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Posts posted by alg

  1. Gee, your list sure cheered me up...


    Bone-headed trade. We should not have been in a hurry to close a bad deal. Everyone here saying WE HAVE TO TAKE THE DEAL know nothing about making a deal. As soon as Marv stops returning phone calls Moulds' value goes up. If it is indeed a 5th, Marv got worked plain and simple. More then likely a 5th gets someone on the practice squad for a 1 year career.


    Ye, I am bitter...



  2. I still have yet to hear a good reason why this team should even consider AJ Hawk



    Because he is one of the best linebackers to come out if the draft in quite some time? Would that do it for you? Plus what Tipster said...


    At number 8 I do NOT want to pick a guy because he plays a position we have a need at. That does not make him good. I wish people would realize this. You do not take a top guy at a position when a STAR is looking at you in another one.


    I will not say what or who that is. That is Marv and staff's job. Unless you guys are pro talent evaluaters I would just as soon put an end to the "we have to pick a - fill in the position - " nonsence.

  3. This 4th round pick thingy has reached the point of obsurdity.


    Someone, probably Moulds' agent, floated the idea of a 4th rounder. Now everyone is discussing it as if it is fact. Same thing as with the Losman trade.


    Here's an idea. Maybe Buffalo wants a 3rd or 2nd for him. In the absence of hard information, this is as valid as the idea of the Bills and Texans 'struggling' over a 4/5.


    Personally, if it was a question of the 4th rounder, I think this deal would have already been done. I don't know, and neither do these clowns who pose as insiders.

  4. To those who want to defend JP to the bitter end, how many of you personally know the kid or hang out in the Bills lockerroom on a regular basis. The truth is we have no idea why the Bills have apparently lost faith in Losman, but I do have faith that Marv is doing what is in the best interest of the team.



    Your leaps in logic and information interpretation are truly astounding.


    Give it up dude. Just as we do not know what is going on in the locker room, neither do you or all the other JP haters. You simply assume, for your own purposes, that the bad stuff must be true. When making a biased "assumption" be sure to not subject the reader to a "factual" conclusion. At least give us the benefit of a form of self-policing intellectual honesty.


    Some of the things that really stands out for me in this JP "discussions" are:


    1. JP MOVED to Buffalo, and remained here most of the last off season (except vacation.) I think he even moved his mom here. As a native Buffalonian I must say this earns him big props right off. The dude actually LIKES Buffalo. Lets not ruin it for him if we don't have to, eh?


    2. Unlike Moulds and a number of other players, JP has initiated NO BAD PRESS! He is never quoted as being disgruntled. He never calls out his teammates in public. He in every way "appears to be" the kind of TEAM FIRST guy that a real Bills fan can appreciate.


    3. Given that #1 and #2 are FACTS - and the COMPLETE absence of refuting information - I find it nothing short of amazing for guys to be going around bad mouthing him. Combine that with his whopping half a season play, and I find most of these rants moronic at best, and downright mean-spirited at worst.

  5. If it is just the question of the likelihood of Moulds getting cut, then yes, he holds the cards. Buffalo is already on record as saying they want him to take a pay cut.


    But you all seem to be forgetting something. The Bills do not have to go into the season with him on the roster to gain leverage. The longer they wait, the less likely it will be that Moulds will get a decent contract. If he pushes too hard, the bills can cut him in July or August after all the cap money has dried up.


    Game set match. As long as Marv isn't a pushover Buffalo regains the upper hand and forces a trade that returns reasonable value. The only way Moulds could screw us now is if he is willing to cut off his nose to spite his face, so to speak...

  6. now i see where i was called a dolphins fan, this seems so sarcastic i almost thought you were



    WTF? I was not being sarcastic. That is, of course, if I am being accurate with the English translation of your writing.



    PS. As an aside, I am not a spelling Nazi, nor do I go around correcting people's grammar and whatnot. But please. Please! To write without the use of CAPITAL letters, proper punctuation, and the increasingly common absence of paragraphs is essentially saying to your reader:


    "This thing I'm writing about, and you the reader, really aren't very important, so f$%$%k off, I have better things to do."


    This criticism is based on the assumption that the writer actually knows better. If not, please finish school before voicing your opinions, and show more respect to your elders.

