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Bob Lamb

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Posts posted by Bob Lamb

  1. It seems like every guy we catch or capture is the #2 or #3 guy in Al Qaeda.  We always do very good, but not good enough....in the eyes of the public.


    I really feel that if we captured Bin Laden, it would be a huge morale boost for our troops, and our people at home.  I wish it would happen.  And swifty bust out the tazer.




    No one knows if he's dead or not (except him).


    Keep picking them off !

  2. I wonder how the Pakistani public will feel when they find out the U.S. military is operating within their borders.  Long term it could do more harm then good.




    The Pakistani military worries about India (which has a defined) border much more than they care about which local warlord owns that fuc*ing mountian/valley at the end of the world.


    Seeing as Pakistan doesn't get all (or any) news from CNN/BBC etc. - the locals in said lost acres of probably don't care as long as there is no shrapnel falling on them and killing their livestock.


    Western standards don't apply in other lands


    Pakistan & India (as a sub-continent) are rapidly growing economically but the ingrained culture doesn't always keep up.


    And - One more bad guy is dead - what's the down side ?


    Arrest & Trial ?

  3. For the diehard NFL fan, this obviously doesn't apply...


    Maybe we're paying a little too much attention to the Bills?  Across town, there's a hockey team with more key injuries, but that's finding a way to win (4-1 on Colo., and 17 points out of the last 20, as of this writing).  They average in the bottom third of the league in attendance (see today's New York Times for the figures).


    Across town yet again, there's a college basketball team with six wins and a single loss.  They had 3500 the other night against their highest-profile opponent so far (Fresno State, which was a nationally televised "Bracket Buster" game for the UB Bulls last year in Cali--and the Bulls won).  They've played local rivals Canisius and Niagara, to small crowds.


    The Bills are at capacity every game.  They're 4-8.  I do realize that the presence of the team helps put Buffalo on the map, and eight nights per year, puts customers in local hotels and restaurants.  But shouldn't we be devoting SOME attention to the other teams that are bearing our standard?  Rebuild, Bills.  I'll always like you.  But in the meantime, let's go Sabres, and let's go Bulls.  And let's show up.



    Please post somewhere else - the Sabres play 40+ games most of which are meaningless until about February and the UB Bulls (Class of 76) get the support they deserve


    The Bills play 8 games a season that everyone there cares about ! <_<

  4. http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtm...2/04/wpak04.xml


    hope he rots in hell with 72 virgins that look like Rosie O'Donnell



    Now - who's going to complain that he didn't have his fair day in court ?




    Why didn't those Marines drop a gernade in Saddam's hidey-hole ?


    There is a point in the world situation where bad people just have to go away - forever

  5. This is because you simply must not see enough of Edwards. He is a literal jackass; one of the worst coaches I have ever seen. I hope that he signs a long term deal with the jests.

    I will go as far as to say that I would be much happier with Greg Williams than Herm Edwards. Watch more jests games and i am sure that you will agree.




    I concur - there are so many "big" money coaches available - sometimes living on their reputation


    The Bills need a young go getter - strike two so far <_<


    Discuss Tom D. as you wish

  6. I went to a game there in maybe 2000 and we were among maybe 10 to 12 Bill's fans who showed up, in fact the bar was pretty much empty except for another 4 or 5 cheering other teams. No food available or any suggestions about where to snag a plate of wings, etc. It's possible the week was an organized "away' game or something but from all appearances it looked like a regular Sunday back then.


    From what is going on now it's safe to say there's been a dramatic improvement from the "old days".




    I've been there three times this season and it is always busy - even without the

    Bears' fans. It's somewhat annoying having two games on. No food is a bummer but they have been selling slices at halftime. It's still worth the trip.

  7. Actually, George Steinbrenner grew up in Bay Village and went to a military school in Indiana.  Bay Village is the next town west of Rocky River and is most famous for the Marilyn Shepard murder (her husband Dr. Sam Shepard was convicted and later successfully appealed..."The Fugitive" is very loosely based on the murder).


    OK, question for you...how would the Rocky River sound?  0:)






    Hogs at the trough - it will never change


    At least in CA there is the initiative process (flawed as it is) - but it offers a ray of hope


    NYS - Shut Up & Pay - I'll be back there in a second - Bill's Country !

  8. Let's give Brown the benefit of the doubt before we trash him.  :doh:


    Mayor of Buffalo's a helluva tough job.  I sure wouldn't want it.






    Nice how the comments include "waterfront" and "casino" - like those two areas of interest would make a difference. I'm surprised "Peace Bridge (new) wasn't included. New York's problems are so ingrained they make California (my recent domicile) look like a paradise.


    After a 14 month period of posturing - sales tax is going up anyway - why bother ?


    My father always said, "Who'd want to be Mayor of this City? " when he lived in it.


