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Posts posted by alg

  1. I think the most underated issue in this discussion is the ability of the coach in question to bring in top flight assistants. The Marty connection in Brian's case makes me far more comfortable, even excited. My dream scenario is Marty as HC for 2-3 years, and Brian as Asst HC/OC, and heir apparent.


    Our recent failures with Malarky and Williams are probably as much to do with their lack of standing to snag the top coordinators as it was their coaching skills. They were, after all, a former time's BShot and Frasier.

  2. I live in New Orleans now, but I do want to comment on most board member's opinion of Buffalo. Contrary to the negative perception that gets talked about all of the time, Buffalo is actually a great place. I would move there before Raliegh. Raliegh Sucks! I've been a few times and look forward to leaving every time. It has NO soul. Buffalo might be experiencing some economic struggles, but it has a soul and a big one at that. A lot of people on this board downplay the city's strengths and seem to always focus on its shortcomings. This really needs to stop. Take a look again, you might actually like what you see.

    Nice post.


    I've always wondered about all the "Buffalo sucks" comments comming from Bills fans. If you are from there or have spent real time, you know what it has to offer - and how hard it is to find somewhere else.

  3. OJ may have been the greatest player of his era, and the face of the NFL in the 70's. No other Bill can claim that. Saying he is top 5 doesn't get to the heart of it. When I see him on a 'greatest' list behind Emmit, Sanders, Peyton and the like I want to spit nails. It just wasn't so.

  4. Sure it is. Peters was ordinary last year. The fact that he was voted to the PB? Politics over performance. He also showed a selfishness that should have disappointed everyone but it only disappointed about half of Bills fans. The way he handled last offseason was ridiculous, and he lost a lot of respect.


    He also has a recurring groin issue, which can haunt a player.

    A voice of reason.


    I'd take 2 1sts in a heartbeat, but not just one. Sure he has all world potential, but he also helped kill our OL last season because he is a selfish b*&%$#. What makes anyone here confident that he won't start coasting after a big contract? Or that he will not sit out and underperform every year until he gets the king's gold? He has done nothing to make me think he won't screw us in the end.


    Peters is trouble waiting to happen, and if Philly wants to give us 2 1sts then would would be crazy to walk away from it.

  5. I think the reason I hate this deal so much is because we are being played. A one year TO signing at his age has little to no impact on the future of the Bills. Even if it works out well in 2009 we will be left holding our #@$#s thereafter. And worst of all, it could be just enough to keep Dick "7and9" Jauron from getting the firing he deserves.


    A good team is BUILT with good players and management - not by the marketing department.

  6. ...but of course Mort said it was "desperate."

    You all can bash Mort as much as you like, but them's the facts; Buffalo signed TO as PR hail Mary. This is not so much about making the team better, it is about getting us fans to stop hating their guts.


    Pardon the hyperbole, but I really do 'hate' our 'leadership'.

  7. It's all of the above. It's a perfect storm of (a) a meddling, cheap, out of touch, impatient owner, (b) a series of inept talent evaluators (in part because of (a)), © a series of inept coaches (see (a) and (b)), (d) horrible luck, (e) no stability at the QB position (see (b) and ©), and (f) an angry, marginalized, impatient and somewhat stupid (there I said it) fan base who believes that an NFL franchise is some sort of public entitlement, i.e., it's just like the power company where you can call and complain when you feel that you're not getting the service that you've paid for and deserve, as if the Bills have no choice but to stay in Buffalo and do whatever the fans want.


    In sum: this organization sucks.


    Mort sucks too.


    And so does my dad, for chaining this 60-pound bag of sand called Being a Bills Fan to my leg the day I was born, which I have to carry around with me my entire life, for reasons I know not.


    Yeah I'll be watching next week. So will you.



    Great f$kcing post. Thank you.

  8. Exactly... GM is in on Toyota... Isn't Ford in on with Nissan (early on the Windstar and Quest were sister vehicles), Mazda, and Volvo... Many years after Mitsubishi bombed Pearl Harbor with the "Japanese Zero" they struck deals with Chrysler. The list goes on. Doesn't GM/Buick own a certain % of Isuzu?


    My point? The are all intertwined.

    Which begins to point to the real evil - multi-nationals. We still think of companies as American, but there is hardly such a thing anymore. Not that I have ever been a protectionist, but it sounds like a good idea when our (USA) jobs go oversees to the cheapest labor pools. Which in some cases is practically slave labor.


    For example, is Walmart American? Does it really matter? They go into America's small and large towns, wipe out the small businesses in the area, send the money to China for manufacturing, and move on when the well runs dry. Leaving a ghost town in it's wake. And after all our small business' and good paying jobs are gone, everyone goes to Walmart because they can't afford to shop anywhere else.


    Modern (multinational) businesses seem to be more of a pyramid scheme then anything else. Cut costs here, lay off workers there, pump the share prices, get the 7-8 figure bonus, get your bailout money from the corrupt Washington political system, and start the process over as needed. And all of this without regard for national borders or the lives of the people effected.


    We're are in trouble folks, and it probably has little to do with what we are told the problems are...

  9. Uh, you are pretty much repeating what I was saying. The minute anyone brings up W's pardons, the right wing nuts automatically refer back to Clinton, as if to say "well, it may be bad, but what Clinton did was worse".


    You obviously missed the point about Clintons skin...there was no reason for anyone to refer to the color of anyones skin in this post (real or imaginary), but flomoe threw it in there, is if it was somehow relevant to anything being discussed...and you can't see that it means anything...that is what you might call institutionalized racism.


