Pats* are still the team to beat in the AFCE, I just don't believe that Brady* is going to be the same QB we're used to seeing. Over a year out of football, the psychological effects of the knee injury, and the teams' overall losses at key positions ie: corners in particular will be too much to overcome.


    The Jets, I think this team over-achieved offensively with Brett at QB and in spite of all the good moves they made defensively, they won't be able to score enough points in this division to compete.


    Maybe I'm completely wrong on these assumptions about the upcoming season, what do you guys think? Anyone else see the wildcat offense as being similar to the K-gun offense for us in the early 90's? :unsure:

  12. As Kelly said when you walk into a locker room on Monday and can't tell if the team won or lost the day before there is a problem. I don't see that being the case with TO around. We need someone to shake things up and not be a good soldier. Our great players like Lee Evan, for example need to hold others accountable and refuse to accept defeat. The first mark of character in sports is to not accept defeat. In that sense NE* has more character than we do even though they* are low life cheats*. At least they* refuse to accept defeat. If Jauron says one more time this year it is hard to win in the NFL I would like to see Wilson fire him on the spot.

    That comment by Jimbo bothered me as well, I have seen Trent rah! rah! the troops on the sidelines before but I have yet to see him blast anybody and get them to wake the hell up when we're behind in a game. I remember Jim doing that plenty! We sure as heck don't want a QB with the same personality as THIS head coach. :unsure:

  13. First let me just say I thoroughly enjoy reading all of the topics and posts on this board, and for the most part, I just read and don't reply often. But since this time of year is so slow, I decided to voice a huge concern of mine. My biggest fear, in regard to this upcoming season, is that Buffalo improves it's record by, let's just say, two games, and finishes 9-7. Most likely that won't be enough to get us into the playoffs. But due to the improvement, ownership and management decides to keep DJ around....


    I do not like, and have never liked Dick Jauron as the coach of the Buffalo Bills. I didn't like the pick when it was first made, and have never come around. The biggest thing I dislike about him is that he seems to be lifeless on the sidelines, and the team seems as if it's taken his identity. I think that they are okay with losing! In that recent article by Tim Graham about Jim Kelly, even Jimbo said that the locker room was dead, and you couldn't even tell if the team won or lost...that is truly, truly sad.


    So, my question to everyone is this...What has to happen this year for the Bills to retain Jauron? Is a one or two game improvement going to be enough to keep him? Wild card?

    Seeing as last season was supposed to be "Playoffs or Bust" I would hope that anything short of the playoffs would mean his dismissal. :unsure:

  14. How much of what goes on behind the scenes at TBD are you in the loop on?


    Nothing? Me too. In fact, that's true of all of us. So, let's just deal with the fact that a guy who is a lot more in the loop than we are, Mr. Wilson, thinks that he deserves another chance.


    And as for the crazy, wacky idea that not having good enough players might somehow possibly affect a coach's performance ... what was Belichick's record as a head coach in Cleveland with not very good players? And what is it in New England with very good players, including Tom Brady? Gee, what a crazy idea.

    Maybe when the Hoodie was in Cleveland, he hadn't begun cheating yet. :unsure:

  15. Speaking of TO on twitter, for those interested, he remarked about being excited about what he's seen so far. Here is the comment he posted:


    "terrellowens811: more of vegas & back 2 Buff 4 another few days of OTAs & 2 hang out w/my new teammates!! I'm excited about wht i hv seen!!"

    I have to tell you, I never thought I'd ever see the day when a regular fan could personally contact an NFL star and actually get a response. That's very cool! :unsure:

  16. Fran Charles ( on one of those NFLN updates ) reports a fan stated he was disappointed that T.O. was no longer a Cowboy to T.O. after which T.O. replied " So am I, you can blame Romo and the O.C. for that but I'm happy where I am now."


    If I heard it correctly, it sounded like the fan in question twittered T.O. and the reply ensued. :unsure:

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