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Everything posted by Justice

  1. No man. It’s not directed towards you. It was a quote from the tweet. I should’ve specified.
  2. https://x.com/dizalifornia/status/1715940058036138454?s=46 “Are you really that stupid?” Well maybe he’s just trying to prevent this conflict from widening.
  3. Notice how you didn’t mention one major media outlet in the states. That’s what I meant and maybe I should’ve specified. Either way I stand by my comment about Mo. Pardon me we need to speak up for the people that are currently dying in masses. Foh. And no I ain’t reading no charter. F Hamas and everything they stand for. I don’t know why you want me to acknowledge that crap. How many times you need me to condemn Hamas? F their charter. My people are literally being pushed further and further off the map with every single settlement, home ”eviction” and wall being built. Once again.. foh with that crap. Frankiy you can shove letting me off the hook too. Think igaf about your hook? Lol
  4. What’s funny is they’re already completely surrounded by enemies and yet they not only exist but they’re thriving. I don’t think the Palestinians would make it any different. And I agree to an extent. The Palestinians wouldn’t make nor accept that offer. I would though. Gladly. Yes indeed. Innocent Palestinians and Israelis don’t deserve to die an early death. It’s tragic and devastating. The right of return and the assassination of Rabin were the major hiccups in the way to a peaceful negotiation. Arafat was short sighted and idiotic for not taking that deal. I guess he didn’t want to be seen as a sellout. All those ppl trying to get the right of return back will all be dead soon. What a stupid thing to fight over.
  5. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out Arabs have been there all along as well. I mean it’s the Middle East right? The entire region is Arab. It defies all logic to suggest otherwise. At the end of the day enough generations of Arabs has passed for that to be their home. The very fact they’re called Palestinians to begin with gives it legitimacy. Palestinians need a Palestine. The Jewish people need an Israel. It’s pretty simple. They can go on hating each other and fighting but that won’t be much of a life for any of them. The PA territory minus settlements would be good enough for most of us. Allow them to control their own borders, trade and everything else that goes along with having a state minus a military. That should be part of the agreement. No military so Israel can never feel threatened.
  6. He’s standing for those he thinks needs standing up for more. Israel has been given a green light to kill their adversary and anyone in their way. Palestinians weren’t given the same. Israel can wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth if they wanted to. Therefore Mo speaks up for those that are voiceless. He just wants peace like most of us. I think anyone that thinks the Jewish people don’t belong in that region are being unreasonable.
  7. Hypothetical question. If the Native Americans took their back from us somehow you don’t think we Americans would revolt? And after 75 years of it you don’t think our tactics would become more and more barbaric?
  8. I’ve never denied that but 1,650 years is a long time. Are you serious with this post?
  9. Me being born in the states and going back to Israel and Palestine every few years gives me a unique perspective of the situation. When you’re there it’s not hard to see how much both sides love their country. And that love will never fade on either side. They need to learn how to live together in harmony or suffer the consequences. There are awful consequences in both winning and losing this conflict.
  10. If you don’t mind me asking but what compelled you to look into for yourself? I wish more people would.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyoD_-jswVP/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== This should be all over the msm. We need to promote unity.
  12. The media needs to start offering up both sides of the news asap. What happened on Oct 7th was despicable. It was tragic. It should never be forgotten but retribution has been paid by the Palestinian civilians and they don’t report enough. Every day I see detailed pieces on individual hostages and Israeli victims (and that’s ok) but nothing from the other side. This type of thing only drives hate and division within our society here in America. It’s a dangerous time right now for the Arab and Jewish communities. Ppl should know their blood-thirst has been quenched already and then some. Enough is enough. Violence can only begot more violence. I realize ppl want to crush Hamas into oblivion but I can assure you this isn’t the way. Chop the heads off of Hamas and surely a new and even more viscous group will take their place eventually. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The powers that be want a world war and I fear it’s coming. The news have been doing their best to rile up everyone. Maybe if more people seen the suffering on both sides that can lead to peace.
  13. If you think that’s something try watching ‘Born in Gaza’ on Netflix
  14. And now a church got hit. Lots of dead people allegedly. Here we go again. Prediction… both sides blames the other
  15. They won’t accept responsibility. And I fear they’re lying about the death toll in that explosion.
  16. Polish jokes died out? Lol Just kidding man. This is how I ended up here too. My dad had to flee Palestine in 67. I was born in Buffalo. Why tf did he pick Buffalo? lol. What not Boston or NY? I could’ve had rings by now.
  17. Oh. Lol Side note. My sweet little 12 year old daughter was called a terrorist in school yesterday. You guys would never know what it feels like to be Palestinian American. I’m a man with no home. If WW3 breaks out I totally expect to be placed in a concentration camp.
  18. I question EVERYTHING and EVERYONE at all times. Like I’ve said many times in the past. There ain’t no good guys and bad guys in power. They’re all bad. They’re all evil. I don’t trust any of them and neither should any of you.
  19. So it hit a parking lot and not a weapons cache? Hamas and the Palestinians might be lying because I can’t see how 500 ppl would die from this alone WTF
  20. All this and you guys still think Israel didn’t know what was coming on the 7th? And I know how this is gonna sound but that recording can be from anybody. This is not proof of anything. Is it possible it’s real? Yeah… maybe. It isn’t evidence though.
  21. I agree. It is a failure. Because everyone has their one agenda.
  22. When people say things like ‘unbreakable bond’ or ‘our ally no matter what’ or ‘if there isn’t a Israel we’d have to invent one’ it doesn’t bring much faith from the outside world you’re dealing with a honest broker. Oh s**t!! He just said it again. We’d have to invent it! I’m sorry. As a tax payer I resent that we send our money to ANYONE outside of this country.
  23. Netanyahu was right. I know I posted this earlier but it deserves to be repeated… “I know what America is,” America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in the way.”
  24. I’m not sure if they left yet either. I assumed they’re there.
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