    I wasn't defending anything, or anyone (Republicans or Democrats, Clinton or Bush), only pointing out that the only way Republicans can defend Bush, is to say "Clinton badder"...you are proving my point. When referring to George W Bush, wouldn't you think it was odd, if someone said, "Bush, the 42nd white person to be elected president, was the worst president ever". What relevence would his skin color have? Bad is bad...

    I didn't understand why he brought it up. I was mostly responding to the possibility that you where unaware of the label and its origins. Until further review I will withhold judgement on the poster's intent.


    Some day, hopefully, "we the people" will be able to comment on politics without the need to defend or attack - but rather, to assess the rights and wrongs of it. As of right now we are all a bunch of trained monkeys responding to the invisible organ grinders...

  10. I was looking forward to seeing how all the Bush Republicans would react to the inevitable slew of pardons that their guy was going to be giving out...it all comes back to Clinton...sweet...never disappoint! Clinton gives them to terrorists, Bush gives them to his criminal buddies...do a sense a tad of racism here flomoe? Clinton never labled himself the "first black president"...what relevence does that have here? Are we projecting problems onto Obama? It never changes....just the other day, Rush was training his idiots...err...ditto heads to refer to the recession as the "Obama recession" which was the result of the "Clinton caused war"....I am not even making this up....

    Chill dude. Don't be a complete partisan.


    Clinton pardoned a guy named Rich, the husband of a significant contributor, and the USA record holder for tax evasion at $800,000,000. That's $800,000,000 frigging dollars and you have to take shots at W for a list that isn't even out? And this doesn't even count the the mid-western mafioso or the terrorists you refereed to. The Rich pardon will never cease to ranker. It is about as close to obvious corruption that the general public can get direct evidence on. Aside from the obvious and legalized bribery of the PAC.


    Your hatred of republicans does not mean you have to defend the indefensible.


    As for the "first black president" statement, you are probably off base. The original poster was not necessarily making a racist statement, and you do not need to educate anyone on the color of Clinton's skin. It was a widely publicized 'label' given to Clinton by... are you ready?.... black people. As for why he used the label in this context I will not conjecture, but it is not a label Clinton gave himself. And he did not make it up.

  11. Crowell didn't wait until the guarantee kicked in. The guarantee kicks in after the first regular-season game.


    If he wanted to get one over on the Bills, then he would have played through the injury in Week 1 and then had the surgery. Like Merriman did.

    It was stated earlier in this thread that the guarantee kicked in the Tuesday prior to the Seahawks game. If this in error then so is my take. This is a critical fact in assessing intent.

  12. Look at what Merriman got for trying to be a "team player". When it's someone else's body, it's easy to risk it.

    If it was just a matter of taking care of his body, then Crow would have had surgery early in the off-season. That he waited till the guarantee kicked in was all about him, and nothing about the team. Spin as you like, but if this guy was on my payroll and pulled that, I would IR him and do it with pleasure.


    And then bring him back later "to get value"? Having him play the team and management like that meant that he had more value on IR (as an example) and in FA then he would being carried on the active roster. Rather do without then have the poster boy for a new technique in blackmail.


    Like any 'old-timer' I have known the Bills/Ralph to be pretty cheap. (Actually, VERY cheap.) But I do not recall them actively screwing players over like that. Granted there are things we do not/will not know about what happened, but from appearances the Bills did the right thing - in spades.

  13. Still think JP should be the starter. Watching TE's bomb come up short on Evans last week had me seriously bummed.


    Even if TE progresses rapidly I just don't think he is going to hold up in the NFL. JP may take half or more of the snaps this year. And won't ware gloves in Cleveland.


    Sorry to be negative, but that is how I feel. Game 'managers' drive me nuts, because to win with one you must have an exceptional team in all other respects. I think TE is a recipe for 'almost, but no cigar', and a perfect starter/reflection of a mediocrity at head coach.


    Show me I'm wrong Trent. And never were a pair of isotomers in snow again...ever...

  14. Born in the city and later lived in Amherst. I've been gone since 1977 when I left for school. 5 cities and many years later I can say I have always been 1) a huge Bills fan, and 2) a booster of the city. I tell people of its cultural richness, the strength, friendliness and decency of the people, and the fact that it has the very best 'fun' food on the entire planet.


    I have almost always found that ex-pats like myself are the most vocal in their love of the city. It represents our roots, the roots we can no longer take for granted. The Bills are to me a byproduct of this phenomena; they are the embodiment of the ex-pat love of the city and the fond memories of our heritage. That is why the Bills moving to Toronto or anywhere else would end my fandom. Ultimately it is not about the Bills. It is about Buffalo.


    Only rarely, and much to my horror and shame, do I hear an ex-Buffalonian speak ill of the city. It pains me deeply that someone like that just doesn't "get it" - that is, buys into the big city, upturned nose toward Buffalo thing. I've lived in big cities and hung with fancy people. More than a few actually. And let me tell you, the world would be a whole lot better a place if everyone came from Buffalo.

  15. Pat-scum can rot in h@ll, but I am very disappointed by the NFL's reaction - especially the ex-FBI stuff. It points a giant spotlight on the NFL at large, and their willingness to sweep the dirt under the rug for the sake of money.


    And I'm still waiting for Goodell to take the Pats' 1.07. What a joke penalty under the circumstances. They better clean this up, or the NFL risks killing the golden egg-laying goose. As soon as we fans begin to think the NFL is not transparent, and that their "product" is more 'art' then sport, we will no longer invest our emotional well being in their outcomes.


    And finding and exposing the sin is not the problem. We will forgive the NFL for that. Covering it up, especially by discrediting the source, will engage our wrath. This is no longer about pat-cheats. It is about Goodell and the NFL. It is about the integrity of the league, and their seeming willingness to reduce it's sport to the level of professional wrestling.

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