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Everything posted by ATBNG

  1. Houston is certainly coming up big for you guys. They're in position to put that game away.
  2. They won't be playing for a bye if the Pats beat SF in New England earlier in the day.
  3. The touchdown record is at best tangential to whether Indy would win at Denver (starters can still get pulled off the field when it is 14-7 in the second quarter), but let's be serious. Tony Dungy is not an idiot. If the game means nothing to Indy, he's not going to risk seeing Peyton being carried off the field and his teams' playoff hopes going down the toilet for some silly record. Just because Peyton gets to play offensive coordinator doesn't mean he's the coach. As it stands, the team is designed cap-wise to compete for that TD record every year - Indy is the BYU of the NFL. If I'm Tony Dungy, and Peyton can't get two today, that's his loss.
  4. In week 17, the Pats-SF play at 1 and the Colts play at 4:15. So the Colts should have an idea before kickoff (or during the first quarter whether the game will mean anything).
  5. Why would they? If SD wins, Indy is #4. You need to root for the most unlikely team in the NFL to play to a tie for Denver/Indy to mean something. More plausible is an Indy win and a Pats loss.
  6. Only scenarios that would occur would be: 1. SD/Indy tie 2. NE Patriots lose to NY Jets and lose to SF. In all likelihood, the game will be a scrimmage for the Colts.
  7. Roland James. WHEN WILL THE MEDIA STOP TAKLING ABOUT FREAKING ROLAND JAMES?? I for one have had enough.
  8. AOL is with the majority on this one. The Rams are a three point favorite. The line reflects an expectation that Philly will be playing the practice squad all night, since their playoff position cannot change over its last two games. Cheer up - if the Rams win and make the playoffs, Martz won't get fired. The elague would be less amusing without him.
  9. Gregg Jeffries. 18 of his rookie cards and they're worth squat!
  10. Yeah - I know. The pickings are slim as well with so many teams using multiple tailbacks for various reasons. Portis hasn't lit the world on fire, but he still would seem to compare favorably to Green. It's easily his worst year production wise as a Packer, plus he has 7 fumbles (4 FL). An overpriced "brand" for sure.
  11. Olandis Gary. That guy gets way too much press.
  12. Love the Vikings today. Philly sucked the heart out of Green Bay a few weeks ago with that trouncing. As long as Mike Tice doesn't have a complete mental collapse (which I agree wouldn't be shocking), I think you'll see a fairly substantial win by the Vikings today. Not sure who I'm rooting for..... Can someone explain to me how Ahman Green made the pro-bowl?
  13. For what it is worth, I like Minnesota, Tampa Bay and the Jets this week. Three short priced home revenge games. Minnesota is my fave - Favre has not had success on artificial turf throughout his career, and pro-bowler (!!!!) Ahman Green has been running like he is 48 years old.
  14. It has been a wonderful life for Pats' fans because the Super Bowl wins have been very gratifying, but most that I talk to haven't thrown around the "d" word yet. Especially the ones who are Celtics' fans. They're also much more worried that I just got called for a tryout at cornerback. Can anyone tell me what "cover 2" is?
  15. McNair is done for the year. Volek has been fine - productive from a yardage standpoint, and Drew Bennett has been seeing more action than Paris Hilton since Volek came in. Tennessee's big problem is their secondary, and their coach who is calling a trick play every third chance he gets for some reason. Let's hope Fisher takes his job a little more seriously with several other teams' playoff hopes on the line.
  16. Here's a quick look at why that argument really doesn't hold any water. There are 13 teams in the NFL who have a record above .500. This is simply the number of teams that each has played (through 14 games) that was also above .500. Jacksonville 8 Baltimore, Buffalo, Indy, NE, NYJ 6 Pitt, S.D. 5 Denver, Green Bay, Minny, Philly 4 Atlanta 2 If you're going to say Buffalo has played a weak schedule, then everyone has played a weak schedule (except maybe for the Jags and Indy, who finish with 2 +.500 teams).
  17. No. It has absolutely, positively nothing to do with anything said either in this thread or that I have ever said on the site. That's called making a strawman argument. It's something you excel at - when you can't find an argument that has intellectual merit, start blaming referees, conspiracy theories with the league, irrelevant other events, etc. It's as if your endgame is to ultimately prove Paul Taglibue is Vince McMahon in disguise. It's such a tiresome act. You'll find no place in the thread, or even on the site where I said that Tom Brady was my choice for MVP in Super Bowl 36. Ty Law would have been my choice. You're either having an argument with a different poster, or with a voice in your head, or you're being contentious for the sake of being contentious. Since it's highly likely that it is door #3, let's try to show some class in the future and stay away from that nonsense, OK?
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