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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Maybe they do. Hell I’d say there’s a strong chance.
  2. Every knows so much… so many details… except for the 7th. All dumb that day and leading up to it. Amazing. And it is an open air prison for law abiding citizens. For the good people that live there. Yes. It is.
  3. Because he doesn’t know and can’t say for sure. The Israelis started off with 40 dead and ended up over 1300. They didn’t have to sift through thousands of tons of rubble to find them and it took them over a week. On the flip side the Palestinians have been bombarded non-stop for over two weeks and we’re supposed to know how many are dead let alone say anybody is lying about it? Come on! That’s not acceptable behavior from the leader of the free world. That demented old f^*K.
  4. Settlements and beach front property available soon.
  5. So Biden is disputing the number of Palestinian deaths. Very dangerous rhetoric by the “leader of the free world”. How tf does he know? He went down there and counted the bodies for himself? This is how genocide and holocausts happen, folks.
  6. Do you find it odd the Israelis give warnings before they bomb their targets? I mean the point is to wipe out Hamas, correct? Don’t they (Hamas) get the warning and evacuate as well? And if they do what’s the point of bombing that target anyways? Anybody?
  7. I don’t care what faith you are involved in the head of any state should not be trying to fulfill any prophecy. Period.
  8. https://x.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1717234420359614787?s=46 What is the main prophecy of Isaiah? Isaiah is one of the most well-known prophets in the Bible for his prediction of the coming of the Messiah, who would redeem His people from their sins. A book of stark contrasts, Isaiah juxtaposes terrifying warnings of judgement and destruction with uplifting promises of hope and prosperity. Keep thinking this is about Oct 7th.
  9. What’s funny is Israel used a much lesser reason than this for their preemptive strike in 1967 and that was ok by the west’s standards. While some may say their reasoning for sending the Gerald R Ford over there to ‘deter an attack’ others might say it’s precisely why there will be an attack.
  10. I didn’t say that. I didn’t say anyone lol. Tf is wrong with you. I said they… them… the ones that tell us what they want to tell us… all of them… the media, the US government… them. Good grief.
  11. And left billions of dollars in weapons behind.
  12. They lie about everything but on this one thing they’re telling the truth. Promise.
  13. Yeah and Iraq had WMDs and Israel wasn’t warned about the oncoming attacks. Wink wink.
  14. The two towers I completely understand. Building 7? No f’n way. Not like that. War crime but that’s ok. They’re only Palestinians.
  15. [Talking to self] Shhhh. Can’t say they try to control the world.
  16. Awww the poor Israelis. The colonizers with European accents. The people who can’t even pronounce hummus but claim it’s there’s. They can never do wrong. All those illegal settlements that’s just their homes. God gave it to them! Don’t worry. They’re gonna get their billions and billions from the same people he’s saying are treating them unfairly. Can’t make this s^*t up. Cry cry cry.
  17. Hasn’t happened before or since. Idgaf who wrote what. You don’t say pull it when removing people. That building went down like a demolition. I’ve seen buildings burn for over 24 hours and not collapse like that. I know you have to believe everything you hear. You need it in your life. I get it. I really do.
  18. I was watching a TikTok live last night. The Palestinian supporters were all cordial, respectful and kept a nice tone of voice. The Israelis supporters on the other hand were name calling bullies. They would talk over others and have evil grins on their face when discussing the attack on Gaza. I heard things like “from small to big there are no innocents, wipe them off the planet, we’re taking Gaza back, there is no Palestine” and much more. The Palestinian supporters never came close to saying such despicable things. The point I’m trying to make here is these people on that TikTok are no different than Hamas supporters. People condemn Hamas for their charter but these people are saying the exact same things. Why the hypocrisy in dealing with both sides? Lol Hilarious how anyone can believe this. Even when the owner of the building said and I quote “we had to pull the building”. Pull it! A demolition term! You can’t make this s^*t up!
  19. Nah it’s better to believe iron dome and border security forces took the day off. I’m not left nor right. You probably think building 7 collapsed from office fires and debris too, huh? Lol. They love “teaching lessons”.
  20. Lol. Cowards for not revealing their identity? Lol. Oh that’s hilarious. Hamas is trash but come on now with that dumb s*^t. These people can kill him with a drone and he’s supposed to reveal himself? Ok…..
  21. We’ve seen this movie so many times before. Why are we sending US troops this time? What’s so different about this time? Israel can handle Hamas on their own. Seems like Iran has been their end game all along. Someone convince me otherwise.
  22. B man thinks this is a good thing? Some people just want to see the world burn.
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