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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Do I really need to? It’s kind of like saying one plus one equals two. Difference here is the US and Israel act all high and mighty.
  2. Lol yeah he’s just a paycheck for them. A limitless credit card that doesn’t have to be repaid. I’m all for a one state solution. Israel will never ever allow that. You should know that though. The status quo will never work and this is what Israel wants. They’re content with the situation. Don’t let them fool you. Once upon a time Jewish people were expelled and weren’t wanted anywhere too. That don’t make it right.
  3. She’s right and he’s also right for quieting her. Many feel what she feels but are too afraid to admit it.
  4. I hope you ain’t calling me no Hamas supporter. If you are then you have shown your true colors. It proves you’re the type of person that just hears whatever you want to hear. It means you can’t be talked to or reasoned with. It also means I’m gonna write your ass off just like I did Irv. Let me know if you’re insulting me so I know how to proceed with you.
  5. The key word is oppressors. Would you shower your oppressors with roses? Are you completely incapable of understanding what it is like to have your home taken away piece by piece? Trust me when I tell you if that ever happened here in the States we would not be nice to our oppressors. Matter of fact we’ve gone to other people’s countries (Iraq) to get rid of their oppressors.
  6. Maybe they’re holding Epstein’s evidence? Who knows. All I know is we bend over backwards for them at every turn.
  7. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7EarDJ/ These MFers look you square in the eye and lie to you. They’re hypocrites. They know they can do this because they know how stupid we are, how hateful we are, how distracted we are, how gullible we are. It’s sad.
  8. Lol I love that last line. Real cute. Here’s a line for you… “Fruit of the poisonous tree”. These people lied to us about mobile WMD labs. You simply can’t believe anything they told you about Iraq. Maybe you should put down the books. Just because it’s written don’t make it true. You guessed wrong. I’m 49.
  9. 2. Baab Al-Jihad “Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah. But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors” (Quran 2:193). Those Muslims who sacrificed their lives in the way of Islam through Jihad will enter Heaven from this gate. Well for one the context of this must be put in its proper place. There is no compulsion in Islam. You can not kill people for the sake of making the survivors convert to Islam. Therefore this aspect of Jihad, and there are a few, is in regards of self defense. If your attackers cease to attack you you aren’t permitted to continue the assault. You have to show mercy, ‘except against your oppressors’. This is obvious. If you’re being oppressed you have the right to fight for your rights and if you die doing so you are granted entry into heaven. The mistake Tommy Callahan made was calling all jihadis terrorists.
  10. It’s all there for you. Just read it a few thousand times out loud and you might understand what that passage meant. It’s hilarious to me that you selected that one too. That and lure the US into a war with Iran…. And billions of dollars too. Let’s not forget that. The best way to achieve a two state solution is to ask for one, Israel, and demand equal rights. Congrats. This is the dumbest s*+t I read all day. As a result of 9/11?? Iraq has NOTHING to do with 9/11. Saudi Arabia on the other hand…
  11. See if you need me to explain this to you then you’re completely out of touch with it and incapable of putting things in context. You even thought you got me on some gotcha moment type s%*t. Funny.
  12. I don’t trust Hamas. Nobody can trust Hamas but can anyone, even Hamas, say with certainly how many are dead or not dead much less POTUS? There are literally tons of rubble to sift through, no electricity, no fuel and y’all are questioning the body count? Come on now! I would assume the same crap happened during the holocaust. SMH.
  13. Oh you think igaf about how they’re killed? Dead is dead my man. Their families hurt like ours did on 9/11. Iraq is just one example of a million dead. All based on lies too.
  14. This is wrong in so many ways. Please refrain from teaching Islam. You’re horrible at it. I can assure you from my studies and understanding of Islam there won’t be a single terrorist in heaven. As for your first question I THINK evangelical zionists are desperate to start a jihad of their own.
  15. Be ignorant. There are interviews out there confirming all of this from the survivors. Absolutely they were.
  16. From your link: “Yet the mounting evidence of friendly fire orders handed down by Israeli army commanders strongly suggests that at least some of the most jarring images of charred Israeli corpses, Israeli homes reduced to rubble and burned out hulks of vehicles presented to Western media were, in fact, the handiwork of tank crews and helicopter pilots blanketing Israeli territory with shells, cannon fire and Hellfire missiles.” I see some are challenging the source but the information is out there if you want it. There are interviews of survivors saying the IDF opened fire on their own people. Most here aren’t ready for the truth. They like to live in ignorance. It’s comfy and safe there. The Israelis in the kibbutz had their guns taken away near the Gaza wall. I wonder why. Link below: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-20/ty-article/.premium/idf-took-away-weapons-from-gaza-border-towns-and-armed-w-bank-settlers-in-the-thousands/0000018b-4d6d-dbe0-a38b-cdfd0d4f0000 “The IDF Took Away Weapons From Gaza Border Communities in Recent Years, and Armed West Bank Settlers in the Thousands The Israeli army believed that the chance of terrorist incursion after the erection of the border fence was 'close to nil.' They removed forces from the area, leaving local security as the last line of defense. 'As much as we banged on the table, it didn’t help,' says one local security coordinator” So let’s see…. The Israelis took away their guns in the Kibbutz, ignored warnings from Egypt of an oncoming attack, didn’t see 2,000 to 3,000 terrorists heading for the border wall, allowed them to rape and pillage for up to 6 to 8 hours in some places unopposed and killed their own people. This all seems very off.
  17. And you’re not ready to hear the IDF killed many of their own on the 7th. You don’t want to hear that. Even if survivors from the Kibbutz tells you they did (it’s out there if you really cared) I hate violence. You can’t wipe them out if you tried. You can kill off all of Hamas and another group will take their place. The root cause is the occupation. Gotta solve that first before you ‘erase’ anyone.
  18. Explain to me how you’re different than them with that kind of rhetoric ‘the only democracy in the region’ it’s called compassion for human life. There never should have been hostages in the first place and I’m sure Bernie wants them released as much as anyone. He’s a wonderful man.
  19. Israel is provoking the West Bank. They want this conflict to widen.
  20. This is the new WMDs being made in the back of moving trucks in Iraq
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