  7. As a Bills fan I absolutely LOVE this turn of events. Let me count the ways....


    1. Miami now minus (in this draft) a very valuable 2nd round pick.

    2. Cpep will probably not be fully recovered by next season.

    3. Cpep will find out that, without Birk calling the coverages, he really is as bad as he played last year.

    4. Without Moss taking the jump balls, well.....

    5. Many turnover ops for the Bills D. And everyone else's..

    6. Will be sucking up a HUGE amount of cap.

    7. By the time Saban figures out he has been had it will be too late. Cpep WILL be a coach killer.


    All in all, I could not be happier. Cpep will be the albatross around Miami's proverbial neck for years. Bu bye Fish....



  8. Why does this topic keep coming up? What has happened that anyone - ANYONE - can suggest that a virtual rookie QB is a bust? One that actually had some REAL MOMENTS on the field? The one guy in a dismal season I, along with many others, was actually looking forward to watching, but who got benched so the coaches could save their job?


    You guys are sitting around inventing sh-- in your heads about what Marv thinks of JP. Why JP? Why don't we sit around and wonder if Marv really really likes Moulds? Is Eric saying to himself "Do you really love me, Marv?"


    And yet here you monkeys sit, pud in hand, thinking Marv really doesn't love JP, and that we should trade him for a box of tape. Get a life people. Let the grownups do their work.

  9. As I recall he did fine without Moss. The real problem was not having Birk at center.


    Saw an interesting article awhile back. It seemed that Birk would actually read the defense for Cpep when they approached the line. Don't know if this was true, but the writer knew alot more about football then I did.


    All in all, I think Cpep was a product of good teamates - Moss and Birk. I think he will be exposed without similar ones. Hell, since when did a young probowl QB get traded for a box of tape.

  10. I suppose TN could use him, but they probably won't pass on a QB. Of course Houston can, but if they don't trade down I can't see them passing on MW. If the top 3 goes as I predict, NYJ does not pass on Bush to take Ferguson IMO. After that, the next team that really needs him is Buffalo. If he really isn't "all that" then this scenario is highly possible.


    The problem we all have in doing this sort of thing is that we are not professional talent evaluators. We pretend to make predictions on other people's rankings, and none of these guys are pros either. The key is to pay attention to the NFL Draft stock market. There is much precedence for taking 'rumblings' into account.

  11. No link, but the rumblings have already started that Houston may pass on Bush and go Mario Williams. After his 4.66 at the combines his stock is soaring - even above what it was. If this guy turns into the next great DE, then he is more valuable then Bush who may or may not be a great PRO player.


    Even if they do go Bush, MW does not last past NYJ. Everyone has them taking Ferguson , but hello! Abraham is likely to be traded before/during the draft. They will not have a top DE, and by all accounts MW is a better prospect then the Brick.


    After seeing the stuff out there, I have a gut feeling Mario goes at 1.01:


    1. Houston - Mario Williams - DE

    2. New Orleans - Matt Leinhert - QB

    3. Tennessee - Jay Cutler - QB

    4. NY Jets - Reggie Bush - QB

    5. Green Bay - AJ Hawk - LB

    6. San Francisco - Michael Huff - S

    7. Oakland - V Davis - TE

    8. Buffalo - ?



    1. The key to this mock is that VY is dropping like a lead ballon.

    2. The Jets need a RB, and Pennington is staying with reduced cap #s.

    3. SF need some D, and Huff may be the 2nd best defender in the draft. A 6' 205 S with a 4.37 40?

    4. Al Davis just dances to the beat of a different drummer. What's more, the man is virtually obsessed with speed. Here he is Al, the fastest TE of all time....

    5. For some reason I see Ferguson dropping. I've heard to many questionable things about run blocking and overall strength. NYJ pass for Bush, and the next 3 teams already have their (very expensive) LTs. He drops.

    6. Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, what to do..... I know! Trade down 3-5 spots to the sucker who wants VY, pick up another, and in this draft EXTREMELY valuable, 2nd rounder,and draft (Drum role please)


    Bunkley, who by some accounts is a better fit for our new system then Ngata anyway.