    I'll still move back in a minute when my wife gives me the OK - pretty much still the best place on Earth - politics are the same everywhere. :doh:

  9. Despite the humor of the Pythonesque sketches of cow flinging - one tactic of siege warfare was to literally hurl diseased animal corpses into besieged areas to spread whatever basic, bad bacterium available into an already closed, unsanitary enviorment.


    In the midst of David McCullough's "1776" about events surrounding the Revolutionary War siege of Boston -


    "On November 25, the British sent several boatloads of the ragged poor of Boston, some 300 men, women and children acroos the Back Bay depositing them on the shore near Cambridge for the rebels to deal with. They were a heart rendering sight. Many were sick and dying, "the whole in a most miserable and piteouis condition," wrote (George) Washington. According to one explanantion, General Howe was making room for the reinforcements expected to arrive any time. But it was also said that the numbers of the sick had been sent "with the design of spreading smallpox through this country and camp," an accusation that Washington refused to belive. But when another 150 desperate people were dispatched from Boston, as smallpox continued unabated there, Washington described the disease as a, "weapon of defense they are using against us."


    Only the names and faces change - The victors write the history


    WP = Greek Fire

  10. then they played the game and the Bills didn't show up. :P


    Met lots of people from back home including some old friends who I never thought would make the trip. Hammered and his wife were there, Pinto Kenny, The Dean, The South Buffalo Drinking team plus all the locals and SOCAL folk plus a huge chunk of the Losman family (they're from Venice, Ca about 80 miles north in LA.)


    The food and drink were great - I didn't go to any of the night parties but everyone seemd to be happy and the weather was picture perfect.


    Then they played the game ! :D


    See you all December 11th

  11. Let everyone know where you're hangin on Saturday night...I arrive tomorrow around noon and I'll be ready to have some fun.




    The show starts at Blind Melons at 3 PM Saturday - a pub crawl in the neighborhood and then - (if you have a ticket) a night at the "Melons" - closed party.


    If not there are plenty of bars in walking distance or get over to the Gaslamp and do the "ritzy" night club act.


    I saw the tailgate site - parking area J2 - virtually under the elevated San Diego subway stop. If you're driving - get there early - the lots will be full (or hard to get around - people park funny in SD) by 10 AM.


    The tailgate site is also spitting distance to the "Bud Zone" where they have food and amusements plus large screen TV's showing the early games.


    If you don't have a SDBBC tailgate ticket - forget getting in - sold out. Fortunately there are lots of options and you can buy libation on Sunday AM in Calif.


    The word of the day for Sunday is "SUNSHINE" - lots of it. There is no shade in the parking lots - hats, loose (covering) clothing, sunscreen and hydration are the order of the day. AM tempertures will go from 60 - 80 degrees.


    Look forward to seeing any and all - the "Hardhat" will be up high !


    Location of Blind Melons (858-483-7844) - 710 Garnet Ave. Garnet/Grand Ave has its' own exit off the I-5 - head west towards the ocean (all the way). There is limted street parking with a 2 hr. limit and the cops mean it! They chalk tires all day. There are several pay lots within two blocks - 5-6 bucks for all day - beats a parking ticket.





    I only hope they can repeat in 2006 (thanks for the link). They neglected to mention Irondequoit as one of the towns with girls on the team; west-siders are snobbish sometimes. :ph34r:




    Well, I lived in Charlotte and Gates (W. Side) but also Brighton - from towns that no one would ever be caught dead in Irondequoit :(


    I love youthful energy - I could watch it all day

  13. 7 residences and 1 closed restaurant.


    Yep, when CBS got the AFC they relooked at the blackout zones.  IIRC Syracuse, NY and Baton Rouge, LA were the only 2 markets nationwide that got hosed.


    The small sliver of land was officially switched from Syracuse to Rochester TV market the year after Syracuse was blacked out but the league did not remove Syracuse from the blackout zone.




    Biloxi, MS got hosed too - maybe a good thing too (the Saints)

  14. I always liked Mighty at 3 or 4 AM with a good heat on.  Then I made the mistake of having one in the middle of the afternoon stone-cold-sober (OK, maybe not stone-cold).  Not the same, I tell 'ya.


    SoCal Mexican (and southswest Texas Mexican) is sooo much better...but not at 4am!


    BTW, are you still in San Diego?




    Yep - Still Stuck Here - Coming To The Game ?


    I hit the MT at Hertel & Delaware first day I get home (used to be an Arby's)


    BTW - They are opening an Arby's nearby soon - people can't seem to wait <_<


    We ate there when we were poor students - 2 / 99cents

  15. Teams get reamed for "reaches" in part because of media-driven expectations.  But who sets those projections?  The teams do - with their leaks to the media.  Freeney was a freak of nature, and Donahoe could have taken him.


    After all, Donahoe went for an undersized, slow, WR in the second round instead of Antwaan Randle-El.....





    The NFL Draft has become a giant, media event where the over-anaylization has hidden the real process - teams have their criterias (unless you are the Vikings)


    There are probably as many "busts" as "hidden gems"


    Perception is everything - reality sucks (sometimes)

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