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Everything posted by Takeo_14

  1. Its terrible what is going on with MM. I think he has to leave now. Does this indeed open the door for Jim Haslett? If I were Marv I would call Jim and get him into Buffalo ASAP. Make the move now!!! This may not turn out to be such a bad thing after all. I am just amazed that Hasslet has not been snatched up by another team yet. Its just simply unreal. Mike Sherman got the shaft! A players coach! Great man! Of eligible coaches out there who else would you rather have??? An unproven OC who's offense finished dead LAST in the NFL last year as a HC? Pitty Packer fans.
  2. The Eagles and the NFL blew everything out of proportion. 19 teammates. The media and the Eagles made it sound like it was TO vs the Eagles. The guy got a bad rap. Please will someone answer this?? How much of a difference is there from Chad Johnson and Terrell Owens. Both speak their mind. Johnson talks smack everyweek all week long. If TO says something it has to be bad!!! I'll go on record right now and say wherever TO lands next year watch out!!!!!! While we with an anemic offense for yet another year, and a playoff caliber defense.
  3. Finally to TO news has quite. But read this article about what he said to GQ. I think he is right on. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/9100035 With Moulds on the way out. Lets go and get TO. Now don't just say no, listen first. He would instantly make this team better on offense. Him and an improved oline. The guys is a gamer. He knows he has one chance left at Super Bowl (age and reputation). This guy is going to out to get back at not just the Eagles, but the NFL. You can tell by what he says in the article. What has Owens teams done the last few years? Take a look, they WIN! You can't expect to let Eric Moulds walk and become a better team, your nuts. You think Evans and Reed can be #1 receivers. Give me a break both of these guys are Peerless Price's. #2 guys that feed off the #1 guy getting double/attention. Just imagine the TO on offense and TKO back on defense next year. Plus a top 10 pick in the draft.!!!
  4. A HUGE next two weeks for the Bills. Next week I think is the biggest game of all. I think we can go inot Oakland and beat a bad Raiders team. It will be on the defenses shoulders. The offense should be able to score at will on the Raiders D. New England will be tough no doubt. But, if we can be 4-4 at the bye week that would be a great half way point for us.
  5. Just heard on the CBS PRegame show. Travis Henry is going to be suspended 4 games for violating the substance abuse policy. Must be trying riods to stay healthy!!!
  6. Which team will have the best defense in the NFL this season? Poll on espn.com Pittsburgh 26% Baltimore 39% Philadelphia 12% Carolina 16% NY Jets 7% What a bunch of BS. No Buffalo?????? They had the #2 overall defense last year. ESPN again reiterates their lack of knowledge of the obvious facts. Over look the teams or people not making every day headlines. I.E. Philadelphia, their defense royally sucks, I could score on that defense. They are on their because of JACK@#$ TO. Also where is New England? They were #1 last year. Just a little upset by lack of respect for the best defense in football.
  7. He was the 3rd rated SS going in. At 6-3 5/8 and 228 lbs, why not give him a chance? If he doesnt pan out you dont waste a pick on him at all. He ran a 10.7 100 in high school so he had/has the speed. He would work in well with a 4-6 type defense which Buffalo does run once in a while. I think Buffalo should snatch him up.
  8. Man I was irate Sunday. I had a hell of a time sleepin Sunday nite. But then I remembered this team started 0-4. There was only ONE team in NFL history to make the playoffs after a 0-4 start, 92 Chargers I believe it was. I think we have a damn good coach in Mike Mularkey and arguably one of the best D coordinators in Jerry Gray. All we stand to lose in free agency is Pat and Jonas. I love Pat in there with Sam, but him nor Jonas are irreplacable. QB- I think this offseason MM and TD have to give a very hard look at JP. I think everyone including Drew know that his time is very near. JP is going to be a star for the future, its just a jusgement of how soon do you begin. RB- WOW! Willis Mcgahee was the reason this team did what it did. This guy is a stud. How many RB in history have came back from a serious injury and in his first chance done what he did in so few games? NOt many. OL- I think the way Willis performed shows how good our OL actually is. Grant it Drew had pressure problems, but if you watch that comes with the holding of the ball. WR- Evans and Moulds are going to be a very solid combo next year WOW and if Josh Reed can pull his head out of his rear your looking at a heck of WR corps. DL- Middle is solid. Outside of course is young and vastly improving. LB- TKO and London are great, but Jeff Posey I think he is a weak link on the defense. Very quite. I mean Pat Williams had more sacks and almost as many tackles. DB- We can always use more. Vincent and Milloy will be just fine. I like Clements a lot. But the others are suspect at times, but they are young will get better I hope. Overall not many gapping holes. Here are my solution- Everyones will be differnet but here are mine. 1- We Resign Pat Williams, I think we get him for less than we think. Sounds like he wants to be back. 2- Can Tim Euhus step in and be a dominate TE? If not we need to get one. 3- Evaluate the OL very carefully and look at a Pace, Jones. Riley if we can't keep Jonas. 4- Can we also get someone that can pick up the bllitz. 5- Get another CB in there, maybe a good #2 or 3.