    Apparently the sweet spot in this draft is the 2nd round, with many highly regarded prospects. Imagine a Bunkley, a top LT, and a Mangold ©, Lutie (G) or Bing (SS). And the 3rd round hasn't even started yet. (Sorry about butchering the spellings.)



  12. VERY good post 2003. A draft must be looked at from multiple angles - quality, depth, and the degree a prospect stands out from his peers. Those who say we MUST draft this position or that position simply have no appreciation for the overall process.


    If Huff is a Ronie Lot kind of guy, do you pass on him for Ngata who may only be marginally better then Watson in the 2nd? If you can pick an all pro kind of guy, you are nuts to go need.

  13. The only thing worst then this trade rumor is that everyone here seems to think its a good idea. Lets see now: Move to 1.02, huge payroll hit. Check. Trading JP now, big cap hit. Check. No QB to replace him. Check. Sounds good to me... :doh:


    With that in mind, will all you guys who are declaring him a bust, or are ready to unload him, do me this one little favor?


    Please just STFU !


    Thank you in advance.



  14. Yeah, because there's proof that he scored a 6 outside of a rumor.


    What's come out is that he scored a 16 and is plannong on retaking it a 2nd time.  The league really wants to lie about this, it makes a huge difference to them.  Either way it creates publicity. :D



    The 16 is coming from the same sources we're getting the 6 from. Can't have it both ways bucko. But thanks for your great insights.


    BTW, the agent's interests in this are obvious, but since when did then NFL start playing 'hands-off' when it came to promoting future NFL meal tickets? Not. Its not to their advantage to have a highly hyped QB exposed as having a bag of rocks for a brain. Just look at how this info is coming out. It is a spin job, plain and simple.

  15. Apparently he DID score a SIX on the test. Its coming out now that he scored a 16 - that, according to the spin mastering of the League and his agent. What they fail to tell you is his 16 is based on a rather hurried RE-TEST.


    Anyone want a QB who scores 6 on the Wonderlic? Sure, lets dump JP and give up our 1+2 for this guy. And a $40 million contract. BRILLIANT !!!

  16. Even though Thurman was a far better blocker and receiver, if you put OJ Simpson in his prime as the RB in the K Gun during the Super Bowl years (as Thurman was in his prime), I think we win four in a row instead of lose four in a row.



    How amazing would that have been? Love TT, but come on, OJ by himself on the field would still give DCs fits.

  17. Sorry, I disagree. If Moon started in the league as a rookie, he probaly would have thrown for more yards than Marino. The fact that it took so long for him to get to the NFL is a disgrace in itself.


    This aside, the man is 4th in all time passing yardage. I know that stats don't tell the whole story, but check this out.


    See what I mean?



    I guess that means that Bledsoe is a near lock to go to the HOF as well, considering there is a better then even chance he passed Moon before retirement. Or how about Vinnie? How can they keep the man out? Stats don't lie....



  18. i have heard stories of how when he first started publishing his scouting report the phone number to order was his home number.  and this was after he had started doing segments with ESPN.....i have heard if you called to order he would not hesitate to chat with you for several minutes just shooting the bull about the upcoming draft.



    I can confirm this. I was living in DC at the time (mid 80's) and would call and order my draft stuff from Mel each year. And it was his home. And we wouldn't talk for a few minutes. More like a half hour or more. A real good guy, and a man passionate about what he does.


    I remember after a couple of drafts into the Polian era he was VERY stoked about the Bills. Believed the players we were drafting were top notch, and that the team was being groomed for big things. He was right on. He could see a couple years into the future, and of course, the rest is history.

  19. 1) Gray w/o Williams had a pretty good defense last year


    2) Wade has had some stinker defenses in Atlanta and San Diego; I'm not sure where all this talk about how great Wade is as a DC comes from. He's average.


    3) Cotrell is also pretty average; but given good players--and we already have a good number on defense--he'll field a top-10 unit pretty easily.



    Wade's defences played lights out at various and many points in his career. TC just got fired from 2 DC jobs in 2 years. And the last after MIN made substantial FA investments on the defensive side of the ball. It is safe to say that TC's ONLY success as a DC came when Wade was our HC. After Wade had already got the system up and runing - and successful.

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