  9. Well TH has a fractured fibula. THat pretty much ends his season. Now do we still consider trading him which his market status will undoubtly take a hit. Any 1st round dreamers have been reduced to possibly a 2nd , but more likely a 3rd. He is under contract yet for next year yet. We could hang on and sort of showcase him in preseasona and so on. Wait maybe you have another Ricky Willaims case or team that ends up desperatly needing a runningback after training camp. I just have a hard time trading him now that he is done for the season. I was really hoping that we could get a 1st and at worst a 2nd. But now I am unsure that will happen.
  10. Ron Arttest has been suspended 30 games, Jackson and O'Neal 20, Ben Wallace 5. How the hell does Ben Wallace only get 5 games that is a bunch of bull. As far as the fans go they should be barred as well. Benmaller.com
  11. With Willis regaining form and looking pretty darn good for just getting back. Grant it wasnt against the greatest of teams. But all things aside. Do we trade Travis for a 1st round pick? Oakland, Miami to name a few. Then we get a 1st rounder back. Which raises the other question where do we go with that pick? If I was Donahoe I woulf seriously look at a Losman/Mcgahee future and see how that works this year. Our defense is solid. A few minor tweaks, but we do have a playoff caliber D. Our offense is just so bad it overshadows our great defensive play. Its sorta a vent to becuase we have such a talented team and just can't put it together, it was the same damn thing last season. Talent (name) wise we are among the best.
  12. How are we going to mess up next week. God this looks exactly like last season. Where is our offense are they anywhere. Something has to be done. Bledsoe, grab the damn clipboard. Losman I think can do as good with one leg. Our oline, yeah there big, but they cna not do a damn thing. Get nasty and mean. How about we try and pass more than 2-5 yards. Oh we can't cause the entire patriots defense is on our QB back. Look at it this way guys, we are sucking it up this year, we have our starting safety out. And arguably what who I am going to call our QB in Losman. Put them out there who knows. But what scares me is that we have no 1st round pick nexy year?? Boy I dont know Donahoe is really starting to make me wonder!
  13. Look I am so furious right now I don't think I am going to be able to sleep. This offense has to be the worst in football. Do you know what? We were the worst last year. This team looks terrible. The offense looks like a damn chinese fire drill. Our defense is awesome. I mean man kudos to Jerry Gray and everyone on that side of the ball. I think Buffalo has given up the least points, but that don;t matter we are 0-2 and should be 2-0. Man we have to het a QB. You don't know how glad I am that we have JP! Drew just isnt there anymore, he looks worse than any QB in football I hate to say. He looks like a number 3 QB that comes in when your down just to finish the game. Man we have one hell of a talented offense but we have NO QB to run the damn thing. I never thought I would say this but if Drew sucks it up against new England in the 1st half I think we have to consider bringing in Shane Mathews for the 2nd half. WE can't afford to go 0-3. Have to do anything to beat the Pats. God I hope their is hope over the hoizon
  14. I am with you. Man I wsh JP ws healthy. There is no fire on this offense. Mularkey was suppose to ressurect it. Well its worse than last year.
  15. FREZ- I had the same problem when i was in 4th grade. I had my parents go and talk with the teacher with me. Then with the intention that if things were not better we were going to go to the principal and then to the priest/school board. It stopped and she changed her attitude and the way she taught.
  16. MM has the same damn philosophy GW did. Williams ran so does Mularkey. I still see a offense that does not open it up. Teams are just gonna stack the line on us. Bledsoe looked pretty good today, he had a lot of time at times. WE have to develop the instinct of putting teams away. Today was a prime example. Your up and you don't go for the end zome, you run on a 3rd and 12 which gets you nothing and you punt. The reason we are losing these close games is, when we are up we think thats good enough. Damn it when we are up put these teams AWAY! Air it out and take some shots. A 10-6 isn't stevestojan in the NFL!!! Lets go into Oakland and whoop some ass next week and have a 1-1 and a good feeling going into the bye week. Not a we just got kicked in the balls and are 0-2. THis team actually looks good we should be 1-0 and talking playoffs, not next year.
  17. I agree 100% wqe have to have that killer instinct. HAve to go up top at least a few times. Send Evans or Moulds deep. That is something we didn't do last year, but we did two years ago. Look how great that worked.
  18. Did everyone see Jim Kelly in the crowd at the Republican National Convention. After Bush was done while they were going through the crowd he was there with a suit and tie on. He knows what side of the fence to be on! BUSH CHENEY 04
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